Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama.

"What is it, kid?" Was the first thing Sougo asked as soon as he opened their bedroom door in the middle of the night. His voice is heavy with sleep and his first born is knocking on their door at an ungodly hour. He could only sigh in his mind. He needs to multiply his efforts on bringing down Hijikata-san so he could finally rest from paper works.

"Pops?" Souichiro, holding his baby blanket and small pillow, is looking up to his old man version with an afraid look. The little kid was expecting it would be his mother who'll open the door as usual but he guess wrong.

The Shinsengumi captain became alert after seeing his son's expression. "What happened?" He asked, automatically eyeing his sword near Kagura's head (who is sleeping without a care in the world).

"Me dream bad." The 26 months old little Sougo replied hesitantly. Okita's tensed body relaxed after hearing his kid's reply.

"Come here." He sighed and gestured the little guy to get inside. He bend down to scoop his son in his arms and closed the door quietly.

"You're getting heavier nowadays. I'm afraid I can't pick you up when you turn five with your weight." He chuckled sleepily. Souichiro who is snuggling his similarly flaxen head in his father's neck disagreed by letting out a muffled "heeeeehhh?!"

After depositing his son on the bed between him and his heavy sleeper wife, he tucked Souichiro in and closed his eyes tiredly.

20 minutes later

After tossing and turning for the past minutes, he finally gave up and groaned.

Souichiro, now asleep and hugging his mother's arm with his short one, is totally unaware of his old man's dilemma.

"China." He tweaks Kagura's nose rather forcefully and immediately got what he wanted. Cerulean eyes opened instantly, promising death to whoever snapped her out of her precious sleep.

"You damn sadi-! Huh? Sou-chan? Wait..." Kagura who is fired up from her interrupted sleep was cut off upon seeing her adorable son sleeping between her and Sougo. "Eh?" She looked at her husband who is clearly distraught from tossing and turning in confusion.

"Come here. I can't sleep." The policeman whispered tiredly.

"Heh? Why would I do that for you?" Kagura crossed her arms on her chest. She was sitting down on the bed and looking at the man in annoyance. Anyone who would be woken up from sleep would feel the same.

"Because I'm your husband and we won't fit in your space." Okita argued like it is the most obvious answer in the situation with an aura of self-righteous person which made Kagura even more annoyed.

"You're lucky Souichiro is here or else I'm gonna kick your tax robber ass out of this bed and make you sleep on the sofa outside."

"Yes, I'm so lucky. Now, come here." The policeman coaxed the silently raging vermilion head and continued pursuing her to sleep on his side.

"What am I? Your pillow? We won't fit in your space either." Kagura reasoned out. Not really on the mood to stand up.

"Just come here, woman, or I'll pester you until morning. I refuse to accept that I'll be spending the night as the only awake in this room." Okita threatened.

"Ugh, you bloody sadist." The yato finally gave in and grumpily stood up, carefully moving to her husband in order to avoid waking the sleeping child between them.

"Is he having bad dreams again?" The wife asked as soon she lay down on her husband's embrace. Sougo hummed in reply.

He must be dead tired from work. He looked like a walking corpse when he arrived home earlier. That's why she gave way to him easily.

"You owe me a one week worth of Sokunbu for this. You're not comfortable to sleep on." Kagura closed her eyes sleepily and heard Sougo muttered a "anything, just shut up already".

"Tch." Kagura pinched him in return but stayed silent.

The silence of the night and their light snores are the only sound that could be heard inside the Okita Household at 1 AM.

A/N: Hello. How are you all? Being on lockdown and quarantine life because of this health crisis is starting to tire me mentally. Good thing I saw this cute post on Facebook and got inspired writing a very short oneshot about it. OkiKagu style.

'Dads need mom cuddles too' is the Facebook caption and I find it sooo cute hihihihi. Anyway, review or criticize. Not edited.

