Ever Us – A Slice of Life

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. (In addition, this is not how I make money, but it is how I have fun.)

Title: Ever Us - A Slice of Life

Author: Gayle Nightingale

Prompt: Continuation of Ever Us

Word Count:

Rated: varies, eventual rating based on the most risqué story

Genre: General/Slice of Life

Pairing: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru

Remarks: Continuation of Ever Us. A non-chronological series of one shots and two shots. Time period -modern. AU, Yaoi, MPreg, Inucest. Original Characters: Keiko, Kenichi, Ryuu, Suteiibun, Kyo and Yuki, Barbie and Bobbie, Suzy, Rin. PM a prompt if you have an idea.

1. Prompt: What's for breakfast?

Time: 2019

"Good Morning Dad! What's for breakfast?"

Two teenagers popped in the kitchen. They were prepared for school. Clean, sparkling faces smiled at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha had been looking through the cabinets just before the twins came in. The cabinets seem bare. 'That means I need to go grocery shopping. But Kagome always said never shop on an empty stomach.' Inuyasha smiled as he reflected on a 500 plus year ago memory of him carrying too many boxes of ramen.

Smiling to himself he thought, 'Well, let's look again. I see flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, cinnamon. Hummmmm. Perhaps there's something.'

Inuyasha pulled the items from the cabinet. Grabbing a bowl, he searched for a set of measuring spoons, and measuring cups that should have been in the drawer.

"Bobby! Where are the measuring spoons and cups?" Inuyasha turned to look at the twins. He remembered the twins saying something about measuring for an experiment.

"We put them in the dishwasher, Dad," Barbie answered.

"Well, come, empty the dishwasher so I can finish breakfast," Inuyasha pointed to the appliance.

"On it!" the twins echoed.

Rin cooed from her baby seat. Rubbing her eyes as she awoke, Suzy walked in the kitchen and straight to Rin's side.

"Morning, baby sister," Suzy smiled as she reached to pat Rin's hand.

Nonsensical happy baby talk flowed.

"Daddy, when will she talk?" Suzy asked as she studied her sister.

"Don't rush it," Sesshomaru interjected as he walked into the kitchen and straight to his mate. Before Sesshomaru accepted a steaming coffee mug from his mate, he placed a loving kiss on the cook's lips. A soft "thank you" and second quick peck and Sesshomaru made his way back to the head of the table near Suzy and Rin. He took a sip and a soft sigh of pleasure escaped his lips.

"She'll talk plenty in time, Suzy," Sesshomaru smiled at his daughters. Both girls smiled at their father. More babbling baby talk followed.

Bobby and Barbie finished emptying the dishwasher. They proceeded to set the kitchen table for breakfast. After pouring milk and juice for their siblings, they sat to watch their dad.

"My dear family," the hanyou bowed as he turned from the cabinet and faced his audience. "For your gustatory delight, the kitchen proudly presents


Inuyasha had been busy making pancakes while the others had been distracted. As soon as he said "blueberry" all in the kitchen started drooling. (Of course, Sesshomaru would never admit to this but Inuyasha knew better.)

Inuyasha brought a platter of steaming hot pancakes to the table. It was stacked so high it was an engineering marvel it hadn't tipped over. He offered his husband the first choice and then sat down to his right. The platter made it around the table and back to Inuyasha.

It was completely empty.

"Hey! Where's mine! I know I made enough!" Inuyasha stared around at the crowd.

All sound stopped. Wide eyes stared back at their dad and then at each other's plates. A spike of fear went through the crowd. No one dared get between Dad and his food.

A soft feminine hum filled the kitchen and all turned to Rin.

They saw an open mouth stuffed with pancakes. With blueberry juice smeared across her cheeks and both hands full of pancakes, Rin made happy sounds as she ate her breakfast. She looked at her family and smiled freely.

Smiles and light giggles filled the air.

Laughing Inuyasha turned to Sesshomaru. "Guess someone is ready for solids."