Marlin was in a deep sleep in his anemone, when suddenly he was jolted awake by hearing something disturbingly reminiscent "HELP ME DADDY!"

Marlin looks up and sees a diver stealing his precious son once again. He swims franticly, but is too late and the boat takes off.

Nemo and his human capture are now on the boat. "Not again! Why me!" Nemo sobbed and cried.

"Shut up you ungrateful sh*t" the human said

Nemo was confused "You can understand me"

"Of course I can, now shut up. I am your owner you are my property from now on."

Nemo in a small container filled with ocean water, looked up at his new owners human face, "please, let me go I want to go back to my dad, and my friend Dory"

Nemo had soon realized his mistake by the look on the face of his human capture. "Nemo, you have two options, I allow you to live as my pet, or I f*cking kill you right now and eat you"

Nemo screamed in horror!


"Dory they took him again I can't believe this is happening"

"Its kind of late, I want to go back to sleep"

"F*ck you you b*tch" Marlin slapped his friend in the face with his fin"

"I'm so sorry I forgot what you had said"

"I don't have time for this, I'm going to find my son!"

Dory follows Marlin all night on the hopeless search, however Marlin so frantic does not realize she is following. After a certain amount of time Dory forgets what she is doing and begins to wander of "Nemo? Marlin?". She is so scared swimming around aimlessly, when suddenly she bumps into a piranha.

She franticly swims away, "come back here I'm hungry!" screams the piranha. The piranha catches up and chews off a piece of Dory's flesh Dory screams in agony. Dory keeps swimming and somehow outswims the piranha. But she is now severely injured with no clue where she is and is beginning to forget who her friends Nemo and Marlin are.

A sense of defeatism comes over Marlin "there is no use in killing myself out here alone". Marlin decides to return to his reef to try and garner support among the fellow fish for a search with his of his son.