Chapter 3

A few days later.

"Philip, Jamie, come on outside, let's shoot some hoops," Lee said to the boys after they arrived inside and everyone greeted one another. Lee looked on hesitantly when Joe reached out to kiss Amanda on the lips. He smiled, however, slightly when she turned her head, and Joe caught her cheek instead. Joe looked surprised but didn't say anything.

"Aw, Lee, I'm tired." Philip groaned.

"Well, if you hadn't stayed up all night trying to figure out that Rubik's cube—" Jamie piped in.


"Boys!" Joe interjected. "Do what Lee asked you to do."

"I just need a moment to talk to your dad," Amanda said.

The boys looked at each other.

"Don't worry; you're not in trouble," Amanda quickly assured them.

"Good, then let's go," Jamie spoke up. "Lee, how about you and me against Philip?"

"Sure, sport."

"You two won't stand a chance against me," Philip replied as he grabbed the ball from the hallway closet and stepped out to the backyard where the basketball hoop was positioned.

Joe, who'd been waiting patiently in the foyer, asked, "Amanda, I got your message. Is something wrong?"

"No, Joe. Let's go and sit in the den in case one of the boys come back in here trying to see what's going on."


A few moments later, the two of them were seated in the den, Amanda in one chair and Joe in another.

"So Amanda, did I do something wrong?"

"Well, yes and no, you see, Lee and I talked this weekend, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

"Of course, Sweetheart," Joe said, reaching out and touching Amanda's hand. "What can I do?"

Amanda smiled nervously and said, "Stop calling me sweetheart."

Joe's eyebrows shot up momentarily, surprise written all over his face, before he said, "What? Oh, um, sure!"

"And can you stop greeting me with a kiss, too?"

"Of course but what brought this on? Is this Lee's idea? He doesn't think, I mean, he can't possibly think that there is something going on between us."

"Well, no, Joe!" She wasn't about to tell Joe just how jealous Lee was, and had always been. "It's just that both things make him rather uncomfortable. You see, I guess you and I actually have something a little different, something rare even, that most divorced people don't' have. Lee helped me to see how rare our relationship is."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. I've never really given it much thought before."

"Me either. And although he trusts me completely—it makes him uncomfortable."

"I suppose now that you think about it, I might feel a little uneasy myself, if the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak."

"Exactly!" Amanda responded softly, then asked, "Has Carrie ever mentioned anything to you?"

"No, not that I can recall," Joe answered scratching his chin thoughtfully but then said, "Oh, now that you mention it-" Joe began then continued at the confused look upon Amanda's face. "Carrie has made a few passing comments, mostly after I've dropped the boys off or picked them up and she's been with me, and you've been around. Something like, "ex-husband and ex-wife shouldn't be kissing each other." I've tried to explain to her that it really wasn't a big deal, just you and I being friends, a way of greeting one another."

"Yeah, that is how it had been with Lee too, up until the other day when he sat me down and outright told me how he felt."

"I never thought—"

"Me either Joe—"

"Shall I have a talk with Lee about it?"

"No, he's fine. He knows that you and I are just good friends and that we have to see one another because of the boys. I think it was bothering him quite a bit, but we worked it out last night. "

"Okay, I can understand and respect that, Amanda. Even though you and I are no longer together, I know that Lee is a good man, and I want to respect his feelings."

"Thanks, Joe," she said, touching his hand lightly before pulling her hand back. "I feel the same about Carrie. She is a wonderful woman and a great choice for you, and I want to respect her as well. If you want, I can talk to her."

"No, I don't think it will be necessary. If it's okay with you, I'll tell her about our conversation; but just leave out the parts about Lee and how he was feeling."

"Sure, that would be fine."

"I'm glad we had this talk."

"Me, too," Amanda said, standing up. "I guess we better go see about the boys before they think our conversation was more serious than it was; that it had something to do with them."

"Yeah, I'm sure, they'd be quick to think that," Joe added with a chuckle as they stepped out of the den.

"Who's winning, Lee?" Joe asked as he and Amanda stepped outside in the backyard.

"I don't think you even need to ask," Amanda said looking from Lee and Jamie who were off to the side, sweat rolling down their faces; Philip standing with a smile upon his face.

"I told you that you two couldn't beat me!" Philip bragged.

"Stop that bragging Philip—" Amanda called out. "I'm sure they gave it their best try. Come on over here and say goodbye to your father," Amanda said looking towards each of her sons, "then run in the house and take a shower. Dinner will be ready in a little bit."

"Yes, Mom," was said in unison.

"I guess I'd better be going," Joe said uncomfortably after the boys said their goodbyes leaving the adults standing outside.

"Here, Lee and I will walk you out," Amanda offered looking towards Lee, who nodded.

"Bye, Sw-, I mean, Amanda. I'll call you sometime next week about planning a weekday outing with the boys." Joe said at the front door.

"Sounds good, Joe."

"Goodnight, Lee."

"Goodnight, Joe."

Lee closed and locked the door and turned around towards Amanda.

"How'd it go?"

"It went fine."

"Good. I'm glad." Lee placed his arm around Amanda. "How about I start dinner?"

"Okay, then I'll go check on the boys."

"Lee?" Amanda called down the stairs.

"Yes, Amanda?"

"I love you, Sweetheart!"

"And, Amanda, Sweetheart, I love you, too!"

Thank you for reading this short piece!

The end.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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