Five points for assiting an elderly woman cross the street and helping her with her bags; fifty points for going out of your way to help a lost or injured animal; one point for getting up on time. Seven a day for eating proper meals; five for treating yourself well; ten for genuinely complimenting a stranger. Ten for standing up for what you believe in, twenty for standing up for the freedoms of someone else, fifty for doing so if it's not directly related to you. Thirty points for every person you show you love. Fifteen for cheering someone up just when they needed it. A few hundred thousand for saving the world, one thousand for saving a life.

There were points for everything and anything. Additions and negatives depending on what you were doing and the reasoning behind it. People called it karma. Actions considered 'good' gave you points, and 'bad' ones took them away. The world was built on it, at least for those who cared at all about their soul-mates at all.

That perfect person, the other half of your soul. It was for their benefit alone that you could use the collected points you earned or lost. With them you could help your soul-mate heal from an lethal injury, you could get hints and tips to find them. With enough, you could save them from death and teleport right to their side. The karma system allowed a person to do all this, it gave them access to a little menu would let them know what their soul-mate might need or want.

There were those that didn't bother or care about points, those that didn't bother giving their other half a second thought. Those that stole, raped, murdered. Pirates, villains, the bad guys. The people that even if they had points, wouldn't use them to save their other halves if the chance came about, yet would take full advantage if their soul-mate saved and helped them instead. Nami liked to think she wasn't one of those people.

As a little girl Nami had tried to do her best for her soul-mate because, as Nami quickly learned, her soul-mate seemed to be a little accident prone.

Nami, with or without points, used to look at her options every single day, and every single day she was presented healing options. A bruise, a broken arm, hunger, thirst, a head-injury or worse. And when Nami told Nojiko and Bellemere about this, they got strange faces which she didn't understand. Bellemere suggested that Nami do her best to save points so she could heal her soul-mate, which Nami already planned on doing thank you very much.

And that was what she did. Nami earned her points, she healed her soul-mate and then would beam up a storm when her soul-mate returned the favor. Though Nami never had enough for any hints, Bellemere told Nami not to worry about those until she was older, because then she could actually figure out what they meant. Nojiko meanwhile didn't listen to Bellemere when she said that and bought a hint the momet she had enough one which said 'black hair' which wasn't very useful Nami reasoned.

Bellemere Nami knew once told them she'd earned a thousand points each for saving Nami and Nojiko, and another thousand for taking them in as their mother. But when asked Bellemere said she was 'saving' and would spend the points when Nami and Nojiko were grown up.

But Bellemere never did get to spend those points.

Nami still remembered staring at her mother laid out along the ground and praying to all the gods that Bellemere's soul mate had enough points to save her. But Bellemere never got up.

After that, well, Nami didn't get a lot of points anymore. After all, good deeds earned points, and Nami was not doing anything good around Arlong. Instead, Nami lost points almost continuously for the stealing she was doing. Deep down she hoped buying her town and saving her village would help her earn back what she was losing, but she wasn't very sure it was a 'good' thing considering where she'd gotten the money.

And Nami continued to lose points when she stole, when she made her maps, and when she looked the other way when Arlong killed another person. She often cried herself to sleep as her fingers bled, and her total points were steadily sent into the negatives. As she checked on her soul-mate and saw injury, after injury, after injury and there was nothing she could do. And Nami thought, she didn't deserve a soul-mate, someone as bad as her. Someone who was working with pirates. But it seemed, Nami's soul-mate did not agree.

Curled in her ratted bed, surrounded by bloodied maps, Nami felt her fingers warm. Before her eyes her fingers healed, the skin repairing itself as it always did. As every bruise, bump, and bloodied gash healed only moments after she gained them without fail. Like the broken arm caused by a furious man after she'd stolen his wallet. Like the large gash she'd earned from the thug she'd mistakenly run into months before. Like the webbed bruises Arlong constantly plagued her with. It all healed, always.

Nami's soul-mate was generous with points even if Nami didn't deserve it.

Holly hadn't always known what the points meant because her aunt and uncle had never explained, no doubt hoping she'd spend what she earned incorrectly. Which of course she 'wouldn't' because Holly was a freak and freaks didn't earn points as they later told her.

She was aware that was quite plainly, bullshit.

Ever since Holly could remember she had points; though it wasn't until she was eleven that she discovered why. After all, as the savior of the magical world, Holly had managed to save the entire magical nation and thousands of lives by accident. The circumstances that led to the thousands upon thousands of points was a complicated cluster and nonsense she'd later piece together. But as a child, all Holly knew was that she had the points in the first place. Of course, as a child, she also didn't understand what they were. So Holly didn't use them until she was almost eight and her teacher did a lesson on them.

The points as she'd learned, were for her soul-mate. They were used to heal, to save, to find, her better half. To locate and help the one person Holly was destined to love, who would love her in return because they were perfect for each other. Considering Holly didn't have a real family and no one actually loved her, well Holly was endlessly intrigued by the idea of a soul-mate. So right away she posed her question to her teacher.

The options she had for her soul-mate was to heal them, bruises, scratches, broken bones, bloodied gashes; everyday things she thought from her own experience. That she understood, Holly just had to buy the option, and then her soul-mate would heal - and oh how it made sense now, her wounds had healed because of the person who loved her. That all clicked for her, it was something else entirely that Holly didn't understand.

"How come the options cost so little?" Holly asked with her too small hand in the air.

"Too little?"

"Yes." Holly proudly proclaimed because she knew her maths. Her total was at the bottom, and it had a lot of zeroes, and the things she could buy cost her between a hundred and ten points. This she explained to her teacher and was given detention for causing a ruckus. After all, it was impossible for an eight-year-old to have anything north of a hundred points or so, let alone the hefty number Holly claimed to have.

Little did she know, as Holly was thrown into her cupboard for causing trouble, her aunt and uncle exchanged a knowing paranoid look. Because as little as they wanted to know it, they knew very well that Holly had saved countless lives and her point total would reflect that.

Holly, with a lack of explanation, reasoned she'd somehow cheated the system, she'd used her freakishness on it and had gotten too many points. And while she thought to return them, Holly didn't know how, which ironically that thought gained her ten more points. Eventually, Holly figured she was just supposed to use them. So checking all through-out the day Holly bought the options available to her. Fixing all the numerous wounds her soul-mate suffered without fail and purchasing the many hints handy to her. She'd earned ones like 'orange hair,' 'cartographer' - which she'd looked up, 'oranges,' and most confusing of all, 'East Blue,' which royally confused Holly for years.

Then Holly turned eleven and learned the truth of why she had so many points. And as she discovered shortly after that, she would never really be hurting for points… ever.

Especially when Holly quite accidentally gained another thousand points by Halloween of her first year in Hogwarts. Sure she'd lost a few for fighting with Malfoy and thinking relatively dark thoughts about Snape. But on that first Halloween, she and Ron had rushed off to save Hermione Granger from a troll. Not that they expected the troll to be there at the time.

Snape had been convinced Holly and Ron had been needlessly looking for points by going after a troll; and then had been confident in the belief Hermione had been doing the same thing when she lied about going after it by herself. Holly denied the accusation firmly telling him to his face she had no need to 'troll' for points considering how many she had. Another thousand was just extra to her.

But to Ron… well.

"A thousand! Wow." Ron gaped at his total as they returned to the common room together, "I've never seen so much, this is… what do I even spend it on?!" he glanced at Holly and Hermione for help. Holly shrugged, she had never had to pick and choose so she wasn't sure. While Hermione gave a thoughtful hum.

"Well, I've always made a list of what's important and what I can buy later. After all, bumps and bruises heal quickly, so it's better to save for large injuries if they occur. While the better hints cost more, which is better to save for, considering the small hints are so minor and vague." And off she went explaining, Ron to his credit, listened intently to what she was saying and even took notes. It was amusing to Holly considering how Ron and Hermione had been acting hours previous.

Absently Holly opened her point page and bought a few healing options that had appeared over the last few hours, one of which included a stab wound. Honestly, what was her soul-mate doing!? They were more reckless than Holly herself, and she'd just stuck her wand up a troll's nose.

Months later, Hermione joined Ron in debating over what options to buy after they saved the philosophers stone. Holly, who had faced Voldemort directly had earned the most for the adventure. But Ron, who sacrificed himself and Hermione who had saved Ron by getting help, had both received a significant amount. The two eagerly debated over their hints and options. Ron had caved and bought a small tip for 'magic,' and Hermione was saving hers.

"We're going to earn quite a few points with you aren't we Holly?" Hermione mused scrolling through her list.

"I expect so." Especially considering Voldemort was alive and would no doubt be targeting both Holly and the magical world again.

"I suppose I won't mind that much, as long as we put our schooling first."

Ron and Holly gave Hermione a deadpanned look.

Together they said: "Sure 'Mione, sure." Because honestly.