South Park Elementary, night- A banner above the door reads 'Fall Dance Tonight'. Inside the school gym, the students are there. Several of them are dancing; Stan and Wendy are dancing quite intimately (Twirling in perfect unison), as are Token and Nichole (Who are lost in each other's embrace), Clyde and Jenny and Kevin Stoley and Red. The stereo has just finished playing 'Writing's on the Wall' by Sam Smith. It then moves on to the next song: 'St Elmo's fire' by John Parr. Principal Victoria and Mr. Mackey are chaperoning the dance, watching out for any inappropriate behaviour among the students.

Cuts To: The stands, where many of the boys are sitting and chatting among each other; Cartman, Butters, Kenny and Kyle are among them. Cartman and Butters go over to the refreshments table, leaving Kyle and Kenny alone. Kyle has gel in his hair and Kenny isn't wearing his parka.

Kenny: Look at Stan over there, having a blast with his bitch. (Sighs) I wish I had a date.

Lola, wearing an emerald-green dress, walks over to them.

Lola: Hey Kenny. (Kenny perks up as Lola reaches out her hand) Wanna dance?

Kenny: I'd be delighted to.

He takes Lola's hand and they go to the gym floor, leaving Kyle alone. He sighs.

Kyle: Hello Loneliness, my old friend.

Stan and Wendy are dancing with each other, and they lean in to kiss. As they do, Wendy looks over his shoulder.

Wendy: Stan?

Stan still has his eyes closed and his lips puckered, waiting for the kiss. Wendy tries again.

Wendy: Stan?!

Stan snaps back to reality.

Stan: Yeah?

Wendy: Kyle doesn't have a partner.

Stan: Neither does Bebe.

Stan looks at the other bleachers, where several bachelorettes are seated. Bebe is among them. Just like Kyle, she isn't really having a good time.

Wendy: Wait here. We may have an opportunity to get them together.

She kisses Stan on the cheek; a faint blush evident on his face. Wendy walks over to Bebe. Bebe follows her over to Kyle on the other side.

Wendy: Hey Kyle. (Kyle looks up) Bebe would want to dance with you.

Bebe (Sweetly): You wanna, Kyle?

Kyle (Confused): Isn't Clyde still your boyfriend?

Bebe: Oh no. We're through. He only liked me for my looks. And besides, he's with Jenny now.

She gestures to where Clyde and Jenny are. Kyle follows her gaze.

Kyle: Uh, OK.

Bebe: Thanks.

She guides Kyle to the floor as Wendy returns to Stan. It isn't long until they start to dance.

Bebe: Wow, Kyle. You're such a good dancer.

Kyle: Thanks. I wasn't always this good in the past. Well, I've been taking private dance lessons.

Bebe: I can see that you have.

He twirls her around and catches her.

At the refreshments table, Cartman and Butters are helping themselves to fruit punch, when Cartman sees Kyle and Bebe, dancing with each other.

Cartman (His face covered in cupcake frosting): So it's true. Jews CAN dance.

Butters: What was that Eric?

Cartman: Nothing.

Nelly comes up to Butters and asks him to dance with her. Butters gladly accepts. Cartman watches in jealousy, since he's single now. He picks up another cupcake and bites into it. He sees Heidi on the other side and glares at her.

Streets: Kyle and Bebe are walking home together. They are holding hands and both are blushing lightly.

Bebe: I had such a great night tonight with you Kyle.

Kyle: Me too Bebe. It didn't suck for us after all.

Bebe: Haha, yeah.

They reach Bebe's house. Kyle walks her up to the front door. Bebe begins to walk through the door, but before she enters, Bebe stops and turns to Kyle.

Bebe: Kyle? Would you like to... (She takes a deep breath) have lunch with me tomorrow?

Kyle: Really? Wow. I'd, I'd like that. I'd like that very much.

Bebe: Sweet. Well, see you tomorrow.

She kisses Kyle on the cheek, then walks through the front door, as Kyle stands there with a smile across his face, rubbing the area her lips touched him before he makes his own way home.

South Park Elementary Cafeteria- Day. All the students are eating lunch. At the boys table, Stan notices that Kyle isn't sitting with them, but none of the other boys seem too bothered.

Stan: Guys, where's Kyle?

Cartman: Why should I care?

The boys hear chatter from a nearby table. They glance across and see Kyle, sitting with Bebe.

Kyle (In the Middle of telling Bebe a story): ….And then Mom rang up, and I simply told her that everything was fine. Nothing was fine, because Kenny accidentally lit the kitchen and himself on fire. And all because we were trying to recreate the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed Pompeii as realistically as we could. Eventually, the fire brigade arrived and dowsed the flames.

Bebe: (Laughing) Oh My God that is so funny! In the end, who won?

Kyle: Jimmy and Timmy, with Heidi in second place. While ours was just a total mess of burning paper mache. That's why I'd never enter a science competition again.

Cartman: Well, it's finally happened; the Blonde Slut is dating the Jew.

Kenny: (He's one lucky son-of-a-bitch. When do you think he'll get into her pants?)

Stan: I think it's beautiful. My best friend dating my girlfriend's best friend; that'll mean double dates for them, me and Wendy.

At the girls table, Wendy and the girls are also watching Bebe and Kyle sitting together.

Wendy: I don't believe it. Bebe is now with my Boyfriend's best friend; match made in heaven.

Red: I preferred her with Clyde. (Jenny glares at her) No offence Jenny.

A Montage begins showing Kyle and Bebe in a new-found relationship. 'You're my Best Friend' by Queen is playing. Kyle and Bebe are seen at Buca Di Faggoncini, sharing a bowl of spaghetti. They go see a movie; Bebe rests her head on Kyle's shoulder.

In class:

Mrs. Nelson: Alright class, today we'll be doing poetry. You are to write a poem on anything.

3 minutes later…

Mrs. Nelson: Okay, if you're finished, we can hear your poems. Let's start with…. Kyle.

Kyle: (Clears his throat and reads his poem)

You are my sun,
You are my light,
In my dreams,
There's just you and I
No matter what the world will throw at us,
I'll still love you

Mrs. Nelson (Wiping her eyes with a tissue): That was beautiful Kyle.

At Starks Pond, Kyle and Bebe watch as the sun goes down. Kyle and Bebe look at each other and smile; they close their eyes, lean in close and they have their first proper kiss. They are then shown sunbathing near Bebe's pool in their bathing suits. Bebe slowly puts her hand behind Kyle, feeling his ass.

Bebe: Kyle. I love you! You're unlike my previous boyfriends; you love me for who I am.

Kyle: I love you too now. I always thought you were a gross slut, but I was wrong; you're so much more. Goodness, have we matured.

Stevens Residence, Bebe's room, Night. Bebe is writing in her diary about Kyle, when there is a tapping on the window. She goes over to it and looks down. Her face lights up when she realises its Kyle, holding a guitar. He begins to strum:

Kyle (Singing):

Oh, Bebe.

You're the light of my life
I wouldn't be this happy without you.

Oh, You really are Cute and Beautiful, Bebe.

Smart, radiant, glowing in the night, Bebe.
Oh, You're an angel.

He finishes the song. Bebe blushes and claps. She makes a heart with her fingers, then blows him a kiss. Kyle catches it, then heads home.

End of Act 1