Pan walked through a vast hallway and through a large corridor before she came upon the palace event room. There were nearly fifty women in the large hall. She wasn't expecting this. All spread out, all lined side by side. All easy to read from the excitement that seemed to ooze from them all. Pan stepped up into the line. Last to arrive and the last to think she would be here. But, with her parents' blessing, she came. She wore her best tunic and clearly she was not on par with the other women here. She wasn't underdressed but, she did not shine with lavish jewelry and the sparkling eyes that made a twinkle in the girls' eyes. Footsteps were heard. Bulma's voice announced, "Alright. You may begin."

Pan hadn't made it quite into the formal line. She had remained just a step away, still unsure of the decision she was about to make. If she stepped into line she was going against all she believed in, her independence and her control over her life. At least, what control she had. Trunks walked before them and found many to be enticing and then he saw her. Son Pan. He watched as she walked up to the line, and took the last stance in line. But, he saw she was unsure, she remained just behind the line before she took in a deep breath and stepped into line. Her sacrifice was nothing in comparison to the idea of a war. She stood there her expression cool like before and yet with the beautiful dress she wore and her hair pinned strictly back he noted something curious about her. He realized she was wearing no make-up, nothing; she was wearing nothing to enhance her already naturally beautiful features. Unlike the other women there, she had come nude.

He chuckled. He had hoped to find a woman who was feeble minded and already loved him for being exactly what he was. A Prince. He rolled his shoulders and continued down the line. "I'll have you," he said, the girl's eyes widened with glee until he walked past her and said, "and you my dear." He listed off a total of seven girls until he came to Pan. By the time he had made it to her, she was seething. He caught her chin and smiled, "As well as you, you're to be my advisor" he stated, "The rest may leave." Bulma gaped, "Trunks!" she exclaimed and he interrupted and said, "You said I must take one wife you did not say anything against a few concubines." Bulma screeched, "Vegeta!"

"You must choose a bride," he said sternly and Trunks nodded, "I will eliminate those I see unfit to become my wife and they may stay as a concubine or take their leave," he announced. Bulma whipped around to glare at Vegeta and her eyes widened seeing him smugly smiling. He merely said, "He is much like I was at this age." Bulma's face blushed and she demanded, "What did you just say?" Vegeta chuckled and said, "My Queen. I believe our son will ruin them."

"Let him do as he pleases if he wants a woman to breed with strictly for pleasurable purposes allow him, if he loses out a on love so be it," Vegeta groused out and Bulma gaped at him. "You will let him lose the love of his life," she murmured and her husband nodded, "He will make a choice whether for the better or for worse."

He took up her arm and said, "Let him survey them." They took their leave until Bura greeted them. "Father!" she walked to her with Goten following behind. He smiled at her excitement. "You've been gone, I didn't know you had returned?" she asked quickly. Vegeta smiled for her. "Did you come here for your brother's brides?"

"Brides? As in more?" Bulma nodded bitterly. "He'll spoil himself," she reasoned. Goten peered over her shoulder and stiffened as Trunks walked down the line of women he had chosen. His eyes saw one woman, her eyes dark, her hair just as so, and her skin fair like a moonlight night. Goten saw her and his jaw fell agape. "Pan," he whispered. Bura's head lifted and her husband moved away from her. "Pan!" he called.

Pan's brow furrowed at the sound of her name. Her attention left Trunks' as her head turned. He caught her jawline though and said, "Your attention is to me." She eyed him and ripped her face away from his touch. "I'll die before you demand any attention from me." He chuckled. "You'll be had before your death," he challenged. She looked away from him once more as Vegeta and Bulma took their leave. Goten was walking towards her from across the hall. Trunks called to her. "You are to answer to one man," he said, "me." Pan arched a brow at him and scoffed. The others gasped at her brazenness. She turned away and rushed over to Goten. Just as her hands touched his, she was lifted off of the floor. Trunks had wrapped his arm around her middle and lifted her up and against him. "This one doesn't know her place yet." Pan's eyes widened and she wriggled in his arms. "Uncle," she whispered softly. Goten eyed Trunks and said, "Prince Trunks, please put the Ambassador down. She isn't a woman to throw around." Trunks' eyes widened. He announced, "Everyone leave." Guards, women, all left the hall as he kept his hold on Pan. "You dare challenge my command?" Trunks asked. Goten's head tilted back and he said, "You'll do well to put my niece down before it is more than your command I challenge."

"Brother," Bura murmured, "You're being selfish. He hasn't seen her in nearly a year's moon." Pan felt Trunks drop her before Goten lifted her into his arms. "I've missed you," he murmured. Pan felt emotion catch in her throat. "Come here love," he murmured. He pulled her into his arms and kept their conversation short. "How is your father?" he asked. "And your mother, my parents? Our daughter?"

"Good," she said as she leaned back from him, so, she could face him. "They're all so happy for you," she added. "Kakigori is growing tall, like you. And her eyes sparkle like yours," she said to Bura. "Dad has kept her busy, he's already having her study letters and numbers and the moon cycles."

As she gushed talk with Goten Trunks eased closer to his sister. "Who is she?" he pondered and Bura's eyes widened, "You don't remember her? She's Gohan's daughter, and nearly fifteen years younger than you." He frowned at her, "She is also the southern territory's ambassador."

"I know that," he snapped, "but who is she? What is she like?" Bura giggled, "Why don't you find out yourself?"

"She refuses me," he groused. She arched a brow. "Well, dear brother, she isn't your woman," she teased.

"Are you staying here?" Goten pondered. Pan's happiness for him faltered as her eyes slipped to look at Trunks. "I'm here as a prospect for his bride." Goten's jaw fell slack. "But, you're only twenty years! Your parents didn't even marry that young!" She smirked. "I'm twenty and four years, you've been too busy here. You and I are the same years apart as the prince and I." He set her to his feet and shook his head. "You're here to marry him?" he asked. Her eyes looked at him and he saw her expression change.

"She may be a prospect but, mother brought her here as my advisor for marriage." Bura frowned. "Because you've been married before?"

Trunks' eyes widened until Pan corrected her. "I didn't marry. It was an engagement." Bura smiled. "But, you wanted to marry him," she stated and Pan sighed. She raised a hand to her head and said, "Yes. Of course I did but-"

"We need to go," Trunks groused. Pan stiffened when his arm wrapped around her waist and carted her off. Bura and Goten watched them go and Goten eyed his wife. "You did that on purpose." Bura winked at him. "She wouldn't ever marry him or even my brother," she laughed, "she's too dedicated to the southern people." Goten sighed and tucked Bura to him. "And if she does marry him?" Bura thought for a moment, looking away until she looked back up at him. "I only hope it isn't true. My brother ruins women."