My Little Pony: Iron and Steel

Chapter 3: Divide and Conquer

(Song: 'Something for the Ages' by Hammerfall)

At first light on the third day, we made our plans to attack. I could see the smoke rising from Gorrión, and the shell holes in the stone walls of the mighty fortress town. There was a forest behind the Changeling Lines. I formulated a plan as did my commanders, "We should hide our pike and shot divisions in the forest, still we also have our cuirassiers"

"Leave it to me, we divide our aerial cavalry into two divisions, attack the flanks," I said pointing my dagger on the map, "we will lead the Changelings from their positions and drive them into the woods, that is where the pike and shot come in," Grunwald and Gregory seemed to catch on very quickly to this battle strategy that I have put forth to them.

"An ambush," said Gregory

"We will position the artillery on the hills, it should provide the crews with plenty of cover," we began to prepare for battle. Soldiers and aerial cavalry-griffons were arming and armoring themselves. An artillery battery was rolled up into positions on the hill. The crews loaded shot and powder down the barrels, "Your majesty, it is time," said Grunwald.

The artillery commander, a golden eagle-tiger griffon named Galena gave the order, "Feuer!" she ordered with a downward slash of her sword. Our 'saker' cannons thundered, and hammered into the Changeling ranks, hearing the quick yelps of pain as they began to fall dead. The sieging Changeling forces were so vast. It is like trying to slay a Hydra.

Nothing is immortal. Everything can bleed when it is struck. I did not see pike troops among the Changelings, a fatal error on their commander's part. From a hightop position, I unsheathed my sword from my side and pointed the tip of the blade skyward as the signal, "Angriff!" I roared, our two aerial cavalry divisions charged down with lances pointed.

The flap of thousands of wings took the Changelings by surprise as we clashed into the flanks. Their wheel-lock muskets felled the first line of cavalry, but we got through the lines. With a slash of my cut-and-thrust sword, I felt my blade cut cleanly into enemy flesh, and the decapitated head of a Changeling flew through the air like a hatchling's toy.

I killed another with a shot from my pistol between the eyes. I can see the enemy beginning to panic, and heard the cheers from the defending wolf-griffon soldiers. I raised a sword blackened with Changeling blood. I continued the fight, slashing and shooting any Changeling in my way. The sound of pistol and musket fire mixed with the cries of pain.

"Drive them to the forest!" I called out,

I pointed my sword in forest direction, and the aerial cavalry pushed forward. With the numbers of Changelings beginning to dwindle, and their morale sinking. The Changelings began to retreat. Some did parting shots at our forces, and felled a couple but they were swiftly cut down by lance or sword. We held back our forces in the Changelings retreat.

Waiting at the bottom of the hill heading into the forest was our pike and shot infantry, "Feuer!" called out Gilda and puffs of smoke from the snaphaunce muskets cut down the retreating Changelings. Those that were not shot were skewered on, and chopped to pieces the spears and axes of our halberds. We had relieved Gorrión of the besieging armies

"They will return," said Grunwald,

"Yes, they are stubborn like that," I said, Chrysalis is not going to take this defeat lightly. The grounds were blackened with the corpses of dead Changeling soldiers as well as our own. Their were the moans of the wounded. I kneeled down, and helped a griffon soldier bandaging up a head wound. He had scarring from the iron shards of a cannonball

The field was littered with the corpses of the fallen. Blood painting them in red with their white eyes staring up at the sun. Gregory went up to one of the dead, and closed her eyes so she can rest. The Kingdom of Castillo will not be the only one to feel the Changeling wrath, "We best send a messenger to Equestria, The Princesses must be informed,"

"I'll go," said a volunteer from among the ranks, a griffon named Georgia. A student from Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship, she enlisted to serve her Kingdom. I did not force her into conscription. The Royal Army of the Griffon Kingdom is the largest volunteer army in all the kingdoms. Only members of the Royal Guard are fully enlisted soldiers.

She is easily recognizable among the ranks with her magenta-colored scarf, "You have your orders, you are to fly to Cantorlot, and ask for an audience with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, tell them this message is from Queen Gustel, have their armies mobilized and ready to march, a Changeling invasion may be imminent," I explained to the soldier.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she said with a salute and bow to me, and I bowed back. I desire to be a ruler that my kinfolk and ponyfolk can relate to. When a ruler starts thinking they are a god or above their kind in some sort of unreachable social hierarchy, that is how rebellions happen. Often times it will not turn out well for any of those on a receiving end.

"Make haste, my friend," I replied,

I watched as Georgia flew in the direction of Cantorlot. We entered the city gates that were battered by days of heavy cannon fire. The battle was won, and the siege was over. A war has only just begun. With my armor splattered in Changeling blood, I went to see Queen Maria-Elena. We touched talons to our shoulders, and embraced as sisters often do.

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