Yu Gi Oh GX Fan fiction Story - An Unforgettable Immortal Love

Hello to the fellow readers of fan fiction!

I had make an another non crossover story that it will inspire and to touched with your hearts.

For instance, I have the reason why I wanted to write a story, not only for entertaining ourselves but to give a valuable lesson / message that it will inspired to other fellow readers.

This new fan fiction story that I wrote, is based from one of the well known anime series, the sequel of Yu Gi Oh Duel Monsters, titled Yu Gi Oh GX or stands for Generation Next.

I discovered watching this anime series when I was in elementary in my cousin's house, and so I started to watch it by every episodes (both Japanese and English versions) and that's how it was one of my favorite anime series until now.In this story, brand new characters were introduced, including the brand new anti heroine, who will have developed a strange relationship with the main protagonist, Jaden Yuki (one of my favorite male anime characters at all times).

This story will have full of warm hearted drama, slight comedy, horror, mild violence and a touch of love that you will never read from before.The story was takes place after the events in Season 4 of the series.

Hope You Will Enjoyed Reading!

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Jaden's New Beginning (Goodbyes and Welcomes! Judai's Brand New Journey)

Note - The names that it will used was in the Japanese version with the exception of Tom and Jerry and the new supporting characters.

After the graduation at Duel Academia, the students went on to their own paths, in order to achieve their ambitions and dreams. But for Judai, he has one thing that he needs to accomplished with, to get the highest scholarship in one of the well known university in America, who was been appointed by the Principal.

His friends including Tom and Jerry were already learned that he will going to study in America and so they are preparing a farewell banner for him.

" Well, everything was going to be all set. " Kenzan said

" Yeah, after all, we are gonna miss him since after our graduation. " Misawa said

" Do you think Judai knows about this? " Tom asked

" No, he didn't know about the secret surprise for him tomorrow at the airport and besides his parents will come with us including Principal Sanejima and Vice Principal Chronos. " Jerry said in response

" Hey, Fubuki-san. " Manjoume said

" Yes? " Fubuki asked

" Will Tenjoin-kun will come with us tomorrow? " Manjoume asked

" Of course not, she will come with us tomorrow at the airport. Hold on, are you miss about my sister a lot, don't you? " Fubuki asked, in embarrassment

" No, I'm not! And besides... she already have a special someone. " Manjoume protested

" Wait... are you saying that you still have a crush on Asuka-san, don't you? " Sho asked

" Of course it is! Although that she was already have a special someone. " Manjoume said, with a deeper expression

" Don't tell me that it was my master, don't you, Manjoume-san? " Jerry asked him, correcting him

" Wait... What?! " Manjoume respond in surprise

" Of course, Asuka-san was very close to my master despite the dangers occurs in. Don't let your resentment out from your mind. And besides, you and my master are no longer rivals, that's all. " Jerry stated

And Manjoume sighed slowly, then he said to Jerry " Okay, fine! You got the point, Jerry-kun. "

" That's the real Manjoume-san true spirit! " Kenzan shouted

" Use " The " , please. " Manjoume told him (Note: It means sanda)

" Well, I guess we should get to sleep early. We need to prepared ourselves tomorrow. " Sho said to them in a rush

" I guess you are right. " Misawa said

" Alright! Let's go to sleep! " Jerry shouted, with excitement and determination

And everyone went to sleep on their respective beds. The next day, everyone were ready for the secret farewell surprise to Judai in the airport. In outside of the family mansion house, Judai was carrying his luggages and backpacks, placed in the car, with the help of the house servants. Then, he tried to dialed Tom and Jerry on the cellphone.

" Tom-kun! Jerry-san! Are you guys still in there? "

But no one is answered. His father approached to him.

" Is there is something wrong, my son? "

" My two pets had never called me yet. "

" I think they are both busy in their works today. I'm sure that they will came to the airport later. "

" Yeah, you say so, dad. "

His father tapped his hand on his son's head, told him " Remember this, my son. You have to stayed focused on your true ambition in your life. I know it was very hard that you will going far away with us. "

" Dad, you don't need to be so worried about me. I'll handled myself in there. I'm a professional and strong duelist you know that. "

His father was smiled of what he said then he told him " And don't forget, just stayed away from bad habits of other people, okay? "

" I will, dad. " with a smiling expression on his face

And the two hugged with each other.

" Judai! Honey! We will gonna go! We will gonna be late for your flight. " his mother's voice told them

" Coming! " his father shouted

They went in to the car, went out of the mansion house, rode to the airport.

Meanwhile at the inside of the airport, Tom, Jerry and the others were waiting for him to arrived.

" What Aniki was taking so long? " Sho wondered, in a worried expression (Note: It means Big Brother)

" Just relax, Marufuji-san. He will be arrived soon, I hope. " Tom said in response

That moment, Asuka arrives in.

" Hey, guys! " she greeted

They are surprise when they saw her.

" Asuka-san! We never thought that you will never arrived here on time. " Jerry said in surprise

" My big brother had called me out last night, about the secret surprise for Judai. " Asuka said, with a little curiosity

" Of course, I'm sure that he will gonna be so thrilled that much! " Tom said, with excitement

A moment of sudden, Principal Sanejima along with Vice Principal Chronos had also arrived in, approached to them.

" Principal! Chronos-sensei! " Manjoume said in surprise

" You came here for the secret surprise too? " Misawa asked them

" Of course not, my dear students. As the principal head of Duel Academia, it was my responsibility to support the duelist representative, to gained his ultimate achievement, not only for us, but for the Duel Academia as well. " Sanejima said in response

" After all, Signore Judai was toughest duelist in the entire Duel Academia. So, me and the principal decided that we will came along, just for the last farewell for him. " Chronos stated

" But the question is... why he's was taking so long? The flight was almost prepared to take off soon. " Misawa wondered

" Don't worry, Misawa. Judai will be arrived here. I swear. " Manjoume told him, cheered him up

" Thanks, Manjoume-san. " Misawa said

That moment, Judai along with his parents arrived at the entrance of the airport.

" Surprise! " everyone yelled together

Judai was surprised, said " Woah... you guys been surprised me all the way here. I never knew that. "

" Your close friends are so very proud of you, my son. " his mother said to him

Tom and Jerry approached to him.

" I guess this is our separate ways, Judai-san. Me and Jerry will missed you a lot. " Tom said

Jerry, went to him, hugged with tearful expression " I will miss you really a lot, Master. Without you, I couldn't become a strong duelist. "

He tapped his hand on Jerry's head, said " I will miss you too, Jerry. You are my best pet that I ever have with. "

And they shared a tearful hug. Misawa and the others approached to him.

" Good luck in your new journey in America. " Misawa said

" No problem, Misawa. I will do my best in there. " Judai said

" Bring us some souvenirs when you came back here in Japan. " Manjoume said

" Sure thing do, Manjoume. " Judai said, with a smiling expression

" Just be careful in there, Aniki. " Sho told him

" And don't go to other strangers. You will be in trouble, okay? " Kenzan told him

" Okay, I'll be careful. You two are really quite so very worried about me. " Judai said

" Not really that much, Aniki. " Sho said

Asuka, approached to him, hold his hand, said " Good luck in your studies in America, Judai. I will missed you a lot. "

" Oh, come on, Asuka. Even you are so very worried about me. I'll be fine for sure. " Judai said, with a little blush on his face

" If you need some help, just contact me then, okay? " Asuka told him, giving her phone number to him

" I will, Asuka. " Judai said

" Nice shot, Sis! " Fubuki shouted

" Brother! You make me embarrassing! " Asuka protested

" Just good luck, Judai-kun. " Principal Sanejima told him

" And be careful as well. The whole Duel Academia family will always to support you always, as the representative duelist. " Chronos said

" Thanks a lot, Principal and you too, Chronos-sensei. " Judai said

After exchanging farewells, they shared a group picture taking and after that, they heard that all passengers must get to the airplane, going to America.

" Bye, son. Be careful. " his father told him, waved his hand

" I will! " Judai said, did the same way as his father did

" Bye, Master! " Jerry shouted

" Bye, Aniki! " Sho and Kenzan shouted

" Goodbye, Judai! " Manjoume, Misawa and Fubuki shouted

" Goodbye! Be careful! " Asuka shouted

" I will! " Judai said and he walked away, going to the airplane

And a minute later, the airplane was take off, going to America.

" We are all gonna miss him. " Chronos said

" Yeah... " Sanejima uttered

His mother, turned to them, asked " How about you guys will eat snacks at the house? "

" Of course! Of course! " Tom shouted

" I'm so getting hungry... " Sho said

" Let's go! " Kenzan said in a rush

Everyone were left out , except for Jerry, was looking at the blue skies, thought on his mind " Master Judai-san... I'll promise that I will continued to become the number one duelist just like you. I won't let you failed, I swear. "

But his thinking moment was interrupted when Tom called him " pal! Are you coming with us?! "

" Okay, I'll be coming right away. " Jerry responded and he run off from the place, to met up with Tom and the others

(5 days later)

(In California, USA)

Judai, was finally arrived in American airport. It was his first time that he had been in the country from before.

" Wow! America was great. It was big and huge too. Just like from Japan. " he said, with amazement

That when, his close relative approached to him, named Aunt Maye, the older sister of his mother.

" Judai-kun! You're here! " she shouted

" Auntie! So glad to see you too. " he said and they shared a hug

" Wow! You are so very mature adult man, just like your father. We haven't seen each other since you were a young kid. " Maye said, with amazement

" Thanks, Auntie. " Judai said, with a slight smile on his face

" So, what did you come here in America? I never thought that you loved to traveled new places at all. " Maye asked

" Actually, I came here to study in a well known university school in here, for my appointed scholarship. " Judai said in response

" scholarship?! Are you really sure? " Maye asked in surprise

" Of course, I was appointed by the principal of the school that I previously study with. " Judai answered

" You mean Duel Academia, huh? I been heard that you are already graduated in there, right? " Maye asked

" Yes, it is. I'm a professional duelist now, Auntie. " Judai said

" That's my great nephew, nothing never changed with, a headstrong and cheerful boy. " Maye said

" Thanks, Auntie. " Judai said, with a smiling expression on his face

" Shall I lead you to my home then? I hope that you will loved it. " Maye asked

" Of course, Auntie. I loved to. " Judai said

" Good, come on, let's go. " Maye said

And so, he went along with his auntie, went out of the airport and they rode in the car, owned by her other sister, going to her home, which it was actually a coffee and cake shop, owned by Maye herself along with her other sister.

When he arrived at the shop, he was amazed of the view of the entire shop.

" You should be staying here at my shop house. The university school was not very far away from the city. " Maye told him

" Thanks, Auntie. I loved this place. " Judai said, with amazement, carrying some of his bags and luggages

" The room was on the upper left corner, at the second door. " Maye told him

" I will! " Judai said and he went upstairs immediately

He went to the new room, full of new decorations and new stuffs that placed in every cabinets and it has air-con on it, that it was placed on the wall with a desk table on it.

" This room was so very nice and comfortable too, unlike in the Osiris Red Dorm. " with amazement

And he placed down his things on the floor.

" Man.. I'm so getting tired. Tomorrow, it will be my first exciting day ever. "

Then, he opened the window, looking up at the stars, gazing at the skies, with a strong breeze of wind, flewing slowly.

The next morning at the American National University School, in which the school that Judai will be attending at for today.

Inside the vice principal's office, the vice principal head of the school, named Miss Carrina, was busily writing some of the documents at the desk. But suddenly, the head principal named Mishe went in, approached to her.

She stopped writing, and she asked " What is it, Principal Mishe? Is there is something brand new issue? "

" We have a brand new student will be transfer to the university school this morning. " Mishe said in response

" a new student? Who will might be? " Carrina asked

He shown the biological data paper of Judai to her and he went on saying " The new student named was Judai Yuki, a graduating duelist student from Japan. He was one of the most toughest student in whole Duel Academia and also he's the current representative of that school. The head principal was a close friend of mine since college days. He was also one of the top new students that it is appointed by our school. "

Carrina, was shocked in stunned, in a silent manner when she saw the picture of Judai in the biological information data paper.

" Carrina-san... Is there is something wrong? " Mishe asked

" No way... it couldn't be... my former fiancee... but how? He was growing mature adult that I expected with. " she thought

But Mishe interrupted her thinking moment, asked " Are you alright? "

" Oh, yeah. I'll be fine, Principal Mishe. What time he will be come here in the school? " Carrina asked in response, changed the topic

" At exactly this morning, he will be introduced to the new class. " Mishe said

" I see " Carrina uttered

And the principal head went out of the office.

When the principal head was gone, she get a photo on her cabinet. It was the picture of between her and Judai (when he was 13 years old at that time).

She hold the picture, tightly, both of her hands, said with a little tearful on her eyes " Destined fate had brought us together again... I was waiting for so long since I left you... for all those years... and I wanted to spend with you again, with me. "

Back at the shop house, Judai, wearing the new uniform of the American National University School, went out of the shop, carrying his backpack on it.

" Just be careful in the streets, Judai-kun! " Maye told him

" I will, Auntie. " Judai said and he left the shop

He rode on a bus that it will lead to American National University School.

" Alright! This is going to be more excited that I thought. " he thought on his mind, with a smiling expression on his face

Now that Judai will be studying in the American National University School, to get the appointed scholarship. What trials, challenges and dangers will await for him?

On the other hand, Carrina, the vice head principal of the university school, was surprised in shocked that Judai will be transferred in the school. She was expected that she will meet him again after a long years of separation.

What will be her ultimate role in the life of the duelist protagonist? Will they will be met each other in the same path?

Find Out

In The Next Chapter

Chapter 2 - The Night of Terror (Jap: Mysterious Creatures, Vampires)

Don't Miss It!

" A person shouldn't hide their own feelings to the person who is very closed to you the most. Learned to be conscious and independent. "

- Jerry Mouse