"Hello Gabriel." A teenage blonde girl said in a sweet yet sassy tone.

"Let me guess you are the ghost of Christmas future." Gabriel stated not so scared or surprised anymore.

"The one and only." She said flipping her hair back. "I'm Chloe and I'll show you your future Christmas."

"Does Hugo have a future?" Gabriel asked worried about the little boy.

"Let's find out." Chloe answered before suddenly their surroundings changed, and Gabriel saw that they were in the graveyard. His worst fear came true when he saw Adrien put flowers on a grave that read Hugo Agreste.

"It can't be..." Gabriel muttered softly.

"The little guy fought with all his might but without the medicine he needed, he couldn't survive." Chloe said softly. "But that's not the only bad news."

"What could be worse than this?" Gabriel asked sarcastically.

"Well I wouldn't say that its worst, but it's still bad." Chloe replied. "Afther the death of Hugo Adrien stopped inviting you to the Christmas dinner. He knew that it wasn't your fault you didn't even know about Hugo's illness but after failing for many years and losing his youngest son, he lost hope and in the end, you disappeared from being part of the family completely."

"This can't be my future...this can't be Hugo's future." Gabriel said irritated.

"But it is with the path that you're taking its only up to you to change your future, and it might change Hugo's future too." Chloe said with a small smile.

"How? How can I change my future?" Gabriel asked sadly.

"That's up to you to find out." Chloe said before disappearing.

Gabriel woke up quickly breathing heavily. He looked at the time and saw that it was Christmas morning. "I still have time." Gabriel quickly got dressed, he knew what he had to do to change his future and hopefully Hugo's future too.

He went to the house where Adrien and his family lived and gently knocks on the door. The door opens, and little Emma was standing there looking up at him. "Hay there little one is your daddy home?" Gabriel asked gently.

"Daddy!" Emma called not leaving from her spot.

"Who is it sweetheart?" Adrien asked as he walked up to the door and was surprised to see his dad standing there. "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"I owe you an apology." Gabriel replied.

"An apology for what?" Adrien asked confused.

"Well first for not approving Marinette as your partner just because she wasn't from a wealthy family. Now I know that I was wrong, and you made a wonderful decision in marrying her. I'm also sorry for disbanding you from the Agreste fortune I didn't have the right to since it was your money too, and finally I'm sorry for not being part of your family for the last 10 years like I should have."

Adrien was surprised to hear those words come out from his father. He always dreamt that this moment would come but never actually thought this day would come. He smiled. "Don't worry about it father everything is forgiven."

Gabriel smiled. "To make it up to you, I'm giving you the family fortune back."

Adrien was more surprised. "Father you don't have to."

"You're right I don't have to, but I want to and I have a feeling that it will help you a lot."

Adrien smiled brightly. "Thank you father."

Gabriel nodded. "You're welcome and I hope that your invitation to Christmas, dinner is still open."

"Of course, it is come in." Adrien led Gabriel into the house.

Marinette walked into the room holding Hugo. "Wolcome to our house Mr. Agreste."

Gabriel smiled. "Thank you Marinette and I hope you can forgive me for how badly I have treated you in the past."

Marinette returned the smiled. "Of course Mr. Agreste you are family."

That day Gabriel had the best Christmas since Emile died and for the first time in 15 years, he was actually happy and enjoyed spending time with his family. Ever since that day Gabriel became his old self again and never missed having Christmas with his family.

The End.