Chapter 28

The car door opens to let out the driver. "Kagome? What are you doing here?" It was Inuyasha who showed a concerned face. "How did you know where I was?" Kagome asks him instead of answering. Inuyasha walks up to the swings where Kagome is sitting in one of them. "I picked your scent in my way into town." He answers her.

"You followed me, didn't you?" Kagome is annoyed to realized that. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." Inuyasha counters her casually. "Inuyasha you were close to my house. When I left, I noticed a fancy car parked in the streets. And I knew throughout my life, not a single household would own something like yours. So I had a hunch that it was yours when I spotted it." Kagome analyses the observations. Inuyasha just ignored her though. "So why did you follow me?" She asks him.

Inuyasha sits in the swing next to hers. "I was concerned about the outcome for what might happened." He replies to her. "Inuyasha with all due in respect, you shouldn't get involved with someone's problems. And why did you do that?" Kagome asks without looking at him. Okay so he was nosy, but not literally. "I don't know to be honest. I was somehow drawn into it." He mimics Kagome's posture. "I just don't want to rude but you should know that I care about you. I was never liked that when I was married to Kikyo. She always wanted to make sure her family knew nothing of me throughout our time together. But when she was on her deathbed, she had to tell them about me. She kept that secret for as long as she could."

Kagome never expected that. His own deceased wife never told her family about him one bit. "The thing is that Kikyo was raised very religiously and they think that I'm the being from hell. And Kikyo was the angel. I didn't deserve her though. But she had her moment when she has had enough of being raised that way. She knew about what would happen when we got married. That's why she had to lie to her own flesh and blood about taking week off and elope with me." Inuyasha continues on with his story. Kagome can now see why Inuyasha feels this way after the death of his wife. "When her family came in to say their farewells. All of them gave me a look of disgust. They never liked me. But what Kikyo told them shocked them greatly." He chuckles. "What did she tell them?" Kagome asks him curiously. "She said them to back off. She didn't care about my heritage. All that mattered to her was that we loved each so much that they had to respect that rather they liked it or not. And she was serious about that. Ever since, I was looked upon as an equal. But I think of it was pity. So in an act of kindness, I thought that I was best that I gave them all of Kikyo's possessions. I didn't want much out of it. I have a few things that we bought together and I'm fine with that."

"Inuyasha, I never thought that Kikyo would be like that. But she had her reasons why she didn't want her family to know you." She spoke gently. "Even though she was raised that way, there are times that she has to break those laws to make sure that she finds happiness and that's all that matters to her."

Inuyasha can tell Kagome has a point. There are times that you'll have to do whatever it took to make sure you get it no matter what. "I may not be as religious as Kikyo, but I have prayed through and though many times while she was dying. I prayed to Kami not to let her die. She had so much to live for, and then she got sick. All I can say to him was that it's not fair. No one deserves to be that way. She had dreams, she had ideas to make sure we were ok." He keeps on going, telling Kagome what he's been through the last few days.

"I look like Kikyo, don't I?" Kagome murmurs. Inuyasha can tell by the tone that Kagome is scared of what his reply would be. From the looks of it, it's not a good one. Even being honest isn't good enough. "You do in some ways." That's all Inuyasha told her as the bangs cover his eyes. "Like what?" Kagome asks as she want to know more about his deceased wife. Even though his bangs are still covering his eyes Inuyasha spoke. "It was when I saw you at the college parking lot. From that moment, when I saw you, I thought I was hallucinating. I really thought that is was my wife who was there but it was just you. From the length of your hair to the skin color, and the eyes are not different. However there was one thing that your eyes were holding that Kikyo didn't."

Kagome turns to see him fidgeting his hands. "What was it?" She managed to speak a bit more curious than she thought. "Your eyes were holding emotions. You have that expression that Kikyo couldn't really do. You see when Kikyo was a child, she was to make sure she kept her emotions at a minimum. She was homeschooled so she had no social time with other children. She had her moments but she managed to control them. Her younger Kaede was scared that Kikyo would end up sad and lonely for the rest of her life. When I met her, she was a completely different person. From the stoic posture to a carefree smile she finally felt that she was free from her family's clutches."

Kagome was far astounded about that. During someone's childhood, they have to experiences the joy of anything they like to do. But for Kikyo's case, she didn't get that. The religious part shouldn't be the source of that. The only other method was one thing. "Was she abused." She asks him boldly. Inuyasha just nods with a grip to the swing's chain
still shaking for what he just told her.

Dear readers, Sry it took me a long time, a lot has been going with this ordeal we're all going through. I'm fine as we speak. I've been on a writers for awhile and I had to find something else to get that out of the way for me to continue on. I promise that I'll update soon.