"Let go!"

I had to think quick this might not work, but it's the only thing that I could think of. I run to the guy holding Marinette and used my claws to scratch him. It worked he let go of Marinette.

"Thanks Felix "

She grabbed her stuff, and we started running to the bakery the men chased after us. While I was running I hit my paw with a rock, and I tripped down. One of the men picked me up with an evil smile.

"Meow! meow meow!"

"Hay let go of my cat, or I'll show you what happens when you mess with an angry girl "

They just laughed and threw me to a wall which hurt badly I couldn't get up. Marinette tried to run to me, but they blocked her grabbing her. I looked up and saw the sun setting great.

"Let me go you jerks how dare you hurt a little kitten! You well pay for that!"

I slowly got up with a lot of force just then I started to transform. The men looked at the light surprised letting go of Marinette who had a shocked look. Soon I wasn't Felix the cat anymore but Prince Adrian. I got up and glared at the men well now that my secret was out, I might as well show these guys a lesson. I went to them and punished the guy with my good hand then knocked the others out. Then I helped Marinette up.

"A-Adrian but you...Felix...you...what on earth happened? How did Felix turn into you?"

" I should have told you sooner but remember my curse? Well, the truth is that I was cursed to be a cat at day and myself at night. That's what I ment when I said I look different at day than night"

"Your trying to tell me that you were my cat Felix all this time? That I had the prince of French living in my house? No wonder Felix disappeared during the night"

"I'm sorry but I couldn't find myself in telling you. I hope you can forgive me but are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"Of course, I forgive you, and yes I'm fine but hey your hand is hurt let's go to the bakery, so I can heal you "

She took me to the bakery even with my protests and healed my injured hand. Just then Alya and Nino came into the bakery just great.

"Who is he"

"My new friend Adrian "

"Well he looks like the mystery guy who is seen in the alleyway. Wait Adrian so he is the missing prince of French. This would make a great story!"

"Yes he is but you can't tell anyone about it. Trust me no one can know he is in a bit of trouble so no one should know "

"But why?"

"It's a long story "

"I have time"

Adrian shook his head" sorry I don't wanna tell"

"Alya leave him alone. Now guys let's enjoy the new year together, and I made cookies and cake for us to enjoy with help of Felix "

And so we did celebrate the upcoming new year. I got to admit it was kind of nice celebrating the new year with other people. It was 10 minutes until midnight, and I was on Marinette's balcony looking at the stars.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking at the stars "

"They are pretty "


"Hay I was thinking isn't there a way to break your curse? I mean is it like beauty and the beast? Where the beast has to find true love to break the curse."

"Something like that though for me it just isn't true love but true love kiss. "

"Funny this seems like the swan princess but instead of the princess being cursed, it's the prince who is cursed. This is like a fairytale. "

Yea a fairytale that I wish would end. I loved being a cat, but I don't like the whole switching thing from cat and boy. Either way somehow I still want to be with Marinette.

"Well then how well you find your princess? It's not like a princess well appear from thin air you know "

Wait a minute that's it. The fairy said she would help me be loved, and I was by Marinette as both Felix and Adrian. I always loved Marinette but I always thought it was because she took cared of me, but now I see it was more than that.

" Actually Marinette my princess did come from thin air. She's an amazing woman, and I owe her my life. Without her, I don't know what my life would be like. I'm in love with her, and I always will."

"Who is it?"

I turn around so I was facing her. I had to tell her excitedly how I feel not only to break my curse, but also so she knew how grateful I was for all she has done for me.

"You Marinette you have been there for me as both Felix and Adrian. You took care of me and gave me affection something I haven't had since my mother died. Thank you Marinette and I love you. "

"Adrian I know what you mean. I never knew why I was kind to you. At first, I thought it was because you saved me, but now I see it's because you were the cat that was always by my side. I never knew of a more helpful cat, and you also took care of me. Like today you tried to help me out as Felix even though it was going to be difficult. You as Adrian were always honest to me, and I could talk to you for hours, I'm grateful to you too."

"Does that mean that..."

"Yes Adrian I love you too, and I'm so glad to have had you by my side for 10 years even if as a cat"

And just when midnight hit we kissed, and my curse was broken. I wasn't going to change into Felix anymore. For once in a long time, I felt like I belonged somewhere. Marinette didn't see me as the prince but a normal guy. This was the best way to start a new year and for once I was excited to see what the new year brings me. I don't care what happens as long as I stay with the one I love my dear Baker Marinette.