Looking For A Way Out

Chapter 1

Link's PoV

I stand in the alleyway, gasping for air. I have been on the run for a long time. Truth is, I'm a thief. I only steel because I need to, though. I don't have a home or a family, so things get lonely very often. Well, I have Epona, my horse, but I can't exactly sit down and have a conversation with her.

I walk down the alley and peek around the corner of the stone building on my right. I see two guards standing near the entrance of Castle Town. I look in the other direction and see what the coast is clear. I know not to go that way, though, because it heads straight to where I was being chased. I look forward and see the Castle Town wall. Without thinking much, I run as fast as I can and climb deftly up the wall. The slow pitter-patter of the raindrops grew quicker.

"Hey!" I hear a strong voice yell. I freeze and look to my left to see a guard running at me. I think it's the same guard that was chasing me, but I can never be sure. Why else would he be running towards me? I scramble down the wall and run. After a little while, I see Epona standing right where I left her. I quickly climb onto her, then kicked her into a gallop. We make a turn, towards Passeri Greenbelt, ditching the dirt road. I stop at a small forest and get off of Epona. I pull a rock near a tree. Sitting on the rock against the trunk of the large tree, I reach into my pocket and pull out the item I stole: a diamond bracelet. I slump against the tree, relieved that I had gotten away.

"Do you think this was worth it?" I ask Epona, not that she would understand. She just looked at me and flicked her tail.

"I think it's pretty!" I hear a different voice say. I look to see that it's a Korok child. "Where did you get it?" he asked, waddling over to me. The rain grew harder, causing the Korok's feat to slosh in the mud.

"I got it in Castle Town."

"Can I hold it?" he asks looking up at me. I nod and hand it to him. He takes it with two hands and looks at the diamond on the front. "It's so shiny! I'm so happy I got to see something like this," he says handing the golden band back. "Where are you going to go now, Mister Hylian?"

I just shrug. I don't exactly know how to answer that.

"I don't have anywhere to go,"

Zelda's PoV

I stare deep into the reflection of my mirror. Two green eyes stare back at me. I listen to the harsh banging of raindrops transform into soft pattering. Then a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say, not looking away from the mirror.

"Good morning, princess." I heard a familiar voice say. It was most definitely Kamia.

"Good morning, Kamia. Has anything happened lately?"

"Well," she said, looking for a dress for me to wear, "apparently someone has stolen a diamond bracelet from a jewelry shop. Other than that, there hasn't been much. I don't know why people have been stealing so much." Kamia pulled out the dress that mother used to wear when she was still alive. When I was young she passed unexpectedly.

"That's disappointing," I say as I step into the dress.

"Yes, yes. Well, he will be caught eventually. The royal guards won't let him get away, I'm sure." Kamia says, now getting a brush for my hair. She gently strokes my hair with the brush, commenting about random things here and there. Once she finishes, I walk over to the sliding glass door, that leads to the balcony. I open it and step outside to meet the last of the raindrops. The raindrops get smaller and smaller until they disappear. I lean on the balcony and peer down at the ground beneath me. It looks so soft. I stare out into the distance, past Castle Town, and beyond the horizon. I stare up at the gray sky. I try to distract myself, but the only thing I can think of is what is to come.

It's coming.

Hi! This is my first fanfiction, so I would appreciate it if you left some reviews. I would love to know what you think of my first chapter. Also, the reviews would make me appreciated. So, review! Ask questions, complain, all that. Sorry this chapter was so short, I promise I'll make it longer next time.

Until then, happy birthday!