Vertical Ascent

By Magikoopa981

Chapter One: Let's Go Away For Awhile

BREAKING NEWS: Former King Bowser Koopa disappears! Ignorant hospital staff under scrutiny from Mushroom Kingdom authorities! Queen Peach wishes Bowser well. No comment from King Mario...

It was a strange thing to see posted up on the wall of the stairs, frayed from age and peeling a bit from the humid atmosphere. The date was marked as just about three years ago, though the time looked foreign to Bowser. Time did not mean as much to him these days, in his quieter, more peaceful life.

It was hard to believe that three years had passed already.

Bowser adjusted his short hat and walked the rest of the way down the dry steps, entering the underground establishment he had begun to frequent recently. As of a few weeks ago he had wanted to go out more, though he was still cautious about hiding his identity. Speaking too frequently, he could drop something indicating who he really was. He did not want to be found.

The place, "Dark Land", was marked as a Koopa Kingdom-style pub, meaning most of the food was Koopa-styled, as were the furnishings. The walls were covered with old paraphernalia, images of what the Koopa Kingdom used to be, before it had been effectively acquired by the Mushroom Kingdom— spiked shells hung on the wall, as well as a Koopa Kingdom flag, photos, newspaper articles stretching back some thirty years, and even some real pieces of art that were painted by Kingdom artists. Bowser recognized them with some awe, and wondered who owned the bar. It was not unheard of to have Koopa Kingdom-styled businesses, but the amount and variety of stuff here was impressive. These days, most people were celebrating the absorption of the Koopa Kingdom into the Mushroom Kingdom, and it was popular everywhere to celebrate Mushroom customs and culture.

Yes, things seem to have gotten better for everyone since Bowser had given up.

He sat down at the counter and hailed the bartender over. He'd start with a beer. Something simple. He used to hate the taste of alcohol, but somewhere in the last three years his taste buds had developed an appreciation for the lightness of beer.

In general, a lot had changed in the last three years. He didn't look the same, for instance. His appearance had physically morphed. He pretty much appeared to be a regular koopa—perhaps a bit tall—instead of the monstrous form he used to have. Something strange had happened to him.

It was just a few weeks after Bowser had left the Mushroom Kingdom. He had been wandering alone through a vast forest, a sea of trees that stretched along one of the kingdom's borders, when a rain began to sweep in. It soon turned fierce, and looking for shelter, Bowser had soon come across an old church, with one great tower and a shattered stained glass window. The building was admittedly creepy, but it was better to take shelter than continue wandering through the now whipping rains and loud thunder.

The front door of the building lead directly into a great hall, with another stained glass window high above— this one still intact. The glass depicted a strange figure dressed in white, some faded religious icon. The place ached with forgotten stories and dreams, scenery that matched Bowser's attitude. He had given up on his old plans of conquering the Mushroom Kingdom and Princess Peach's heart. He had given up on his old reasons for living, because he had failed so many times. He could bare that burden of conquest no longer. A disintegrating old church like this was the right place for him.

Huddled under an arch, he began to drift off into sleep. He was entertaining thoughts of possibly staying there to live when he was alerted to the sound of tapping wood on stone. A very old koopa crept out of the shadows from deeper in the church, back bent and slowly crossing the stone floor with the help of a gnarled cane. Bowser believed it was a ghost at first, and his heart leapt for a moment.

"Good evening," The koopa greeted creakily.

"Good evening," Bowser returned cautiously. He was strong, but he held a couple of superstitions regarding ghosts.

The old koopa stopped in front of Bowser.

"My, you're a big one." He tapped his cane on the floor for emphasis. "Have we met?"

Outside the thunder crashed, and Bowser jumped again. The old man didn't seem to be dangerous, but he was still eerie.

"I don't think so," Bowser said slowly, squinting in the darkness, "What are you doing out here, grandfather?"

The old man straightened his back slightly at the respectful koopa term, and smiled cryptically. "I live here."

"You live here?" Bowser glanced to his left, at a column covered with moldy parchment.

"That's right." It was hard to see his face in the dark. "I've lived here a long time. I used to be the priest of this church."

"This place, grandfather?" Bowser shook his head slowly. He thought the building was so damaged that it could not have been in service for at least forty years. He was so tired that he couldn't think clearly about it. He wanted badly to sleep.

He blinked once, twice, three times, his eyes closed longer each time, and when he opened his eyes after a fourth time, he saw something shocking. He thought he was looking at himself, big Bowser Koopa, standing a few feet away, eyes closed in contemplation. The sight was incredibly startling, but when Bowser blinked again, his eyes opened to simply see the old man, standing there with a kindly expression on his face.

The rain was fading now, and by the light of the moon piercing the white stained glass it was easier to see his face now— squinting eyes and gentle smile.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you, my son?" The old koopa tapped his cane. "Yes— God has given you a hard path."

Bowser said nothing.

"You are going away now." The old koopa continued. "You are searching for new lands. You are looking for places where no one knows your name, where the past can hurt you no longer. You are attempting a great escape— one that is difficult for one so well known as you."

Bowser nodded slightly.

"I will help you." The old koopa's cryptic smile returned. "I would like to try to do some good."

The koopa hobbled forward and reached one shaking hand out to lay, palm-flat, on Bowser's forehead.

"When you wake up, you will be changed. Your form will be different, and your step will be lighter. I will free you from the bulk of your past, and make your way slicker."

Bowser nodded, and his eyelids grew heavy. Regardless of his will, he was falling fast asleep.

"If you should ever wish to change back to your old form— return to this place. Return to the forest, and seek my church." He breathed deeply, shakily. "But now, you must go— Go, and live in good fortune."

The last words slurred in Bowser's mind, pieces of dream.

When he woke up he was sleeping in the hollow of a broken tree. The rains had ended, and it was a misty morning.

His face felt strange, and he wanted to wash it. Following the sound of bubbling water in the misty morning air, he found a clear brook tumbling between the trees, deep enough to hold fish, but small enough to be crossed with one well-timed leap.

Coming down to the water, he felt a strange sensation in his knees. Then it occurred to him— it was strange that he could kneel with any ease at all. These thoughts occurred as he cupped the clear water in his hands and splashed his face, and ended as the water poured down. He saw that he no longer held the form of the great, monstrous Bowser Koopa, but now that of a regular koopa troopa. He had been transformed.

At first he was scared, and thought of returning to that dream-like church to find answers. But he soon realized this was exactly what he wanted. To no longer be known as Bowser Koopa: the former terrorizer of the Mushroom Kingdom, former tyrant, former kidnapper of Princess Peach. Now he would be just another koopa. An anonymous traveler, who could make up his own past, wear a new face for the present, and have a chance at a new future.

Now he had escaped the chains of his past. His failures, his cruelties, his lost loves. Now he would be free.

So he believed.

/A/N/: This is a sequel to Verdant Twilight, but you don't need to read that to follow this story. Nuclear Phantasy is still going to be finished, check my profile for more information on that end.