Chap 2

Ever since the day when Kenichi and Sesshomaru had chased after the Tessaiga and Usagi saved Sesshomaru's demon from killing Nami Sesshomaru respected Usagi. Sesshomaru sought out Usagi as soon as he left Keiko's side.

"Usagi, I have to fix this," Sesshomaru waved his hand about. "I feel horrible. I'm dying inside. I miss my mate."

"Well My Lord, fortunate for you I have a well tested P.L.A.N." Usagi nodded sagely. Internally he was jumping for joy but knew the King would not appreciate his behavior. He'd rejoice later with his dad and wife. But for now he'd play the role of advisor.

"A plan? What do you mean?" Sesshomaru looked hopeful.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Children, no matter how much of a blessing or wonder they are, disrupt married life. It happens to all parents. There has to be a plan to reestablish the natural rhythm so that's P.L.A.N.— Play, Listen, Appreciate, Nurture."

"First, it's important to Play together, just the two of you. Go for a walk. Go on a date. Make love. Just be together. Don't talk about stressful things. Enjoy each other's company. Second, Listen for emotion. You can hear it in his voice. It won't necessarily be in the words, but it'll be in the intonations, maybe the body language can tell you. That may be the hardest step because you both hide your emotions so well but try, okay?"

Sesshomaru nodded. He was leaning forward following every word.

"Appreciate each other. We all know you do but when's the last time either one of you said that you liked something about the other. You can't say it just once. Suyuki loves to hear how lovely her tail is. I adore it. I didn't say anything about if for a week and all of the sudden she was sulking. When I asked her why she asked if something was wrong with her tail. I was shocked. I love her tail. It's so full and bushy. So I told her that I loved it and suddenly she was happy again. Shippo once told me to say three positives things about my mate a day. Talk about a natural aphrodisiac and so simple."

"Nurture rhythm. You had one before the children came along. Make a new one. Put the kids to bed at a regular time every night and then romance your mate after that. You guys are great together. Just get together. Suyuki and I can watch your kids for a little while if you need us to. He is your best friend and you are his."

Usagi finished. He watched Sesshomaru for non-verbal signs. Did he understand?

"I'm impressed. I will try to follow your plan." Sesshomaru stood. "I just hope it's not too late." Sesshomaru's shoulders drooped and he retreated to the children's room.

Suyuki had just finished rocking Ryuu to sleep when Sesshomaru walked into the suite.

"Thank you. I'll watch our children for now. Can you take some tea to Inuyasha? He may need it." Sesshomaru turned to Kenichi who was sitting quietly on the bed. He walked to the bed and sat down next to his son. As soon as he sat down, Kenichi wrapped his little arms around his father and pushed his face into Sesshomaru's side. Short quick sobs were muffled by Sesshomaru's clothing.

"Keiko is ok, Kenichi. You don't have to worry any more. Daddy fixed her leg."

Kenichi looked up into his father's face, tracks of tears streaking his little face.


"Really. You know I don't lie." Sesshomaru softened his face as he looked at his oldest son.

Kenichi hugged his father again. He worshipped his father. Father could fix anything.

Father and son played. The three year was easily distracted. They played for a while then Kenichi started yawning.

"Time for bed, Kenichi."

"Okay Father." Kenichi crawled into his bed and lay down. "Are you going to read me a bedtime story? Daddy usually reads."

"Yes, I'll read tonight. What story did you want?" Sesshomaru looked around the room for the books, but didn't see any.

"Can you tell the one about how a monster ate you and then you beat the monster from the inside out and the sword came out of your arm and you saved Daddy and all your friends?" Kenichi's eyes enlarged.

"Why don't you remind me of the story?"

Kenichi's eyes opened wider and he sat up in bed. It was one of his favorite stories and he got to tell his father. This was a super treat. He barely contained his excitement as he regaled the story complete with swishing of imaginary swords.

Sesshomaru was intrigued that the story painted him as the ultimate hero, saving his brother and all their friends. When the tale was complete, Sesshomaru asked Kenichi when he heard that story.

"Daddy tells it a lot. He always smiles a lot and gets that goofy lovey-dovey look on his face when talks about you. We know he loves you bunches. We do too Father. You are our hero." Kenichi beamed as he looked at his father.

Sesshomaru was speechless. He hugged Kenichi, kissed his crown, and tucked him in. He walked to the door and paused. Turning around he looked at Ryuu's crib and Kenichi's bed. Both boys were settled and quiet.

"Sleep well my sons. I love you both and so does your Dad."

"Night night," mumbled the toddler. "Love you Ryuu."

Sesshomaru exited the room.

Turning slowly he descended to the ground floor and exited the castle. Walking slowly he contemplated his next interaction with his brother.

As he walked into the clinic, he heard his mate's voice. Stopping, less he interrupt a private discussion he listened.

"Daddy, why didn't you tell Father it's ok when he apologized? I did. Father wasn't at fault. I'm the one who disobeyed. I should be apologizing to you both. I am sorry Daddy. I climbed the wall that you told me I shouldn't climb. I'm really sorry Daddy." Keiko's voice sounded like it was about to crack with tears.

Sesshomaru leaned in to listen.

"My sweet princess, I didn't accept your father's apology because he didn't do anything wrong. If anyone is at fault, it's me. I should have knocked that wall down years ago. I knew you wanted to climb it. That's why I said not to. But I should have just knocked it down then. I'm sorry Keiko. I love you and your brothers so much. I never wanted you to get hurt."

Sesshomaru cringed inside. Inuyasha loved the kids but why hadn't he said he love Sesshomaru too.

A pause and a sigh filled the air. Inuyasha cleared his throat.

"Keiko, I only hope your father can forgive me. I would die for him. I love him that much. If he wanted my life for the damage to your leg I would offer it to him. When I heard your scream I was so afraid. I had no idea what had happened but you are our precious blessing and I would give my life to save you."

Sesshomaru couldn't take it any longer. He walked into the room.

"We both would give our lives for you, Keiko. I love both of you so much."

Sesshomaru looked deep into the eyes of his brother. "We need a moment Keiko. Will you be ok if I take your Daddy?"

Keiko covered a yawn with a dainty little hand. "I'm going back to sleep Father. I love you. Night. Night."

Inuyasha kissed her hand and rose to walk to his brother's side. Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around his brother's waist and pulled him close to his side. Still watching his daughter, Inuyasha lowered his head to Sesshomaru's shoulder. They stood side by side watching Keiko a little longer and then Sesshomaru turned them and exited the clinic.

They turned to face each other.

"You smell like home."

"I missed you."

"Come with me my Love," Sesshomaru pulled Inuyasha close to his chest. He made a ki cloud and levitated the two to a height even with the highest point of the castle.

The moon was full and shone brightly on the two lovers. Their hair picked up the moonlight and reflected it.

Sesshomaru move one hand to the back of Inuyasha's head. He tilted it so Inuyasha was staring directly in his eyes.

"I love you. I love your ears. I love your eyes. I love your mannerisms. I love the children you've given me. But mostly I love you. I don't want there to be any confusion or misunderstanding. You are my world."

Inuyasha's eyes welled. "Oh Sesshomaru. You are the air I breath. I can't live without you."

The lovers moved toward each other. Lips met and tongues entwined. This kiss was not chaste, but it wasn't brutal either. It was just perfect. They conveyed their love and affection, reassuring each other that the only one for each of them was the other. The kiss broke and forehead touched each other as the mates regained their breath.

"How did it get to this?" Inuyasha whispered. "I was so afraid you didn't love me any more."

"I'm afraid we don't communicate very well. But I'd like to improve. Will you help me?" Sesshomaru placed a hand on Inuyasha's cheek.

"I will be at your side until the end of time. Our souls are bound together."

"I have a plan," Sesshomaru leaned in and kissed his lover.

"We will take time for just you and me. No business, just pleasure and play"

"And sex? Plenty of sex?" Inuyasha nuzzled Sesshomaru's neck and under chin.

"So much sex, you'll be tired of it."Sesshomaru raised his chin so Inuyasha could get a better position.

"Can't wait!" The Inuhanyou smirked as he licked his favorite spot on the long pale throat.

The lovers floated a little longer and then returned to earth.

"First we need to watch over our daughter's recovery. Then we need to write up your procedure. Congratulations Dr. Inuyasha Takahashi. Welcome to the healing profession."

"Talk, listen and make time for each other. Even with you both being dedicated to your children, your family's happiness depends on the health of your marriage."-Drs Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Takahashi

"Night is darkest just before dawn," a wise person once said.