Preeti POV

The function was an absolute spectacle. Sapna, Vinod, Mamijaan and Uncle truly knew how to put on a great show. Each family member was introduced to Bhabhi in the form of a musical number from popular films. Vinod and Sapna had just finished introducing themselves to her when Uncle and Mamijaan began to introduce Prem. Mamta stood on stage, while Uncle advised that Prem was the dearest of her heart.

The curtains pulled back to reveal Vinod sitting in a car, holding a red book. Many dancers in jeans swaying to the beat. I timidly looked over at Prem, who was blushing and hiding behind Sangeeta's dress.

Suddenly, Sapna appeared from the left, wearing the exact outfit I was wearing! How did she do this? I didn't think much of it when she had picked out my clothes earlier today stating, "Don't you want to impress Prem?" She began singing about how Prem behaves like a hermit and never looks at me or speaks to me. I smiled inside at their antics but was also extremely embarrassed. Sapna grabbed the red book from Vinod and held it up, revealing four pictures of me taped to the inside. Blushing madly, I turned away and noticed that Prem was fighting off Anand and Dr. Sen who were poking him and laughing. He looked angry and embarrassed as well.

Quickly, Prem jumped behind the bench and made a mad dash for the exit. He was doing exactly what I had wanted to do, but my legs refused to cooperate. My father jumped up, and with a speed I've never seen from him before, he grabbed hold of Prem's wrist. He and Anand lifted Prem onto their shoulders and turned him around to face the stage again.

Sangeeta was suddenly in front of me, grasping my wrist and pulling hard.

"Come on!" She yelled.

"No. Please! No." I said, desperately trying to free my arm from her grasp. She pulled and pulled until I was on stage, facing everyone. My cheeks were burning and my heart was racing again. To my left, they had managed to successfully wrangle Prem on stage as well. He stood still with his hands in his pockets. Sapna danced around me, then she spun me hard until I crashed into Prem's side again.

His hand quickly reached out to steady me against him. Once again, my skin was burning and my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. I brought my hand to my mouth to keep from smiling like a fool when Sapna announced to the entire room the exact thing I had been thinking for weeks. Thank the Lord Prem is home! I glanced over at Prem, and he was smiling slightly. He seemed as nervous and embarrassed as I was.

Vinod shoved his way in between us and brought us toward the front of the stage.

"Whether he finishes his studies or not. Get them engaged Father." He sang.

My eyes widened. 'What?' I thought, shocked. Surely they weren't going to do this here and now! Prem and I had hardly spoken since he arrived back from America. A few moments during his parents anniversary, and once or twice in greeting as we passed on another in the hallway. 'No, no, no! This can't be happening!' I thought.

Once Vinod let go of my wrist, I tried to walk discreetly off stage, but was caught again. Vinod next implored his mother to get us engaged as well. Feeling utterly humiliated now, a small sob wracked my body. Prem instantly jumped to catch Vinod and sensing that this may be my only opportunity to escape, I took it. I ran all the way through the courtyard, through the main room and into the kitchen.

I needed a glass of water after all of this mess. Somehow, it was easier living with the fact that only the younger people knew about my crush on Prem. Knowing now the entire family knew how I felt, made me feel so uneasy.

As joyous as it would be to be Prem's wife, I wasn't fool enough to believe that I could ever deserve him. Or that he felt the same way. We have known one another since we were very small, and not once had he ever told me he had feelings for me. I often dreamed that he would show me some attention and hold me in his arms. I wished rather than hoped that he would feel the same way.

Taking a slow sip from the glass, I placed it on the table and my eyes welled up with tears. I choked out a single sob. What would happen now? I couldn't ignore the fact that Prem knew some of how I felt about him now. I felt slightly betrayed by Vinod and Sapna, and I felt they had taken the joke too far this time.

I heard the shuffling of feet behind me and I hurriedly wiped my eyes. Maybe if I played it off as no big deal, everyone would not take it seriously. I took a cleansing breath in to collect myself, when suddenly a warm hand was on my shoulder.

"Preeti, are you alright?"

I stiffened. It was Prem. The last person I wanted to see right now. I slowly turned around to face him. His hand left my shoulder and found my elbow instead.

"Preeti, were you crying?" he asked, concern lacing his eyes.

"I..." I began. I wanted to tell him I wasn't, and that I was just warm from the moment on stage and needed a drink. But how could I lie? So, I nodded my head 'yes' instead.

"Please don't cry." He said. "I followed you to make sure you were alright. I'm so sorry about Vinod. He was out of line this time."

I half-heartedly laughed. Out of line, indeed. Determined to pretend it had not bothered me, I pulled away slightly.

"Oh, I know. It's Vinod being Vinod." I said, sweetly. I began to walk past him, before I broke down again at his apology. He was so kind. Finding me just to make sure I was alright after being totally humiliated on stage in front of all of our families and friends. And now, he was apologizing for it all, like he had done the deed himself. I made to take a step forward when he stepped in front of me again.

"Preeti...I" He stuttered. I stilled, and began searching his face. He sighed and locked eyes with me. "I understand if you are embarrassed after what happened, especially with my book. I promise I only have a single picture of you. I will talk to Pritam-uncle and explain that it was all a joke. I know you are not really interested in being my wife."

If he wasn't incredibly wrong, I would think it was incredibly sweet. He swiftly turned around and left the kitchen, leaving me speechless. His book? He has a picture of me in his book?

Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding, I ran from the kitchen and upstairs into a small guest room. Sapna and I had used this room earlier to get ready for the wedding. Closing the door, I fell on the bed and held a hand to my heart.

After the function, Sangeeta found me lurking in the hallway outside of the lounge. I heard the voices of my friends inside and I wondered if Prem was in there with them. My father had wandered by with Ramkishen and Mamta earlier and gave me a cryptic thumbs up.

"Come on!" Sangeeta pleaded, pulling me into the room where the others were already lounging around. I quickly saw that Prem was not here, so I sat down, grateful for a break from the tension.

"Oh, welcome soon-to-be sister-in-law." Vinod said smiling brightly. "Where were you all this time?"

"She was hiding. Wondering if Prem was in here." Sangeeta sang out.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. He's hiding away, scared of you!" Vinod retorted.

Everyone laughed merrily. Sapna got up onto her knees, bangles jingling as she put her hands onto her hips.

"Don't you feel bad making fun of your brother Prem?" She demanded.

I squinted my eyes in mock anger, having decidedto forgive Sapna and Vinod for their jokes. Especially since one of them, turned out not to be a joke at all.

Swatting Sapna's arm, I sternly replied, "You're no less!"

Everyone giggled. Anand put his arm around Vinod and Sapna. Squeezing them both tight against his sides, he laughed as he said, "Nevertheless, you two really trapped Prem with your picture joke!"

From the doorway, Anwar called out, "And trapped him so beautifully Anand!" Walking over to join in our circle, he continued, "I just overheard the elders! Tomorrow, they will pray and then get Prem engaged to Preeti!"

Everyone in our group cheered loudly. Vinod whooped and pumped his fist in the air. Sapna winked at me and while saying, "See? I told you!"

I didn't know how to react. I smiled, but was also extremely shocked. Did they really succeed in trapping Prem into an engagement with me?