Shayson shitted his diaper, he had to find away to stop them from getting the gem back but he also wanted to grow up but he remained hidden behind the couch til they left the room to change Tessa, then he crawled to the toilet and throw the gem in it
"Did you hear that?" Gissel asks as she helps Tessa slide her new diaper on. "Ah maybe the little brat bitch fell in" Gissel realized what shayson was throwing down the toilet "NO!" they ran after him but Tessa's diaper slipped to her ankles and she tripped.
Shayson had flushed it before Gissel gets their but when she gets there she pulls Shayson by his diaper to the floor and sticks her hand to try to get them gem.
"NO damn it shayson, now we're all stuck as infants forever!" gissel kicked him in the tiny knees and Tessa picked him up by his hair "I'll break you into pieces shayson" she kicked him in his privets repeatedly "WAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the cries were not because he was a baby but be because he was frietned for his life "Tessa we'll handel him later let's try to get the gem back" Tessa tossed Shayson into the playpen, Gissel thought back to the tracker Yevette gave her she find it and contacted Yevette.

"Your mastjesty?" Yes Yevtte it is me" Gissel said in her now child voice "Ha, very funny little girl, next time try a prank that is believable" "Wait don't hang up it's me!" "How do you sound like a baby?" "That shitty brother of mine turned me into one!" "I'll be right there" Yevtte was litteraly right there after speaking "Well aren't you cute princess, coo coo ahcoo t" Yevtte continue baby talking to her while pinching her cheecks.
"Stop it now Yevette"
After a few days of Yevette changing Gissel and Tessa's diapers (But not shayson's his punishment for regressing them, he has tremendous diaper rash) Yevette found the Gem and turned them all back but Tessa keep shayson in his dirty diaper for a few more days to make him suffer

The end!