Singam Fan Fiction

Fan Fiction Synopsis: Follow the adventures of Indian police officer Durai Singam as he aims to eliminate corruption from society.

{Story Ark Description) A Corrupt Capital:


Honest Sub Inspector of Nallur town, Durai Singam, starts an unfortunate rivalry after humilating Chennai's most feared don and extortionist: Mayil Vaaganam. Mayil is bent on ruining Singam's life after his recent transfer to Thiruvamiyur. Singam will soon discover that Mayil is more ruthless than he thought. Will he find the courage to strike back and teach him a lesson?

Story Synopsis) The New Girl In Town: The owner of India Cycles, Mahalingham, visits Thoothikudi district with his family; including his wife Barathi, and his daughters Kavya and Divya. Constable Ezhrumalai meets with Singam's family and is tasked with sending Mudhiandy back to prison. It will soon be time for the police partners to make new friends. Introductions to many characters, including Kavya, Divya, Mahalingam, Barathi, Palani, Tharika, Soundrapandi, Dhanalakshi, Kalyani, and Singam's grandmother. Proper introductions to Officer Dhanapal and escaped convict Mudhiandy. }

[Thoothikudi Airport]

A small plane lands on the runways of Thoothikudi airport, and slowely makes it's way to a mobile stair set outside of the terminal entrance. As the doors open, two girls walk out laughing and joking with earphones attached to Ipods. One standing tall with a round face and eyelash makeup and a ponytail, wearing denim jacked and jeans. The other of shorter height, with loosened hair with a teal, designed shirt and short jeans. Both wear closed fashion shoes.

They disembark the plane, putting their devices away, and stand in front of two uniformed guards on either side, armed with firearms and standing firm.

The two sisters, Kavya and Divya turn slightly and stare at their the airport guards before looking at each other. Kavya raises an eyebrow, and Divya nods subtly.

"What are they doing?" one of the guards ask to the other. "They look suspicious."

The sisters start to giggle and bolt towards the terminal door.

"Hey, hey!" yells the other guard. "Stop them!"

The sisters continue to sprint towards the entrance with the two guards pursuing them. "Yo, I think they're smuggling something! Don't let them escape. Hey, come back!" yells the first guard, who's words go ignored.

Kavya slows down as she approaches a sign and touches it, with Divya giving a defeated expression. "Yay! I'm first, I'm first! I am first! she starts bragging.

The two guards stop running, confused and talking to each other. "Yo, what's this? They're playing a game or something?" They converse.

"Oooh, why do you always come first Kavya?" asks Divya.

"You're so sad for coming in second? Just imagine how they feel about coming in third and fourth?" Kavya replies, pointing to the guards. The guards look at each other with plainly. The guards grunt and head back to their post.

The girls head into the airport gate with visitors behind the fences. "Kavya maam, Kavya maam!" yells a short man with a summer shirt and scruffy hair. "Kavya, how our you?"

"Heey! Look it's Thirupathy!" says Kavya. The man shakes his head. "No, no".

"Thiruthani, Thiruchindur?"

"No, my name is Palani" their house worker responds excitedly.

"Aah Palani, we're doing great!" The girls join him behind the fence. "Hi Palani" says an older man, bearing some facial marks and slightly squinted eyes, and wearing a formal suit.

"Hi Mahalingham." Says a man. "Your bicycles are all over Thoothikudi but you're knowhere to be found".

"I'm a busy man" he replies. "I have a few meetings near the harbour but free time otherwise. Kavya, make sure to get the luggage!"

[Singam's house]

Ezhrumalai pulls up to the house in his motorcycle. He parks the bike and removes his shades, putting them on his collar. "Hi Dhanalakshi" he greets Singam's older sister, wearing sari robes and also having a ponytail. Ezhrumalai sees her son and daughter walking from the house in school uniform. All he can think about is not having to be carrying those heavy bags.

"Yo, Ezhrumalai. I haven't seen you for two days, where have you been?"

"Ah, ha, I always stay for 28 days a month in your house. I might as well be at the station for a day or two." Dhanalakshi gives a sarcastic not.

Ezhrumalai walks into the house and seats himself close to Singam's father Soundrapandi, reading a newspaper. Sitting next to him is his neighbor and across is Singham's grandma beating vegetables in a small pot for dinner.

"What's up Mr. Singam's dad sir? Going well with the shop?"

"Strange small talk constable" he replies, smiling. "Seriously Ezhrumalai, how much longer are you going to remain constable?"

"Yeah yeah, I know I've been constable for 8 years. Your son has been a sub inspector for 3 years and he's earning like five thousand more rupees salary than I am" he says." Same old, same old"

Grandma gives a sarcastic nod at his complaint. Kalyani, Singam's mother walks over form the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"Hey if you say anything about my son, I'll put salt in that coffee! A huh." She says as she walks away.

"You just want to know why you're still a mere constable". Soundrapandi says. He lends Ezhrumalai an old phone. "Call my store and ask if all the goods have arrived."

Ezhrumalai raises a brow, but takes the phone and calls. A store employee picks up the other line.

"Hello, Murughan stores"

"Hi, this is Ezhrumalai. Has the load come?"

"Yeah, it has."

Ezhrumalai hangs up and puts the phone down. "The load is here".

"Now ask how many stuff came in".

***Ten minutes later***

Ezhrumalai feels like he could have called and hung a dozen times. "Man, you could just ask all those questions in one go."

Durai Singam walks in through the door. "Hey, Durai Singam"

"Yes dad?"

"Call the store and ask about the goods"

"Okay, hold on". Singam dials the store and chats for two minutes. Ezhrumalai looks in awe.

"Dad, we have a new shipment today at 3:30 PM. 48 items, 5 pulse sacks, 22 packs of rice, 2 coriander, 4 packs of chillies, 5 jaggery, 4 seseme, in an IRS Lorry. Oh, and uncle said to rest before coming back.

Ezhrumalai is still open mouthed. "Ezhrumalai, you made 22 phone calls. Singam got all answers in one phone call. That's why you're still a constable and he's the sub inspector."

Ezhrumalai nods in agreement, looking down and lips closed tightly.

"Ezhrumalai, could you get the accused? He's in the next room" says Singam.

"Ugh, always keeping criminals in the house". Ezhrumalai opens Singams room door and pulls out a young man wearing a blue shirt and dhoti.

"Yo Singam, why are you keeping these guys in the house?"

"Our station is a little old. So we keep important guys in the house. This guy is a witness for ten cases." Singam replies.

Soundrapandi makes agreement. "Okay son, give him some food and water before getting on the road".

"Thank you very much sir" he man replies. Ezhrumalai interrupts "Yeah, yeah, I'll get him some bread and beer. Come on, let's go!" he says, pushing the man out the door.

Several convicts are seated outside the house, loaded up into police vans. "Ezhrumalai, be sure to get all these guys to Thoothikudi prison"

"Yes sir!" he replies. Singam sees that he's handcuffed to a large, buff man with black hair and a thick mustache. "What's this?" he asks.

"Sir, this is Mudiandy. They say that he can tear a seat off of the van! So I'm taking him with me."

"Put him on the rail immediatly" says Singam.

"Sir, just give me permission to do the task. I'll do it whatever the circumstances"

"Alright, just do something" Singam says as he heads on. "Okay sir" replies the constable, salluting. "Come on Dhanapal, you're with me! Don't get me stuck in a quarry again!" The same officer who led him to the quarry joins.

***[Police Bus]***

Ezhrumalai and Mudhiandy stare at each other on the way to the station. "Heeeeey," Ezhrumalai exclaims intimidatingly. "What are you looking at? You're a rowdy, but I'm a police!" he says proudly. Mudhiandy lifts his arm to scratch underneath, still cuffed to Ezhrumalai taking him off the seat a little.

"Hey, hey, close down that scent factory! Ezhrumalai says boldly. Mudhiandy stops and Dhanapal and the other officers laugh behind them. "Shut up!" scolds Ezhrumalai. "I'm a police man, not a comedian!"

"Then take the cuffs of man" says Mudhiandy. "I need to go number 1!"

"Hmph, I won't even let you go number 2! Because the bus won't stop"

"Yes it will" Mudhiandy quickly replies. "How?" asks Ezhrumalai. Mudhiandiy puts his fingers in his mouth and lets out a whistle. The bus abruptly stops. "Ha ha, see how I stopped it?" Mudhiandy jumps out of the seat and smashes the window, giving a loud yell, before making a break and taking the constable with him.

"Aaaaaah" yells Ezhrumalai. The other officers run out of the van to see the crook and cop rolling around in the dirt several times over and away from the van.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no help me, help me, mommy, help !" Mudhiandy quickly gets up on his feet and sprints away from the van. Ezhrumalai has no choice but to run behind him as the criminal drags the constable with him. Ezhrumalai can hardly keep up as they run into the farmland. "Oh no! Dhanapal help! I think he's going to kill me" Mudhiandy simply looks back and giggles in amusement.

"Oh no, he's taking the constable!" yells Dhanapal. He and two police officers chase close behind as Ezhrumalai continues to yell for help. Dhanapal picks up a rock as he runs . He throws his arm back and hurls it in Mudhiandy's direction. The rock hits the back of Ezhrumalai's head, who groans in pain. "Uh oh" Dhanapal says.

Ezhrumalai falls in exhuastion but Mudhiandy continues running, dragging him on the rough sand. "Oh ho, no! My butt is on fire!" yells Ezhrumalai. His pants suddenly start sparking as he's dragged, releasing smoke.

"What is that smell?" asks Dhanapal to the other two officers.

Ezhrumalai continues to yell lightly and complains like a kid. "Oh ho, it's my underwear! There's supposed be an under and a wear, but there's only an under, and no-ho wear!"

"What a lousy cop, who the heck gave you a job" says Mudhiandy. He stops running and picks up Ezhrumalai by the waist before sprinting on. "Oh no, you've taken the law in your own hands. How dare you!" Mudhiandy runs remarkably fast and nearly looses the police.

"He's going to escape if we don't do something." says one of the officers. He picks up his baton from his belt. "Charge!" he yells as he throws the baton at Mudhiandy. The baton strikes Mudhiandy's legs. At the speed he was running, Ezhrumalai and Mudhiandy fly into the air and the cuffs between them latch onto a thick tree branch.

Ezhrumalai continues to cry and groan in pain, with bruises on his arms and torn pants. "Aaah, oh, we both ran together and I look like a torn poster! You're all buff and strong, how,h- owww.?"

"You're just a police, and I'm a rowdy sir!" replies Mudhiandy, chuckling.

"Eeeh?" Ezhrumalai exhuastingly groans. "Ezhrumalai! Here is the key!" says Dhanapal. He tosses the cuff keys to Ezhrumalai.

"Ha ha ha" Ezhrumalai chuckles eviley as he catches the key. He quickly unlocks his cuff. Mudhiandy latches onto the branch, smiling. As Ezhrumalai yells whilst falling below, into a pit of mud. Ezhrumalai turns over with his entire body and face covered in mud.

[ How... can.. a. volcano take it...] sing the police, gathered around him with arms out, begging.

"What's with the drama song after falling?! Carry my body!" says Ezhrumalai as he streches out his legs and arms. The officers grap him and carry him like an injured patient back to the van, leaving Mudhiandy laughing from above.

Mudhiandy hears crackles above him. The branch crunches and snaps. Mudhiandy yells as he falls into the mud pit below. He raises himself up, covered in mud.

"Uuuugh" he groans, as he plops back into the pit.

***[Nallur's hut village]***

Singam and Ezhrumalai park their motorcycle near a house after chatting, as a group of panicked villagers run past. "Tiger! There's a tiger in the village"

"Tiger", "Tiger!".

"What? What are you saying?" asks Singam in panic. The villagers run past the two police. "Oh no, a tiger? Let's get out of here sir!" says Ezhrumalai, running around the cycle.

"Yo, how does a tiger get into a village?" asks Singam

"Why not sir?" speaks Ezhrumalai in haste. "In the past few months we had bears and elephants! Why can't we have tigers?"

Ezhrumalai makes a run for it. Singam runs too, into the village. He passes by several shouting villagers, running from the shadows of the forest.

Ezhrumalai takes shelter behind a house wall. He looks to his left, to see a pair of hind paws and a tail creep a few feet past him. He shudders and whimpers in fear as the figure passes. "Oh-o-o-o, if- fi -f the tiger's tail is te- the- this big..," he continues to whimpers "How big is, is, is it's t- t- teeth? Oooh!" he panics.

Singam stops at a road end and looks to his right to see a humanoid figure run past. A humanoid figure with ears and a tail running clumsily past.

"A thief..." he whispers.

Singam pursues the figure at a turn. The person in the tiger costume catches a glimpse at him as he turns and runs.

"Hey, hey! Come back here, you thief!" Singam runs to the tiger person and grabs the back collar. "Where do you think you're going!" He turns the struggling figure around and gives a big slap, taking the mask off, revealing a round faced girl with a braided ponytail in shock.

"A, girl?" Singam says softly. Kavya covers her cheek and puts her hand down slowly. "Wh, what are you doing? What's with the costume?" he asks.

Kavya doesn't say anything, still stunned. "Where are you from?" asks Singam

"From this town. I'm visiting my grandpa" Kavya replies.

"And for that, you think you can scare everyone here?"

"I just wanted to scare my cousin. But everyone started yelling tiger.."

"Hey." Singam says scoldingly. "What if the people hurt you thinking you were real tiger? What if I had shot you with my gun?" Kavya looks up sad and shook.

"Irritating idiot." says Singam, looking down. Kavya looks up with a surprised and angry. "Go home, and take the costume off. Go!" says Singam. Kavya turns and leaves.

***[The next day, at the Mahalingham mansion]***

"I would've been fine if he called me idiot, but no. He called me irritating idiot!"

Palani, Divya, and Kavya's friends, including Tharika are seen playing badmitton. "I swear, he's so going to get slapped on his right cheek!"

"Kavya madam! Kavya madam! Why are you talking about hitting police guys?" Palani yells.

"He only hit me because he's a guy, so I'll hit him back!"

"Divya madam, Divya madam! Why is your sister like this?" Palani asks

"Ha ha, you don't know her" Divya replies, leaving the game. She walks over to the backyard door with Palani and Kavya. "This one time, we were driving on the mountain road when this guy on a cycle stopped next to us, and winked at her!"

"Really?" reacts Palani.

"Yeah, so she drove behind him for ten minutes and smashed into him!" Divya exclaims cheerfully.

"What happened next?"

"She got out of the car, walked over to him, and she winked at him! says Divya with a smile.

"Just tell me where that guy will be tomorrow" says Kavya.

"He'll be at the temple tomorrow to pray" replies Palani.

***[Main Thoothikudi Temple]***

Kavya, Divya, Tharika, and Palani make their way to the rails leading to an idol of Lord Rama, where the many people including Singam and Ezhrumalai pray.

"Hey, constable!" says Palani to Ezhrumalai. "You come to the temple to pray?"

Ezhrumalai turns his head with a blank stare. "No man..."


"I came here to set a BOMB!" he says with his arms raised.

Palani jumps back a bit before realizing the irony. Ezhrumalai shakes his head, his eyes and joins his hands. The girls join in.

Palani opens one eye and sees Singam still praying. "Kavya madam, now is the time. His eyes are closed." he whispers behind him.

"Do it now, sis!" Divya whispers slightly louder.

Kavya motions her hand behind her and opens her palm. Singam continues to have his eyes closed and pinches his ears with either hand, preparing to crouch. He ducks down as Kavya takes the opportunity.

Kavya misses and gives a big slap to Ezhrumalai, who yells in pain. Kavya quickly goes back to praying pose, and the four casually walk away.

"Hey, Singam" says Ezhrumalai, tapping his friend's shoulder.


"Are you praying?"

"What does it look like?"

"You're supposed to pray to yourself, hurting others is wrong! So why did you hit me?"

"Hmph, when did I hit you?" says Singam as he walks away.

"You didn't hit me? Then who did? says Ezhrumalai, putting his finger on his chin.

"I am the hitter!" exclaims a temple preist as he walks by with kumkum powder. He places the red sacred powder in Ezhrumalai's cupped hand. "Come now swami, I give you so many donations. Why did you hit me?"

"I only hit the bell, constable" the priest replies

"Oh, REALLY?!" says Ezhrumalai with his hand in front. The powder spills through the air and all over the priest's face, turning him red and blinded.

"Oooh, help me!" exclaims the priest

[A few minutes later]

Singam and Ezhrumalai are seen in another part of the temple.

" Oh, mighty, dear, sacred bell !" sings Ezhrumalai. From a distance, Kavya, with her friend, sister, and houseworker, stands holding a coconut shard. She takes aim and chucks it at Singam's direction. Singam walks away after collecting prasadam(blessing food). The coconut hits Ezhrumalai on the shoulder, and he stammers in pain again. "Ah, oh, ah, ah!"

"What's wrong?" says Singam turning around.

"Sir, someone is throwing coconuts at me!"

"Yo, they're breaking coconuts behind you. They probably hit you by accident."

Singam turns and quickly catches Kavya in his sights. Kavya, Divya, Tharika, and Palani try to run quickly.

"Hello!" shouts Singam. Kavya quickly turns around.

"Oh no, he found us out.." Divya whispers.

"Don't worry, I got this" Kavya whispers back. Kavya walks over to Singam, resting her head down slightly as she approaches. She looks up and Singam puts his hand on the pillar next to him.

"Hi. I just, wanted to say I'm sorry." says Singam. Kavya thought this was unexpected. "I really did feel so bad for hitting a girl last night." Singam continues. "I'm sure, even your parents would not have hit you like that. So, yeah I wanted to apologize."

Kavya's worried state suddenly turned calm.

"If you want, if you're still angry you could hit me right now. I mean, not in public." Singam stops. "Maybe in private. We don't want a policeman's respect to go lost, do we?". Kavya nods her head. "Okay, it's alright" she says. Singam nods back and walks off.

Tharika and Divya approach. "Hey, did he figure us out?" asks Divya.

"No, sis he's a good person, I may have gone too far..." Kavya admits.

"Here Kavya, hit him with these!" Palani proclaims excitedly, holding two stones. Kavya slaps his hand and Palani drops the stones.

"Hey idiot, have you lost your mind? Giving me the idea to hit a policeman?" Kavya storms off angrily, and Divya and Tharika gasp to each other in bewilderment.

Palani turns away from them with the same reaction. "I, gave the idea? What is going on here?" he asks in confusion...

Next Story: The Ransom, The Necklace, and The Missing Goat