"Girlfriend? I thought that Megumi was single that's what her perents told my perents anyway." The boy replied with confusion.

"Well her perents were wrong." I replied as I sat next to Megumi and cross my arms staring at the male in front of me.

I could feel Megumi write rapidly. 'Yahiro what are you doing I thought our relationship was a secret?'

"Yea to the public eye but not to boys that try to hit on you." I replied not leaving my sight from the male.

"This is a marriage meeting and how did you know what she said without looking at her pad?" The boy asked.

I smirk. "It's a talent of mine and I know what this is that's why I'm here to let you know that she's not interested so back off." I said hissing the last part.

"I think that it should be her who says if she is interested or not." He replied.

"You're right." I turn to look at Megumi. "Tell him you are not interested."

'Yahiro can we talk outside please.' Megumi hold a smile but I can tell that I was in trouble. Megumi might seem like a gentle and sweet girl but when she's upset or mad she can become dangerous.

"Sure." I said calmly before I stand up. I wait until she stands up too and walk with her outside.

Once outside Megumi glares at me. 'What was that all about?!'

"I don't know what you are talking about." I replied acting clueless to the situation

'Yes you do. Why did you just show up and join us? You know that it was a marriage candidate meeting nothing else.' Just a marriage meeting? Who is she trying to fool.

"Just a marriage meeting? Than explain to me why he was flirting with you and holding your hand? Oh and why were you letting him do that?" It was clear in my voice that I was irritated with the situation.

'Yamato had his hand over mine professionally and he was not flirting. How would you know anyway were you spying on us?' She looked at me mad and hurt. 'Don't you trust me?'

"I was not spying on you I just happened to walk by and saw you and how am I supposed to trust you when you blush at his flirting call him by his first name after just meeting him and wearing a dress like the one you are wearing." I cross my arms as I spoke.

'Again he was not flirting and you know I get flustered easily. I called him by his first name because this isn't the first time I met him I actually know him longer than I know you I was surprised to see it was him I was going to have this meeting with and I'm wearing this dress because my mom made me. You know Yahiro its funny that you act like this with a guy I was force to meet while I hold my tongue when your admires surround you almost 24/7. Do me a favor don't follow me back inside.' With that she basically storms back inside.

I look at the direction she went dumbfounded. She has never talked to me like that before. I sigh having no choice but to go home.


Three days it has been three days since that incident with that date, and I haven't heard from Megumi since then. I tried calling her at her house but there would be no answer and if there was an answer, it would be from Jun, and he would always say with an apologetic tone that she isn't there at the moment.

There's two possibilities she wasn't out and was just ignoring me, or she was out with that guy. I really hoped it was the first possibility and not the second one or worse both. Either way I'm not going to give up on talking to her. I hate to admit it, but she was right. I might have overreacted after all it was only a marriage meeting that her parents set up not her. She only went because she had no other choice...hopefully that was the case. Plus like Megumi said, she is the shy type anything can make her blush. I should know considering our first date. I won't forgive him for holding her hand though I don't care if it was 'professionally' or not, and if he tries anything else he will certainly die!...okay I'm losing focus.

Right now, I need to focus on getting Megumi to forgive me and save our relationship which I might have ruined by myself and make sure that guy...Yamato?... whatever his name is doesn't steal her from me! Yamamoto Megumi you won't get rid of me that easily.

After school, I stormed to the greenhouse with determination in my eyes after slamming the doors open I walked straight to the table where everyone was having tea. "Megumi we need to talk." I said with a serious yet soft tone.