Never Again

Summary: After dealing with a nasty divorcee, Kagome and widower Inuyasha. Both of them both say the same thing, "Never again will I fall in love." But boy are they both wrong.

Chapter 1

The rain pours down hard onto a grave. A few people with umbrellas to keep themselves dried from the rain surround the particular item. All dressed in black means on thing; someone has passed away. It's typical to be in such a thing. As each one person in the group throw a flower into the burial site, one isn't ready to do his part. Just standing there, he is petrified emotionally. Not to move a single limp of his body. His one friend just looks at him worriedly. Not knowing what to say because it might hurt him even more. Dressed in a black suit, with long silver hair, golden eyes, clawed hands, and akita ears on his head.

"Mr. Takahashi." The head person calls out to him. The one who's last name is call moves forward automatically, not really sure on what to do at this point. "Is there anything you want to say before she's buried." The head person asks him quietly for a personal thing. As such the man looks to the casket that has his deceased wife in. Knowing there's one thing to say. "Yes." He replies to him. He goes to the casket and places his one hand onto the woman's pale cold face, "Never again will I fall in love. Every time I do that, I lose them right then and there. I promise." As soon as he steps back from the casket, the lid closes, and the device lowers down slowly. "May her soul rest in peace."

A few minutes later, the group dispersed as the man and his friend remain. "I'm ready to go, Inuyasha." The man said to him, trying to get his attention. "You go on ahead, Miroku. I'm going to stay here for a few more minutes." Inuyasha replies back, still not ready to leave his spot. Miroku silently sighs as he can see the grave has Kikyo's name on it with the day she was born to the day of her death. Turns out that she was only 22 years old when she died. For the cause of her death was breast cancer. Miroku knows that much. He doesn't like the way how life can be cruel and take the ones who are dear to Inuyasha away. "I'm done." Inuyasha tells Miroku as he turns around. "Done with what?" He asks curiously. "I'm done falling in love. I lost my mother in a car accident. My dad was killed after I was born. And my brother could care less about me. Never again." Inuyasha confirms it as he walks to the car in the parking lot of the cemetery. Miroku quietly follows him.

Somewhere in town, a courtroom is filled with two individuals. "You both have been officially divorced." The judge pounds the mallet onto the desk. The girl one on side is secretly glad. "Good riddance." She crossed her arms. The man on the other hand isn't too thrilled. "Likewise." He comments back. "Come on, Kagome. Let's get our of here." He friend Sango guides her out of the courtroom. "This is the end, Kagome." The man calls out to her. "She doesn't need to hear more of your bull, Koga. She's through with you as we speak. You have no right to be near her. Remember, you're on a restraining order from now on." Sango warns him as the girls left the building.

Sango drives Kagome to their local coffee shop. "Am I doing the right thing, Sango." Kagome asks as she takes a sip of her cappuccino. "Kagome, would I ever lie to you?" Sango teases her before drinking her mocha latte. Kagome just glares before sipping again. "You had to the judge to prove my point. I shouldn't have married that jerk in the first place." Kagome explains to her. "You were forced to marry him because of your parents' recommendations." Sango reminds her for how it all started. Kagome looks down to her reflection in the drink. "My parents think they know what's best for me. But from what happened up until now, they are dead wrong." Kagome speaks so agitated from the tone of her voice. "So what are they going to say when they find out about your divorce?" Sango asks her curiously. "I could care less for what they think about it." Kagome replies before continuing drinking.

Just hearing that made Sango think twice on how to continue on with the topic. "Maybe they'll understand. Besides they don't even know about Koga's backstory." She tries to cheer her up. Kagome shakes her head. "No, my parents believe in whatever Koga said to them. And since he and I divorced, they'd probably through a fit about it. And boy my father isn't the understanding type. He'd say 'It's for your own good.'. Like I care." Sango is now stumped. "Looks like you're going have to confess to them. Even my sharp tongue isn't going to work on them." She comments. "Apparently your tongue can convince most people, but not my parents, even if whatever you tell them is true."

Sango nods, "No doubt about it." Kagome pulls out her phone to delete he ex husband's number. "Never again." She speaks. "Never what?" Sango asks her. "Never again will I fall in love. If I did I'd be the victim. And for what Koga did to me was unforgettable. I'm not going on that road again." Kagome seriously said as she stands up. Knowing what Kagome's doing, Sango decides to call it a day, as well as hoping for Kagome's parents to take Kagome's news respectfully. And hopefully encouragingly.

Kagome drives back to her apartment. As soon as she enters the building, there were two people in her kitchen. "Mom, dad." She greets them nonchalantly though. She has no idea what they might react for what she has to tell them for what she did. The parents turn to her with a look that Kagome cannot seem to describe. Her one thought is that of. 'Here we go.'.