Sorry to keep you waiting, but I was on vacation.


Cyborg guided the T-Ship towards Steele City's own ubiquitous T shaped landmark. Ron pressed his hands to the glass canopy and grinned at the sight.

"K.P.! Look! It's the Titans East Tower!"

Kim crossed her arms and frowned. No one seemed to be concerned nor feel any urgency about getting them back to their universe. Ron and Rufus seemed to have completely forgotten about Middleton. Drakken seemed to be enthralled with Cyborg's technology and even Shego looked relaxed and accepting of their situation. And all the Titans seemed to care about was this stupid Halloween party. She suddenly felt completely ridiculous in her store bought Starfire costume, especially since the real Starfire was traveling with them and the Tamaranian was dressed in a high quality reproduction of Kim's mission uniform.

"Yes, Ron, I can see it." She replied in a listless voice.

Cyborg landed the T-Ship on the Tower's roof, where the Titans East were waiting to greet them. Kim found out that Robin contacted Bumblebee while in route, telling her that they were bringing some surprise guests. The Tin Man shut down the engines and the five canopies popped open. The five Titans leaped out and landed adroitly on their feet. Not wanting to be outdone, Kim and Shego performed acrobatic exits of their own, flipping through the air and also landing on their feet. Drakken climbed down from his compartment, while Ron debated what to do. He then stood up and adopting a diving board pose he leaped into the air and flipped, while Rufus squealed in fright, burying himself under Ron's cosplay Robin cape.

Ron miscalculated his flip and was about to land on his butt when he suddenly felt enveloped in a cold embrace. He was gently deposited on his feet and only then noticed that Raven had her arm extended to towards him and her eyes were glowing jet black.

"You're welcome." Raven droned in her monotone.

"Thanks!" Kim acknowledged Raven's save. "Ron can be a bit … how can I put it ..."

"Uncoordinated." Raven replied. "Gar told me while we were flying over."

The Titans East crowded around their visitors. Bumblebee approached Robin.

"Glad you could make it. So, who are your friends. I see they're dressed like you."

Aqualad stepped forward, winking at both Kim and Shego.

"Robin, who are these lovely ladies?" He asked as he kissed Kim and Shego's hands. "I'm Aqualad, so what are your names … I'm sure they are as beautiful as you are."

Speedy and the speedster twins did double takes.

"Son Kim Possible y Shego!" Mas exclaimed.

"Pero es no es possible! Ellas son ficticias, no existen." Menos interjected.

"Pero aqui estan!" Mas concluded.

Speedy glanced at Robin. "Are they cosplayers? If they are, why are they dressed like you guys?"

Raven lowered her hood as she cleared her throat. "They're from another universe." She gestured at the guests. "Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Shego, Dr. Drew Lip..."

"Doctor Drakken!" He snapped.

"Dr. Drakken and … the rodent thing."

"Rufus!" The mole rat squeaked angrily.

"And Rufus … these are Titans East: Bumblebee, Aqualad, who already introduced himself ..."

The Atlantean winked at the two women, while Ron and Drakken did a slow burn.

"Speedy and Mas y Menos."

Kim and Shego suddenly found themselves mobbed by the four male members of the Eastern team. Aqualad quickly zeroed in on Shego and before Kim could say "I can do anything" the Atlantean was walking away with Shego, their arms interlocked. Drakken stared in disbelief and opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Don't worry dude. Aqualad's a big flirt, but that's all he'll do." Gar reassured the blue skinned mad scientist. Drakken didn't appear to hear him, and took off running after his girlfriend, who seemed to be enjoying Aqualad's attention.

Meanwhile Speedy and the Twins were busy flirting with Kim, who looked like she was enjoying their attention.

"Excuse me, boyfriend coming through!" Ron bellowed as he pushed his way past the three Titans and taking Kim's hand he led her away. Raven gave the three now disappointed men one of her bored looks.

"Let me guess, you don't have dates for tonight."

"How did you know?" Speedy asked.

Raven slowly shook her head before taking Gar's hand and leading him away. Speedy glared at Robin.

"Would it kill you to bring some girls without boyfriends to the party?"

Robin took Starfire's hand. "Sorry, I don't know any. You guys really need to get girlfriends of your own." He replied before they too walked away.


The party was in full swing in the common room. On their way down to the party, Kim gave Ron a cross look.

"Ron, what's wrong with you? I was just talking with them. You didn't have to jel like that."

"I wasn't jelling. I was rescuing you from them."

"I think I can handle them. And you were jelling. Don't you trust me?"

Ron smiled nervously. "Well, of course I do."

"Then stop jelling."

No sooner had the words come out of Kim's mouth four shapely young women approached: Supergirl, Argent, Kole and Wonder Girl. They crowded around Ron.

"Are you really Ron Stoppable?" Kole asked.

"The one and only." He replied in a proud tone as he raised his chin.

"I remember shipping you guys when I watched the show." Supergirl enthused.

"Oh, that's sweet of you." Kim replied.

"I often fantasized that Ron was my boyfriend." Kara added.

"You did?" Kim said in a suddenly dangerous tone.

"We all did." Argent interjected as she wrapped an arm around Ron's shoulder. "You two are the perfect couple. Who wouldn't want to trade places with you, Kim? Ron is simply adorable.

"I am? I thought I was goofy."

"You're adorable." Wonder Girl said as she leaned over and pecked Ron on the cheek. Kim began to grate her teeth. The other three girls also kissed Ron.

"Can we borrow him for a little while? We promise to bring him back." Supergirl said with a smile.

Ron saw what he thought was a red flash in Kim's eyes.

"Sorry, ladies, no can do. The Ronster is a one woman man." He said as he hooked his arm into Kim's. Rufus peeked out from under his cape and nodded his agreement as he squeaked "One woman"

The four superheroes pouted.

"Can we at least have a dance with him, Kim? We don't have dates tonight."

"You don't have dates? But you ladies are gorgeous ..." He quickly glanced at Kim who seemed to be in the middle of a slow burn of her own. "... but you aren't as gorgeous as Kim .. have you tried Speedy and Mas y Menos, I know they don't have dates."

"Pass." The four girls said in unison before walking away. Supergirl winked at Ron as she left them. Kim finally spoke, grumbling to Ron and she clenched her fist and shook it at the departing Kryptonian.

"I thought Bonnie was a pain in the rear, but if that blond hussy thinks that she can just waltz in here and ..."

"K.P., she's Supergirl. If you punched her you'd break your hand."

"I'll find some kryptonite."

"K.P., relax, you know I wasn't gonna run off with them."

Kim face palmed. "Great, now I'm jelling."

Ron gave her a tender kiss. "Hey, you know I'm yours. I've been yours since we met in kindergarten."

"You're right. I'm sorry for not trusting you and for jelling… let's go mingle and meet the others."

Ron hooked his arm with hers and they walked away. Raven and Beast Boy watched them leave.

"See, this is why I don't like PDA's." The gray Titan said in her monotone.

"What? I don't get it?" He replied.

Raven gave him a impatient look.

"It's best to keep emotions in check in public, otherwise fiascoes like these can happen. Kim looked like she was about to punch Supergirl."

"Yeah, duh, she was trying to steal her boyfriend. And speaking about boyfriends, nobody believes that I'm yours."

"And yet we hang out all the time." She rebuked him.

"People are saying that I'm your Beta orbiter."

"My what?"

He heaved an exasperated sigh. "Everyone is saying that you friend zoned me and that I hang out with you because I'm hoping you'll change your mind."

"Oh please, that's absurd. Everyone knows that we're a couple."

He frowned at her. "You promised on the ride over."

Two female superheroes that Raven didn't recognize walked past them. Raven's arm shot out and grabbed of of the the girl's arms. She was a brunette in a silver colored unitard. She looked at Raven with a surprised look on her face/

"Oh, hi! You're Raven, right? I'm Up Draft, I'm new to the hero biz. I have wind powers."

Raven couldn't keep up with all the new honorary Titans. The girl seemed like a light weight.

"Yes, I'm Raven. Tell me, what do you know about my personal life?"

"Your personal life, uh, what do you mean?"

Raven did her best to not roll her eyes.

"Is it common knowledge that I have a boyfriend?"

"You have a boyfriend!? That's awesome! Who his he?"

The changeling crossed his arms and gave his sweetheart an irritated look.

"It's … Beast Boy … you really didn't know?"

Up Draft looked surprised. "No, really, I mean … I never heard about it … I mean, everyone thinks you're single and that Beast Boy is Terra's boyfriend."

"What did you say?" Raven's eyes glowed red.

The girl slowly backed away. "It's kind of common knowledge. I subscribe to Superhero Magazine, and they've never said anything about you guys in the gossip section."

"Nothing?" Raven said in a dangerous voice.

"Well, some columnists say that you friend zoned Beast Boy and that he's your ..."

"Don't say it." Raven cut her off. Up Draft suddenly look scared, which was understandable as she had just angered the legendary and mighty Raven, whose posture suddenly relaxed.

"I'm not angry with you. Forgive me for frightening you." She reassured the girl before clearing her throat.

"Everyone, I have an announcement. It has been brought to my attention that I'm thought to be detached and single. That is incorrect. Beast Boy has been my boyfriend for seven months."

Everyone stopped talking and stared at her, mouths agape and incredulous looks on their faces.

"What? You don't believe me?"

The room remained silent, until Cyborg spoke up.

"We won't believe you unless you kiss!" He shouted.

Raven glared at the Tin Man. He knew that they were a couple. Why was his doing this?

"Don't be ridiculous, Cyborg."

Chrome Dome began to clap his huge metal hands to together and chanted: "Kiss! Kiss!" Bumblebee was standing next to him and joined in on the clapping and chanting. Soon the whole room had joined in and the room was thundering with their demand to see them smooch. Raven face palmed.

"I'm going to get you for this, Victor." She mumbled to herself. She then looked at her beau, who looked both shy and hopeful.

"They aren't going to take no for an answer, are they?" She asked.

"I don't think so."

Raven sighed and placed her hands on his shoulders. He had just gone through a long delayed growth spurt and was now taller than she was. She stood on her tip toes and locked lips with him. The room exploded with hoots and hollers of approval. Gar wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight, and the passion of their kiss increased. Raven's black hemisphere made its appearance and they vanished with it.

"Well alright! It was about time she admitted it! Booyah!" Cyborg shouted.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen …

Drakken caught up with his girlfriend and Aqualad in the kitchen.

"Shego! What are you doing!?"

"I'm talking with Aqualad, what's the big deal?"

Drakken's face darkened. "He's trying to steal you from me!"

Aqualad took Shego's hand into his own. "Correction, I already stole her from you."

Shego gasped as she saw Drew's face screw up with anger.

"What did you say, pretty boy?" Drakken thundered.

"I said that I already stole her from you, which wasn't hard as it's obvious you're a loser."

Drakken's vision turned read. He knew that the Atlantean had superhuman strength and that he would lose to him in a fist fight, but he had an ace up his sleeve, or should he say in his pocket, where he kept a sonic blaster, an invention of his own. He never thought he would use it, but the time seemed appropriate now. He would teach the pretty boy a lesson he wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Before he could reach into his pocket, Aqualad flew out of the kitchen. Shego was in a fighting stance, her hands glowing with the mysterious green energy she could summon at will.

"No one calls my boyfriend a loser!" She seethed. "Only I can call him that."

"You tell him, Shego; wait what did you say?"

Aqualad groaned as he got back up.

"You crazy bitch, I'm gonna teach you a lesson you won't forget!"

A black barrier appeared and separated them.

"Stop acting like idiots, or I'll send you to another dimension until you cool off." Raven hissed.

Robin and Bumblebee rushed into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" They asked.

Before Raven could explain the crime alert went off. Moments later Speedy ran into the kitchen.

"It's Brother Blood! He's attacking an army base."

Robin and Bumblebee nodded to each and together they shouted "Titans, Go!"


Now it's time for some but kicking. See you next time, and don't forget to review.