Annie: And we are back with a new story!

SB/Kierra: It has been a while since we did a Gundam wing story, the other ones we have done are Gundam Wing/ Harry Potter crossover stories.

Annie: This one is inspired by a one-shot story I read on here called 'Remember the Braid is Mine' by Chakahlah, and I used a some (not all of it just some from the being and some from the end[if you read Chakahlah's then mine you will see where the pieces come in.]) of the dialog from that story so mine flows a bit better. Oh, and there is something that I added in that I read about in a Flashpoint story called 'Baby Steps – 51st division' by missblueeyes63; then I learned that what I added in was a real thing, you can buy it online.

SB/Kierra: If you want to know what it is you can read this story or you can ask and we will tell you.

Annie: This is the first time we have done something like this so please be nice with it.

SB/Kierra: We don't own anything but our OC's.

Summary: Duo is in trouble, big trouble and needs the help of the other four to get him out of it. Trolina knows of this and warns her twin brother Trowa. Trowa joins Heero, Wufei, and Quatre as Lady Une sends them on a mission to save Duo. Will they be too late? Will Duo die from his wounds or will he survive? Read to find out. 1x2x3x4x5 first time writing a harem. Based on 'Remember the Braid is Mine' by Chakahlah. Review please and be nice with it.

It was a warm sunny day as the circus troupe relaxed, it had been 5 years since the end of the war between the space colonies and the earth and even longer since they had seen their fortune teller with their silent clown. They all knew that their silent clown, Trowa Barton, was the pilot of the Gundam Heavy-arms, and they did not care in the least, they knew that he worked for the Preventers who kept bad people from starting another war or things like that he had since he left the circus about a couple of months after Marimama had tried to start another war.

"You have to go." Trolina Barton said as she stopped walking with her twin brother Trowa, as her green eyes turned a pale green almost white color.

"What?" Trowa asked her, Lina said a lot of random things. He was visiting the circus since it was on the earth for the first time in a number of years, it was then as he turned to look at his twin sister did, he see that her eyes had changed colors.

"You need to go. Death needs you. You must get your lovers Wing, Sand and, Shen to help you find your missing lover of Death. Only YOU can find were Death is hiding, Grim will be close to him, only your healing powers will keep grim from taking him. Do not let Death do as he said to others during the war, don't let Death meet his maker. Once you bring Death home, Grim will have lost his reaper and will wait for Death to come to him when Death is ready. You must run, run fast and hard or you will lose the race to get to Death first." Lina said to him.

"Trowa?" one of the clowns asked, the whole troupe had heard Lina speak, she sometimes talked in riddles, like she had this time as Trowa frowned at her.

"You need to go, he needs you." Lina said to her twin, her eyes were back to normal before she walked away from him.

"Trowa? What did Lina mean?" Cathy asked the boy she saw as a little brother.

"Duo is in trouble. I have to go." Trowa answered as he watched his twin walk away, thinking over what she said.

"Then go." The manager of the circus said, he understood that if one of the Gundam pilots was in trouble then Trowa would leave, it was what he did during the war.

"Be careful." Cathy told him with a sigh which made Trowa flash her a quick smile before he turned and ran for his truck, he had to get to his three lovers to save their wayward lover.

"Heero, Wufei." Trowa called as he hurried up to them as he found them at the Preventers Headquarters. Their other lover was away on a business trip at the moment.

"Trowa? What are you doing here?" Wufei asked their green-eyed lover, he looked worried about something as he and Heero waited for him to catch up to them.

"The four of us have something to do." Trowa said, not really saying what it was, which made the two trade looks, something was up.

"We were just called to Lady Une's office." Heero said.

"We will most likely be sent on a mission." Wufei added which made Trowa frown, he did not like hearing that, and he frowned deeper when he pulled his cell phone out and saw that Lady Une was calling him.

"Barton." Trowa answered, Heero and Wufei waited for him before he followed the two to the elevators.

"Video conference in five. Can you make it?" came Lady Une's voice.

"Already sent the request." Came Quatre's voice, she must have them on a conference call.

"I'm coming up with Heero and Wufei. How are things there, Quatre?" Trowa replied as he relaxed and looked relieved which confused Heero and Wufei even more.

"Things are slow. I'm assuming you have a mission for the four of us, since you have us together." Quatre said.

"Yes, I'll give you all a briefing when the others are present." Lady Une confirmed.

"Winner out." Quatre said.

"See you in a few, Commander." Trowa said before he hung up and put his phone away and looked at his lovers.

"She has a mission for all four of us?" Wufei asked, since they only heard Trowa's side of the call.

"Yeah." He replied with a sigh, he got the feeling the 'mission' she had for the four of them was what his twin told him to do. Find and save Duo.

SB/Kierra: Hope you have enjoyed the first chapter

Annie: Review please! Bye!

SB/Kierra: Cya!