Author Note: Here is the second chapter of the story. This past week came with little to no writing besides a little bit here and there. I can't believe that we had Fourth of July this past week.

Chapter 2

Steve and Danny loaded up Brooklyn into the car to head over to Marissa's house. Steve didn't know what to expect with this trip. He was hoping to trust her but now he is not so sure about it.

"I am sure that she is going to have a good explanation about what is going on." Steve said to his friend.

"I hope so. This is so bad." Danny responded to his friend.

They finally got to Marissa's house to find the same man standing there. Steve was surprised to find him standing there.

"Hey, you need to leave." Marissa said to the man that was there. "The kids will be here any moment and I don't want them to see you. It upsets them that you are here."

"You should not be keeping me away from my children. What you are doing is just plain wrong, they need their father." The man responded to her.

"You are not their father." She said to him. "Their father is gone, and he is not coming back."

"What are you talking about? I am their father. I have every right to see my children." The man said to her.

"No. You are not their father. You gave up the right to be their father when you signed over your rights." She responded to him as she noticed that Steve and Danny get out of the truck with Brooklyn. "I need you to leave please."

"You heard the lady; you need to leave." Danny said to the man.

"Fine but this is not over." The man responded before leaving for his car.

"Okay, first, I need to know who that guy is. He came to my place and warned me to stay away from you and the kids." Steve said to her. "Second, I don't want him anywhere near my daughter."

"I am so sorry Steve." Marissa said to him. "He is my ex-husband and the father of the kids. However, he signed away from his kids."

"Okay, I just need to make sure that you and your kids are safe." Steve responded to her.

"I am sorry that you got brought into this." She responded to him as Marissa's mom arrived with the kids. Brooklyn was happy to see Kayla in the car.

"Well it looks like we will be here for a while. Do you want to order some pizza?" Steve asked her.

"Sure, that sounds wonderful." Marissa said as her mother got out of the car with the kids. Steve watched as Brooklyn came running up to her friend.

"Hey, who is this?" Marissa's mom asked her.

"My name Steve and this is my partner Danny. We work for the task force." Steve said to her. "That little girl is my daughter, Brooklyn."

"I have met her before. My granddaughter talks about her all the time." Marissa's mother responded to him with a smile.

"I know Brooklyn has told me many stories about her and Kayla's adventures and I finally got to meet Marissa." Steve said to her.

"Danny, how many children do you have?" Her mother asked him.

"I have two children, a boy and girl." Danny responded to her. "My son is about the age of your grandson and my daughter is much older than them."

"Ah, I see. Well I am glad that my daughter and grandchildren have you two in their lives." Marissa's mom responded to them.

A few hours went by before Steve got to take Brooklyn home for the night along with Danny. They managed to get Brooklyn into bed.

"What do you think that she meant by that?" Steve asked his friend.

"I am not so sure but whatever it is can't be good." Danny responded to him.

"No, it can't be good." Steve agreed to him. "But we will figure it out tomorrow."

The next day, Steve walked into headquarters to find Danny already there working on something.

"Hey, what have you found?" Steve asked his friend.

"There is something on Marissa's ex-husband and it's not good. He went to jail." Danny responded to his friend.

"For what?" Steve asked his friend.

"I am working on it." Danny responded as he kept working on the assignment to figure out what is going on with Marissa's ex-husband.

"Okay, tell me what you have found." Steve responded to his friend as he walked into his office. He knew that he needed to talk to Marissa about what is going on. He heard his cell phone go off and smiled when he saw that it was Marissa.

"Hey." Steve said as he answered the phone with a smile.

"Hi, I wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch." She responded to him

"I would love to. I will text you and let you know when I go to lunch. We also have something to talk about." Steve responded to her.

"Okay." She responded to him.

A few hours went by and Steve was getting ready for the lunch. Marissa was getting ready herself and she was super nervous about the lunch date because she did not know what he wanted to talk about. She hoped that everything was going to be okay, but she was just going to have to wait to find out. Steve walked out of the office and saw Danny.

"Hey, so I am going to go to lunch with Marissa." Steve said to his friend.

"Are you sure that this okay?" Danny responded to his friend.

"Yes, she might know what is going on." Steve responded to his friend.

"That is good that you are going to have lunch with her but be careful. He could show up." Danny responded to him.

"Don't worry, I will be careful about this." Steve responded to him.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy the second chapter. I am not sure when the next chapter will be out because of my work schedule. Please make sure to follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.