Author Note: It has been a long time since i last updated on this account. I hope that you enjoy this new story and thank you for being patience. My life has been super busy and now it's time for a new story in hope to calm down. As I am getting back to writing, please excuse the word counts for a while.

Character Summary:

Steve is a single father to a little girl who is two years old. He accidently meets a girl at the daycare while she is picking up her children.

Marissa is a single mother to two little children who are two and four years old. She accidently meets a boy at the daycare while picking up his daughter.

Brooklyn is Steve's daughter who is two years old. She loves spending time with her father. She really hopes that her father will find someone to be with. She loves playing with Kayla since they are the same age.

Kayla is Marissa's youngest daughter. She is two years old and loves spending time with her mother and brother. She loves playing with Brooklyn.

Michael is Marissa's son. He is four years old and loves spending time with his mother and sister. He also loved spending time with his father when he was still in the picture so how will he act now that Steve is in the picture.

Chapter 1: Meeting and play dates

Steve walked into the daycare to pick up his daughter after the longest day that he has had in a while. He knew that he was probably the last one to pick up his daughter since that is what normally happens since his job.

"Hey, I am sorry. I tried to get out on time today." Steve said to the lady.

"It is okay. We are waiting for another parent to come and get her children anyways." The lady said to him with a smile.

Before Steve had a chance to say anything, he heard laughter and went to go check on his daughter. She was playing with one of the kids.

"baby girl, are you ready to go home?" Steve asked his daughter.

"No, daddy. I want to stay and play with her so that she is not lonely like you are." She said to her father with a smile. Steve had to admit that his daughter was smart.

"Baby girl, I have a big day with uncle Danny. I just want to go home and spend some time with you." Steve said to his daughter.

"But daddy, I want to play with her." His daughter said to him while whining a little bit.

"You guys will be able to play tomorrow." Steve said before picking up his daughter to walk out of the room right as the mom was starting to walk into the building.

"Marissa!" She said to greet her best-friend's mom with a smile.

"Hi sweet girl. Is this your daddy?" Marissa asked the little girl.

"Yes, I am her father. My name is Steve, what is yours?" Steve said to her with a smile.

"My name is Marissa. My little girl loves your daughter. I hope that we can come up with a play date for the girls." She said to him.

"Of course." Steve said to her before giving her his cell phone number. It took a few days before they were able to get the play date because of Steve's workload. Danny walked into the room where Steve was at.

"Hey, I thought that you had a playdate with Brooklyn's friends?" Danny asked his friend.

"I do but I want to make sure that things are done before I leave." Steve responded to him.

"I know but you need to go home and spend time with your baby girl and this girl's mom. You might find love." Danny responded to him.

"Okay, I am going." Steve said as he packed up his items and headed to elevator. He headed to his truck and managed to go get his daughter from his sister.

"Daddy, let's go before we are late." She said to her father. He could tell that she was super excited about the playdate and he was happy about it.

"Okay, let's go sweet girl." Steve said as he picked up his daughter. He was a little excited too about this playdate.

They finally made it to the playdate. Marissa and her kids were already there, and Steve watched his daughter run over there. They were there for over two hours and Steve was excited to see his daughter so happy.

"We are going to need to do this again. The kids had a blast." Marissa said to him with a small smile. She knew that Steve was going to agree to it.

"I am pretty sure that they did. Thank you for setting this setting this up. I am sorry that my work schedule was not allowing it at first." Steve responded to her.

"Well no doubt. It takes a lot of work of making the island safe for our kids, Commander." She teased him with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Steve said with a smile as they watched the kids play for a little bit long before they decided that they wanted to go swimming.

It had been a few hours since the playdate, Steve had taken his daughter home along with Marissa taking her children home. Danny arrived at Steve's house to find Steve playing outside with Brooklyn.

"Hey how was your play date with Marissa?" Danny asked his friend. He really wanted to tease his friend.

"It was fine." Steve said right before he noticed that there was something walking up. "Hello sir, can I help you?"

"Yes actually, you can stay away from Marissa and her kids." The man said to him before walking away.

"What is going on?" Steve asked him.

"I don't know." Danny responded to him. "But we need to find out."

"What better way to do that then ask Marissa." Steve responded to him

Author Note: I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter. We are still working on how many chapters there will be. I hope to see you all on twitter as Carson34ff. Have a wonderful week.