I Own Nothing

AN: Wanted another Christmas story and thought this was good idea. I didn't think the girls moving to Canada was the answer.

CN: Brian gives Gus what he asked for Christmas once he gets his son to tell him what he wants.

Title: A Home Coming Christmas

It hadn't taken long to close the deal and with some advice from Jennifer, Brian even got the price knocked down some. It was a fixer upper and one of the rooms had leaked because of the tiniest hole in the roof. It would take a month or so to probably get the roof and room repaired, but Brian knew that they could stay at Britin until then. Justin had helped him since he'd decided in the end not to tell Lindsay and Melanie either. They would of course know who was from, but Gus would think Santa had done it. He hadn't wanted to risk Gus hearing if one of his moms had a shock attack.

He had made more than enough money in the last year to buy two houses or an actual farm with a hundred acres. He'd spent time with the kids while Justin, Lindsay, Melanie and Daphne had gone shopping for some last minute items. One of those things had been a new bike Gus and Jenny since they'd be moving back he figured they'd need one there at the new house too. He had also convinced Gus to give him an idea of what he'd want since he was going to talk to Santa for him.

Gus had made out a list finally, which had lots of books, art supplies, and some movies on it. There were even a few board games that he had wanted like Clue, Monopoly, and Scrabble. Gus had come in second place at the spelling bee contest at his school the previous year. Justin and he had gone up to see Gus which had been wonderful. Gus might not have won, but he'd been so proud of him. He'd taken Jenny and Gus both out to celebrate with pizza along with the movies.

They had wrapped the gifts up and once the kids had been in bed they'd slipped them under the tree. Daphne had kept watch to make sure no little munckin came out of their rooms. It hadn't seemed like they had slept any when they'd finally gone to bed theirselves. Then again it wasn't even daylight when Justin and Brian had found the bed full of kids. Lindsay, Melanie, and Daphne had been at the door laughing since Justin had almost fallen out of the bed rolling the wrong way. Brian had grabbed him just in time so he didn't hit the floor. He'd been really glad that they had put clothes back on after they'd had sex. It had been more likey sleepy sex though since they'd been so exhausted.

"Time to get up sleepy heads. You going to sleep Christmas away." Daphne said with a smile. She had on pajamas with naughty Mrs. Claus written on it. Lindsay and Melanie's were the same as Daphne's. They had gotten Brian and Justin a set that set naughty Santa Claus on them. The kids' had elves and said were were on the nice list.

"We got woken up half an hour ago, these four have been going crazy to get at what Santa brought." Lindsay supplied.

"You can sleep when they pass out after being up so early." Melanie added.

Brian and Justin looked at each other nodding before they went after the kids tickling them for waking them up. There were squeals and laughter filling the bedroom before they got the kids on their side to help get the mommies. Daphne, Melanie, and Lindsay took off out of the room being followed by the group wanting to get them for a tickle fest as well.


When the kids saw the living room they stopped in their tracks seeing all the gifts that were under and around the tree. The adults smiled seeing how excited they were. Daphne had gotten a picture of their faces lighting up with smiles. She couldn't wait to have another two kids there the next Christmas with them. She couldn't have guessed when Justin had told her years ago about his first time with Brian this would be where they ended up.

"This all for us, Daddies, Mommy?" Liam asked first surprised because he hadn't excepted all that was there. He'd gotten plenty the year before too, but after Gus hadn't gotten any response from Santa he wasn't sure if they would.

"Can we open now or we have to take turns?" Tara asked wanting to run for the gifts, but she was waiting the best she could.

"Please let my doll house be here." J.R. said clapping her little hands jumping up and down.

Gus wasn't sure about all the gifts since he didn't see any sign of what he wanted the most. "Daddy, can I open my stocking first? I don't want the gifts if my stocking has coal in it." He said.

"Go ahead, Sonny boy." Brian said a smile forming on his face knowing what Gus was looking for.


Justin handed Gus his stocking which was light as could be. Gus was worried for a moment, but he reached his little hand inside feeling around. He didn't feel anything that might be coal. Instead he pulled out a key chain that had a key attached to it. The key chain read Merry Christmas on one side. One the other side were the words Welcome Home, Love You. Gus dropped the stocking looking up at the adults. His moms didn't seem to know what he had though.

"This not a joke? Santa actually gave this to me like I wanted?" Gus asked trying not to cry. He didn't want to give his hopes up and be a key to something else.

"See Santa he got your message and we had a talk. We decided that Santa would give you the things you hadn't asked for. That way you would be surprised, however your dada and I got you this gift. I told you the other day you would never have to worry about where you were going to live. Welcome home Sonny Boy after we open the rest of the presents and there is daylight we'll go see it." Brian said knealing down in front of Gus.

"I love you daddy, you and dada are the best in the world." Gus said wrapping his arms around Brian hugging him as tight as he could. The relief of worrying about a home if his mommies couldn't find jobs. If they had a home here it meant that they would be next to his daddies. He knew they wouldn't let his mommies not have something to do.

"I love you too, Gus." Brian said back holding Gus back.

"What's going on?" Lindsay asked not sure exactly what Brian and Justin had gotten Gus for Christmas. Their son was holding onto Brian so tight crying, but it wasn't like days ago. He seemed to be happy even though he was crying.

"This is for you, Linds and that is for you Mel." Justin said handing them both an envelope. He waited for them to open them up before he said anything else. "Brian, Daphne, and I talked things over. You can stay here till the house is finished being repaired. Brian bought Gus the house he wanted for Christmas. I of course needed a new manager at the gallery. I'm swamped right now trying to work with the other artists and paint when I'm not with the kids. Brian's new lawyer won't stop hitting on me every time I go there to see him she tries to convince me I can do better than Brian." He smiled letting what he said sink in.

Lindsay and Melanie were speechless looking at the cards they had in their hands again. 'It's A Home Coming Christmas, Merry Christmas with love Brian, Justin, Daphne, and the munckins Tara and Liam.' On the outside of the card had a family picture of all of them that had been taken the night they'd decorated the Christmas Tree.

"Mommies, do you like my gift?" Gus asked going over to them showing them the key chain with the key on it.

"I can't believe you bought our son a house for Christmas." Lindsay said before she picked Gus up hugging him. "I love the gift they gave you, sweetie. You going to let your mommies and sister live with you?" She asked.

"Of course, mommy. Mama and you have to handle things til I'm eighteen. J.R. gets that huge play room she been wanting." Gus said with a smile glad that there was no objections.

"Brian Taylor-Kinney, Justin Taylor-Kinney," Melanie started giving them both a look. "Thank you, you too Daphne." She said with a smile forming on her face. She did something that she rarely did too, hugged all three of them; especially Brian.

"You're welcome," The three other adults said hugging all of them.

"Can we open the gifts now? Christmas be gone before you all stop raining." Tara said not sure why they were so happy about a key.

"Yes, you can dig into the gifts now." Justin smiled knowing that their daughter didn't understand.


The rest of the morning was spent opening gifts from Santa and each other. J.R. got the doll house she had wanted along with some new dolls to go with it. She hadn't cared about the clothes she'd gotten tossing them at Tara saying she could have them. Tara had been happy to get them since she loved clothes as much as her daddy did. She was already a label queen at her young age. Brian was happy about it even if Justin and Daphne had shook their heads.

Gus got the new bike he'd asked for and Jenny had gotten hers as well. Tara and Liam had gotten a motorized Jeep which they had already said they'd take Gus and Jenny for a spin. Liam got a new pair of boots that looked like the ones both his daddies had when they went out in the snow. Gus had gotten a pair as well in his size. Tara and Jenny had gotten a pair like Daphne's.

There were plenty of art supplies to go around for the ones that loved drawing and painting. The kids got coloring books, pencils and crayons with a sketch book as well. Lindsay and Justin had gotten new paints, brushes and sketch pads. Justin had gotten a new Easel since his other one had accidently gotten broken. Someone might have gotten their foot caught in it when they'd been having a little too much fun in the studio while the kids had been with Daphne. Brian was still not willing to admit anything to the such, but he'd gotten it for Justin.

Justin had given the adults all drawings of the kids along with a family portiat of all of them. He had also given the kids framed pictures of their favoirte animals. He had given Daphne a doctor's bag with all she was going to need when she offiically started medical school come January. He was proud of her for getting to where she had wanted to be. She'd given them the family that they hadn't thought of at first. Two more little ones were going to make them an even bigger family.

Lindsay and Melanie had accepted the jobs that they had offered along with the house. It was already a wonderful Christmas, the new year was going to be even better. Lindsay had taken pictures of all of them with the kids. She was glad that Justin hadn't listened to her years ago when she'd tried getting him to go to New York. He was where he belonged with Brian with his own family. He'd become a success from right here in West Virginia with his own gallery after only a year of being there.

After all of the gifts had been opened and they'd eaten they had bundled up walking next door letting Gus unlock the house. It couldn't be in Gus' name of course, but it would be his to all of them. Gus and J.R. had picked out their rooms which Liam and Tara would share when they stayed over or they could have their own; it was up to them. Lindsay and Justin were going to paint the kids' rooms the way they wanted them.

"I think this is the best Christmas in a while." Justin said leaning against Brian as they watched the kids playing.

"Next year we're going to have five kids in the house running and crawling around. I wouldn't trade this though for anything else in the world." Brian said kissing Justin's cheek holding onto his husband. "Our other son and niece are finally coming home so's the girls." He added.


I have enjoyed writing this story and hope that you did enjoy reading it as well. Happy holidays and have wonderful new year.