One Last Time

Frozen x Rise of the Guardians crossover

Elsa x Jack

Their Daughter Star!

One Last Escape

The party was over sooner then anyone could think as Jack and Elsa were ready for a meeting with everyone about this situation.

Star waited by the door with Jamie for the meeting to begin.

"Is everyone here?" Elsa asked.

"I called the other guardians over. Tooth is still busy as usual, but Sandy should be on his way." Jack said.

"If that's all, we should get started." Elsa said.

"Elsa. Jack. What is this about?" Merida normally stays out of other kingdom's business. But since her and Elsa are such close friends and her and Jack are guardians, she makes the trip just for them.

"Churnabog." Elsa sighed. "He has a son."

Gasps came from everyone just like at the party.

"He has a name!" Star shouted at everyone.

"Right. Travis." Jack said. "But the other part is that he's protected by Pitch Black himself."

"What?! The evil guardian? Are you kidding me?!" Ralph yells.

"Keep your voice down you big buffoon!" Vanellope elbows him.

"Mom. Dad. I want to be a part of this. I am a guardian too. And I can tell you-"

"Star I don't want to hear it." Elsa said.


"I have nearly lost too much to villains like Pitch. If Travis is the son of one, I'm not going to give this any thought. He's the son of the WORST villain of all of them. And that's something." Elsa said.

"You remember the demon king? He's the second to worst. And he kidnapped Aunt Anna and Rapunzel." Jack told her.

Star did remember. She was only 7 at the time but she heard about how terrible it was. And how it was more worse than Hans and his trick of Anna and killing Elsa.

"I know. But dad, Travis wasn't hurting anyone. He was just..." What was he doing?

"Star. Leave this to us. I can't lose you to Pitch Black OR to the devil king himself. Not even Hades can face him and he's a god of the dead."

"He's a god or earth." Elsa corrected him.

Star puffed her cheeks. "But I'm a guardian too! And I should be a part of this." She said.

"Your only 10. You shouldn't be a part of this till your much older." Flynn spoke up.

"He's right. Your still pretty young Star. You should let us adults deal with this." Uncle Kristoff told her.

"Jamie. Help me here." Star asked.

Jamie looked to Elsa and Jack. "Can you give her a chance? I mean she's been a guardian since birth pretty much. And when I was her age-"

"You saw me." Jack sighed. "Jamie. I know. But this is my OWN daughter. I can't risk it. How many times has Bunny ricked Sophie?" Jack asked.

Jamie shook his head. "I'm sorry Star. I do understand what your parents mean. But I do think your right to trust your heart."

Star didn't bother to talk back to him. She ran out of the room and upstairs to her own bedroom.

"Screw them all!" She yelled slamming the door.

She grabbed her red cloak she was given by North's wife and walked to the window. "Manny. I know your listening. Please. Have my parents see that I am right. Just because we give some of these villains a chance, doesn't mean all of them are evil. You know what King Ben did. And he married the daughter of the queen of evil. Please. Know where I'm coming from and watch over me. I am saving Travis. Even if he's the son of the worst one. Everyone deserves a chance." She spoke up to the sky and ran out her door. She headed to the front and snuck out and through the town.

It was easy as most of them were sleeping and the guards were too lazy to keep their eye out for anything.

"Did you think I'd leave you alone?" Spoke a small voice.

Star smiled as she turned to see Liz behind her. "I didn't think you'd want to come. Guess were having another crazy adventure." Star said.

"Princess. This isn't just crazy, this is dangerous." Liz said.

"I don't care. Travis isn't like his father. I am being a guardian and saving him."

"But princess. What will you do? You can run forever. You are a royal member after all." Liz pointed out.

And as a royal, she'd have to ban Travis. What was she to do? She had to help Travis but he is considered evil. Or is he?

"We'll find out when that time comes." She said.

So, Star and Liz made their way to the boats and were sailing off.

"Sorry, mom. Dad. But this guardian is following her heart. Just like you both did." She said to herself.

"Princess. Will we return?" Liz asked.

"Maybe one day. But for now, I want to find Travis." Star said.

Sailing in the dark on the ocean was calm and collected. It wasn't chilly, but it wasn't warm either.

"Hang on Travis. I'm coming." Star whispered.

Along the way, Travis heard the wind whistling in his ear. "Star?"

"What was that?" Pitch asked.

"Nothing. I think the wind is trying to tell me something. Or play it's tricks on me again." Travis said.

"Is it your mother again?" Pitch asked sounding very concerned.

Travis didn't say yes but he didn't tell Pitch who he was hearing. "No. I don't know this voice." He said.

Pitch sighed. "Good. At least it's not your mother's voice."

Travis never knew who his mother was. All his father and Pitch ever told him was that she was super beautiful yet she was the worst kind of person. She was terrible and left his and his father.

Travis wanted to know who is mother was. If Star could reach him, maybe she could help him. He wants to know who exactly who he is. Not just the son of a devil king.