Henrique later dropped by Phil's Depot again, where Phil was reading a magazine. He looked up as he saw Henrique enter. "Ah, Henrique, hey." Phil greeted as he put his magazine away and got up.

"Hey, Phil. Whatcha got now?" Henrique asked Phil.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got something. Y'see, there's a Boatyard 'round here, it's owned by some guys named Dwaine and Jethro, they've finished work on a boat for some Bolivian drug lord, but I could use the boat myself for my gun runnin' operations. Do ya think ya could go down to the Boatyard and steal that boat for my operations, Henrique? I'll try and throw in some cash for ya as a reward." Phil explained to Henrique.

"Okay, Phil, I'll try to do my best." Henrique replied before walking off.

"There's a good kid." Phil laughed before he sat back down in his chair and continued reading his magazine. Henrique got into his Comet he got as a gift from Gustavo Jiminez and drove it to the Boatyard that wasn't far from Phil's Depot. He entered the Boatyard, and hid behind a wall as he noticed Dwaine and Jethro talking to each other.

"So, what about the boat for that Bolivian guy, Jethro?" Dwaine asked Jethro.

"It's docked over there, Dwaine. It's a pretty fast boat, so it's ideal for that Bolivian guy's operations, whatever they might be. He was a little sketchy on the details of the order." Jethro shrugged.

"Ah, whatever. We get sketchy customers all the time, so I'm used to it by now." Dwaine replied. Henrique snuck around the Boatyard as he tried to get to the docked Squalo without being seen by Dwaine and Jethro. Once he got to the Squalo, he got in and drove it out of the Boatyard.

"Damn it! Someone's taking off with the Bolivian guy's boat!" Jethro exclaimed as he noticed Henrique take off with the Squalo.

"Well, shit. Looks like we'll have to start constructing the boat all over again..." Dwaine sighed. Meanwhile, Henrique was out on open water and brought the boat over to Phil's Depot. Once he docked it near the depot, Phil walked over.

"Well done, Henrique. Here's your money. I'm gonna fill up the boat with guns so I can sell 'em later." Phil told Henrique as the latter got out of the Squalo. Phil gave Henrique another $250 and Henrique left the scene. As Henrique left the scene, he got a pager message from his father, Rodolfo.

"Hey, son. If you received this message, then that means you have your own pager too. I managed to gather enough money to purchase my own pager. Your mother and little brothers are doing fine. You mind if I come over to Vice City to help you out with things? – Papi" Rodolfo's pager message read.

Sometime later, Henrique dropped by Phil's Depot again, where he found Phil sitting in the Squalo he had stolen for him. "Hey, Henrique. Great timin', son. Get in, we're goin' gunrunnin'." Phil told Henrique. Henrique nodded and got in behind the wheel of the Squalo, and they took off.

"So, we're going gunrunning?" Henrique asked Phil.

"Yeah, we are. This sale's a boat drop, so we're gonna meet my buyer out on the water, and we're gonna give 'em the guns, then we're gonna get paid. Simple as that." Phil explained.

"This better not be a setup or a police bust or something like that. I'm not going to jail in my current situation." Henrique muttered.

"Don't worry 'bout it, Henrique. I've been workin' with this guy for a while now, I know we can trust him. And if he rips us off or leads us into a police bust, we'll just pop a cap in his fat ass." Phil assured Henrique.

"He'd better not rip us off or lead us into a police bust, or else I'll get fucking pissed." Henrique muttered again. The two of them then arrived at the buyer's location. The buyer was an Caucasian human man with brown hair and blue eyes dressed in a black tank top with a Confederate flag on it along with stonewashed blue jeans and black laced brown work boots. He was sitting on a Marquis.

"Hey, Cassidy. You got the guns?" The buyer asked Phil.

"Hey, Knoxville. Damn straight I got the guns. Me and my boy Henrique here got 'em in the back." Phil replied as him and Henrique began tossing the boxes with guns onto Knoxville's Marquis.

"Alright, thanks, Cassidy. Here's your payment." Knoxville replied as he handed Phil the money.

"Alright, thanks for the money. I'll let ya know if I got anything else." Phil replied back before turning to Henrique. "Alright, Henrique, get us back to land." He told Henrique. Henrique nodded and began driving the boat back towards Phil's Depot. Suddenly, Vaqueros in Dinghys began showing up.

"The Vaqueros? What the fuck are they doing here?" Henrique asked.

"Damn Vaqueros musta been watchin' the deal, and now they want our money. I'll drive the boat, you keep these bastards off our backs." Phil told Henrique as the two of them switched places and Henrique began shooting at the Vaqueros. Eventually, Henrique managed to take out all of the Vaqueros, and the men got back to Phil's Depot. They were soon back on the docks of Vice Port.

"Thanks for your help today, Henrique. Here, this is your share of the profits we've made off that sale. Come back and help me again some time." Phil told Henrique as he handed him $500.

"Thanks, Phil. I'm just happy to help you out." Henrique replied as he left the scene.

Sometime later, Henrique returned to Phil's Depot, where Phil was talking to his brother in-law, Marty Jay Williams. "Are ya sure the kid can be trusted, Phil? He's a former cop, for fuck's sake!" Marty told Phil.

"Marty, go easy on the kid. He's got a difficult financial situation, he needs money for his family back home, so I'm payin' him to do some jobs for me. Ya should give him some work too." Phil told Marty. Suddenly, Henrique entered the depot. "Ah, Henrique! Great timin', kid! Henrique, this is Marty Jay Williams, my brother in-law. He runs his own gang and businesses, and together we're fightin' the Vaqueros for control of Little Havana and Little Haiti. Marty, this is the kid I was talkin' 'bout, Henrique Rivèra. He's the new kid in town who's been helping me out with a few jobs." Phil said as he introduced Henrique and Marty to each other.

"Yes, I'm Marty Jay Williams. I indeed run my own gang, and my brother in-law Phil told me ya need some work in return for cash. So, are ya up for it?" Marty asked Henrique.

"If it means getting cash I need for my family back home, then I'm up for it." Henrique replied.

"Great, great. Ya mind helpin' me with somethin' right now?" Marty asked Henrique.

"Sure, I don't mind. It's not like I got nothing better to do right now." Henrique replied with a shrug.

"Alright, let's get goin' then. Hey, Phil, I'll speak to ya again real soon." Marty told Phil.

"Alright, I'll see ya later, Marty. Again, go easy on Henrique." Phil told Marty in response.

"Of course, Phil. Of course. Come on, Henrique." Marty told Henrique as the two left the depot. They walked outside to Marty's orange/brown Bobcat. "Ya mind drivin'?" Marty asked Henrique.

"Not at all." Henrique replied as he got behind the wheel and Marty sat down next to him in the passenger seat.

"Drive us to this place in Downtown Vice City, I got business with the owner. I'll let ya know when we're there." Marty told Henrique as the latter began driving there.

"So, what do you do as a criminal?" Henrique asked Marty.

"I look after people and they look after me. Sometimes I have to remind 'em of their obligations if they don't." Marty began.

"So you're running protection rackets?" Henrique asked again.

"Yeah, protection rackets, loan sharkin', prostitution, me and my boys, we run the poorer neighbourhoods of the city. At least, we would be runnin' 'em if it weren't for them damn Vaqueros roamin' 'round there." Marty continued.

"And it pays well?" Henrique asked again.

"Damn straight it pays well, son. Now stop askin' so many questions." Marty replied back.

"Whatever..." Henrique muttered. They then got to the place Marty was talking about.

"Alright, here it is. Come with me." Marty told Henrique as they got out of the Bobcat and entered the store.

"Hey, buddy. I'm here to collect the money ya owe me." Marty told the store owner.

"Marty, I told you I'd pay you the money whenever I'm able to." The store owner protested. He had a thick French accent.

"Hey, ya fat French prick, ya better pay me my fuckin' money or I'll have my boy Henrique here deal with ya, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?" Marty asked the shop owner.

"But I don't have the money right now!" The store owner protested again.

"If ya don't have the money, I'll have Henrique beat it outta ya! Henrique, fuck that son of a bitch up!" Marty ordered.

"Marty, I don't think..." Henrique protested before Marty interrupted him.

"Shut up and fuck that son of a bitch up!" Marty ordered again.

Henrique sighed. "Oh, I'm so sorry, amigo..." Henrique told the store owner before he began beating the store owner up until he gave in.

"Okay, okay, okay! I give in! Uncle! Here's your damn money!" The store owner told Marty as he handed him the money.

"Thank ya very much for your co-operation, buddy. Henrique, let's get outta here." Marty told Henrique as they left the store and got back in the Bobcat. "Now drive me to my trailer park. I'll let ya know when we're there." Marty told Henrique as the latter began driving there.

"Well, I guess he had that money after all." Henrique remarked.

"Yeah. Sucks we had to beat it outta him though. Ah well, that's what ya get for lyin' to me." Marty replied.

"I take it you don't like liars?" Henrique asked Marty.

"Fuck no. I hate liars so damn much, because lyin's not good, Henrique. Keep that in mind." Marty told Henrique.

"I'll bear that in mind..." Henrique remarked. They soon got to the trailer park Marty lived in. They got out of Marty's Bobcat.

"Ya did good today, kid. I'll hit ya up if I got more work for ya. Here's some money for your trouble." Marty told Henrique as he handed him $250 and entered his trailer. Henrique then left the scene.