
Follow the adventures of Indian police officer Durai Singam as he topples corruption in society.

The Don, the Enemy, and a Fake Heart Attack

In the middle of the streets of Chennai, the people and cars clear the narrow road near the hospital, as a blaring ambulance approaches. The rear doors open

and the public and bystanders worryingly surrounds it. A middle aged man, with fair skin; short, black hair; a small mustache; wearing a full white, buttoned

shirt and pants, is laying on an emergency carrier. He's carried into the hospital and is given plasma transfusion.

Shanmugan's house

"Hello, this is Harbor Shanmugan speaking" says the loud voiced man. He has a large

mustache, and hair on the sides of his head, with a bald top. Also wearing a white uniform. "I

heard the boss isn't feeling well, is he okay?"

Outside the hospital, several men wearing different uniforms and colored shirts, mostly wearing

dhotis and armed with swords and blades all shout in demand of seeing their leader. The

assistant police commisioner of Chennai also watches the scene from his car speaking to one

of the men. A man with short, rough hair, visible sideburns, and a short mustache and beard named

Vaighundam addresses them.

"Guys, guys, quiet down. Nobody's allowed to see my brother, not yet."

"But he has to know that we're here, sir!" someone yells out.

"Okay, okay, give out your names and I'll make sure Mayil knows you're here" Vaighundam replies. He begins to take an attendance. " Let's see, Armugam, Venketeswaran, Mithu Pandian, Velu Kumar..."

Somewhere at Chennai's coast, in an abandoned building.

"That bossy Mayil Vaaganam thinks I'm going to keep doing his dirty work! says Sundar, a dark skinned, well built man with thick mustache, eyebrows, and large pupil eyes. "When I'm through with him, the name Sundar will strike fear into the hearts of the people of Chennai! The city will tremble!" he yells to his surrounding men.

Back at the hospital...

Inside, Mayil lays on the bed with the screen next to the bed beeping, reading a normal heartbeat. Vaighundam reads out a list of all everyone who came to see him.

"Spanish Selvam, Mint Murugan-"

"Did, Sundar and his folks come?" Mayil says, weakly.

"No sir, they didn't." says one of his men.

"I knew it! I freaking knew it!" exclaims Mayil as he abruptly gets up. His men back away in surprise as he tears off his oxygen mask, chords, and bandages. "That's why I pretended to have this stupid heart attack!"

"I don't understand, brother." says Vaighundam.

"I've always had my doubts about him and his loyalty. He's an amateur criminal from the city borders, who thinks he can challenge me? I don't think so!" He looks to see one of his men laying food on a banana leaf. "Hey, hey! I don't eat until my mind is at peace. Put that away!" Mayil says.

"Sir?" says his man. "We've recieved a tip that Sundar and his gang are not particularly friendly.

"I totally called it." replied Mayil, smiling. "He'll be here tonight!"

"Why brother?" asks Vaighundam.

"Why, to kill me of course." Vaighundam and his men gasp.

That night, Sundar and two of his men, all three armed with swords walk into the patient area. As they approach Mayil's bed, they find it empty.

"Uh, where is he?" asks Sundar. They suddenly hear the slashing sound of two swords rubbing against each other.

"Heyyyy!" Mayil exclaims boldly. Sundar and his men look up to see him perfectly fine, wearing his undershirt and holding two swords. A hooked sword in his right hand and a small katana in his left, pointed directly and Sundar with his right sword held back behind his shoulder.

"Yo, bro." Sundar laughs nervously. "Hey, I didn't expect you, to well. How are you doing, man?"

"What, are you signing up for theater?" replies Mayil.

"What are you talking man, I just wanted to see how you were doing-" Sundar approaches Mayil.

"Hey hey, back off!" says Mayil. Sundar stops. "You think you can get close and attack?"

"Ugh, this is stupid! Of course we're here to kill you!" Sundar shouts out. "You think you're some big shot in Madras?!" Sundar throws Mayil's shirt, still on the bed on top of him. But Mayil doesn't move. He's still able to see them through his transleuscent shirt. Sundar yells and charges forward. Mayil swiftly backs up, grunts, and slashes Sundar's throat. Sundar weakly groans before dropping dead. Mayil throws the shirt off him, and approaches the two remaining men, who drop their weapons and run away.

Narration) Mayil Vaaganam. A powerful rowdy and don who controls the capital of Tamil Nadu: Chennai. He demands a fraction of money from major deals, and uses fear and intimidation to take cash from investors and the wealthy. He is in kahoots with many important figures and politicians, who are unable to detect any illegal or immoral activity. Mayil is well versed in law, and avoids court cases without consequences. For any illegal activities, there is not a trace of evidence to lead back to him. He is the king, the lord of Chennai.

Outside a construction site.

Mayil is seen making a deal with a few buisnessmen, with his men backed up behind him, papers in front of him on the table, and an intimidating stare towards the suited men.

"Big Indian government, small Tamil Nadu government, mini Pondicherry government!" Mayil exclaims. "Here in Chennai, it's Mayil Vaaganam's government!"

"Relax, relax, we'll pay you." Reply the buisnessmen.

Mayil's reign is untouched and unparrelled. Only someone just as bold can even dare stand up to him.