Chapter 18 A New Song

Ludwig flew back to the castle gleefully. He made sure to soak in every sight, every sound, and every sensation. He had a hunch that he could use that stuff as inspiration for a symphony later.

Ludwig sped up when he saw the sight of the Castle. He entered through the window of the east wing's second floor hallway. When his feet touched the ground, he sighed contently.

"I am never taking my body for granted again," he said to himself.

Ludwig looked around the hallway. Everything was how it was supposed to be, from the light coming in from the windows to the soft red carpet beneath his bare feet. He smiled when he saw Tortuga and Shelldon walking his way.

"Hey guys!" he said happily.

"Oh! Hello Master Ludwig," said Shelldon.

"How are you this morning?" asked Tortuga. Ludwig laughed.

"I am doing swimmingly!"

Tortuga gave Ludwig a funny look.

"Swimmingly?" she asked.

"Isn't that a word that Lemmy uses?" Shelldon asked with a chuckle.

"It is indeed!" Ludwig said. Shelldon smiled.

"It looks like Lemmy is starting to rub off on you. I believe you two sharing a room was a good choice on Bowser's part."

Ludwig snickered.

"Oh Lemonade and I have shared more than just a room!" Suddenly, the eldest Koopaling let out a yawn. Tortuga grinned.

"We'll let you get some rest, Master Ludwig," she said compassionately. "It seems that you need it."

Shelldon and Tortuga resumed with their walk down the hallway. Ludwig decided that rest was a good idea. Now that all of the excitement was over, he realized just how tired he was. So, he went into his room. He stepped in front of the mirror and grinned at his reflection.

"Oh man, I missed this," Ludwig said. His appearance was far from the standards that he usually adhered to. There were baggy, dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was slightly messed up. Nevertheless, Ludwig was happy to be himself again.

"Beautiful hair? Check." Ludwig put his hand on the jasper of his cloak and held onto it tightly. "Blue cloak? Check."

Ludwig turned toward Lemmy's bed. He used his telekinesis to lift one of the sock monkeys into the air.

"Powers in tact? Check." Ludwig set the toy back down. "Yep. I am definitely me again."

With a grin saturated with joy, Ludwig got into his bed and started on his long overdue nap.

Ludwig woke up with ease. He checked his clock and saw that he had been sleeping for about three hours. He heard the door open and grinned ecstatically when he saw Lemmy.


"Hi!" Lemmy said. "We just got back. How are you doing, Ludwig?"

"Great!" Ludwig said. "How about you?"

"Me too!" said Lemmy. "I'm glad we're back to normal."

"Oh me too. I mean Lemmy, I love you, but I do not love being you."

Lemmy and Ludwig laughed together. Then Lemmy let out a sigh.

"I am going to miss flying though."

Ludwig looked at him sympathetically.

"Don't worry. If you want I can take you flying sometime later."

Lemmy beamed.

"Thanks Luddy!" He crawled into his bed and got under the covers. Ludwig was just about to let him sleep when an idea crossed his mind.

"Hey Lems?"

Lemmy sat up eagerly so he could listen.

"I've been thinking. I've never gotten the opportunity to write a song with you, or anybody else for that matter. To be honest, I think the reason was because I thought I didn't need any help."

Ludwig smiled slightly. " were an amazing help to me last night. I don't think that I could have handled the swap without you."

Lemmy eyed him curiously.

"What are you saying?" he asked. Ludwig's smile grew brighter.

"Lemmy, would you want to wite a song with me?"

Lemmy's face morphed into a jubilant expression.

"I would love too!" He then yawned. "Later."

Ludwig giggled.

"Of course." He pulled up the cover of his own bed. "Sweet dreams, Lemmy."

Ludwig closed his eyes. He was just about to drift off when he heard Lemmy speak up.


"Yes Lems?"

"We just did the impossible."

"How so?"

Lemmy beamed brightly.

"We came back from the dead."

AN: Well, I gotta say, I think I have finally written this story in a way that I am happy with. Which version of Soul Swap do you guys like best?

Oh, and the continuity from this story is going to carry into the other ones. If anything, you can think of the original as a first draft.

Now, this is the first story I've written that has had a review on every chapter so far. I just want to say thank you to all who have reviewed; it really means a lot and I appreciate the support. Now, let's move onto the shoutouts. Thank you to TheGhostlyRobot for favoriting and Hip Neptune, LethalLemon, and LePurpleJoy for favoriting and following. I'll see you next time :)