Ripples of Fate.

Disclaimer :I don't own Bleach.

Chapter 3.

The Seireitei.

The sky was dark, rain was pouring mercilessly from the dark grey clouds soaking anyone who was foolish enough to walk outside from head to toe.

In a big room its shoji colored in deep cream color with a pasque flower on it, the lights were dimmed and only the heavy breath of a person could be heared.

A young boy, his long black hair glewd to his forehead and back from the sweat slowly got up from his knee panting heavily, a large bruise was adoring his face.

In front of him, standing in a ready stence was a young girl around the same age her forehead was shining with sweat but her body showed no signs of fatigue.

"Is this all you are capable of?" she taunted the boy but her eyes were shining with enjoyment.

Ruy drew a tentative breath his hands were shaking but a smile was attached to his face.

"Hehe" he laughed "You're quite good.. But you haven't beaten me just yet" he said his hands moving in front of his face in an amateurish fashion.

"Lower your hands a bit.. Your position disturbs your balance" Feng said dissatisfied "And be more firm about your strikes.. Don't hold back".

The boy nodded before he launched at her again, this time lowering his hands a bit as instructed.

The flow was coming to him easier, his body balanced but the girl just dodged at the last moment and kicked him hard in the stomach lifting him in the air and kicking all the air out of him.

He slowly got up as she jumped back.

"I think that's enough" she said "You have a talent for Hakuda I think" she said with a smile "But you need a lot of training to realize this potential" Feng said with a smile.

The boy bowed to her with a smile "Thank you Feng" he said sincerely.

A genuine smile appeared on her face.. She would never admit it.. But it was fun to train somone her age.

"You should put some cold ice on your face.. I think I overdid it" she chuckled.

He touched his face and felt the bruise.

"Sheesh" he mumbled "How did it come to this?"


The sun light streamed into the room, carresing the calm face of the sleeping boy.

He opened his eyes looking around the unfamiliar room quickly assessing his situation.

Then he remembered all that happened the day before and couldn't help but to smile.

He fingered the soft covers of the bed he was in, wonder in his eyes.. Yesterday he was too tired to feel it all and fell asleep immediately.. But now he couldn't help but falling back into the comfort of the mattress.

Shaking his head he forced himself to get up and walk out of the room.

The long beautiful corridor caught his attention again but only for a second before he noticed something from a window at the end of the corridor.

A beautiful tall cherry tree, it's leaves falling giving it a magical feeling.

Without realizing it he walked toward the window and jumping out of it he walked toward it only now noticing a small pond near it.

His breath hitched.. It was looking into the garden of eden.. It was beautiful and peaceful.. The pink of the tree meshed in perfect harmony with the quite murmur of the water.

So captivated he was in the scenray he didn't notice the grey clouds gathering and pouring the rain.

Nor did he notice somone coming behind him until a gentle hand touched his shoulder.

He turned around in surprise, and instantly relaxed as he saw the now familiar face of the head of the Shihoin clan.

"Yo" Yoruichi gritted him with lifted hand and a small mischievous smile on her face.

"Good morning milady" he gritted her back with a smile "I hope you slept well".

"Indeed" she said "But Feng is still asleep.. The girl certainly isn't a morning bird" amusement was sparkling in her eyes.

The boy couldn't help but laugh, finding it funny how the strict girl had troubles waking up.

"We should go inside" Yoruchi said concerned "You might catch a cold".

Ryu nodded "Don't mind if I do then milady" he said and walked back.

They entered the mansion and she took him back to the dining room where they were going to have breakfast.

As they were eating the woman addressed him "Tell me Ryu" she started "What were you doing outside near the tree at such a rain?" she asked curious, for although the scenery was nice it wasn't anything special.

He looked up at her from his plate "I was looking at the tree milady... Is there anything special about it? I am asking because never before have I seen a cherry tree that was radiating with reishi" he explained.

Yourichi's eyes widdended in understanding "Oh right" she flashed him an apologetic smile "I am so used to it I tend to forget about how special this tree is.. Indeed it's a very old tree.. According to the legend it was raised by the founder of the Shihoin family.. It's very essence is imbeded with reishi" she finished her explanation "However it's impressive that you noticed it... Many people do not.. Even though they live here".

Her praise made him blush "Thank you" was the only thing that he was able to mumble.

It was then that the door opened and a half sleeping Feng entered, and Ryu couldn't help himself but to gap.

The girl who just the day before looked the epitome of order and tidiness was now walking into the room with barely open eyes hair dissheleved and wrinkled nightgown.

Feng walked toward the table and slumped on the chair holding her head with her right hand "What is for today?" she mumbled as she stiffened a yawn.

The only male in the room done all in his power not to burst into a fit of laughter but all his efforts were for not.

Blinking at the obviously male voice the girl rubbed her eyes to see the room before she turned red as a tomato when she noticed that lady Yoruichi wasn't the only occupant of the room.

At her expression both of the other occupants couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Good morning sleepy head" the noble said to her protégé after finally calming down "It will be appreciated if you can get ready quickly seeing as I have to go to the Seireitei.. And of course the two of you will be coming" she told the girl who nodded meekly.

"Good!" the energetic shinigami exclaimed "I'll meet the two of you near the gate in twenty minutes.." she said before she left the room hastily.

As the door closed behind her Feng turned to the boy with narrowed eyes "Forget everything you saw.." she said desperately.

Ryu just smiled "Maybe I will.. Sleepy head" he teased gee before quickly jumping from his seat and running to the door the now fully awake girl behind him.


They arrived to the Seritei not long after, courtesy of the captain's shunpo.

The skies were still dark and pouring down so they were ushered into the second division barracks quickly by the noble, thus missing their chance to see the Seireitei fully to the great dismay and dissapointment of the black haired boy.

To his surprise the place looked empty and only the absence of the dust in the room pointed at somone even walking here.

Seeing his confusion the black haired girl who by now sort of calmed down decided to explain "The division is part of the Onmitsukidōaka the stealth force.. Thus its people are constantly on missions and even when they are here they barely noticeable." she finished her explanation.

He was about to thank her when Yoruichi turned to the two of them a big smile on her face "Seeing that you two are on such good terms I think it's safe to leave you two here alone until I'll finish what I need to do.. Feel free to use the space in any way you see fit" she said as she walked out of the room leaving the two of them standing there.

They set there for some time in silence until the girl turned to the they boy who seat there still his eyes closed.

"Ryu" she said "Seeing as we are here anyway.. How about we train some?" she asked.

This picked up Ryu's interest "Sounds fun.. What do you want to train in?" he asked curious.

"Hmff" she huffed lifting her nose a bit "I am lady Yoruichi's personal apprentice.. I have plenty to teach you" she said.

"Allright alright" he said apologetically "Let's do it.." he said getting up from the floor.

"Bring it on!" she called before she ran toward him.

Flashback end.

So here he was, standing and holding his bruise.

"You guys sure look like hell" a voice sounded from behind Ryu making him jump in surprise and turn around.

A boy was standing there, his black hair in a ponytail while his left eye was partially covered by a falling lock.

The boy was wearing a white kimono made of expensive materials which looked to be quite comfortable.

When Feng noticed him she bowed her head in respect "Kuchiki sama" she said slowly "I was no aware you will be here".

The boy just smiled "Yeah... I am here to train with lady Shihoin" he explained "It's a pleasure meeting you again Shāolíng san" he greeted her back before turning to the other black haired boy "It is a pleasure to meet you to" he said softly "My name Is Kuchiki Byakuya.. Yours?"

Ryu bowed to the boy "Tomori Ryu.. It's a pleasure to meet you Kuchiki sama" he said.

The boy nodded "Mind if I join you? I was told to wait here by last Shihoin" he explained.

"Sure" Feng nodded "Seat down.. The more the merrier" she said indicating on the floor.

The boy smiled and seat down on the floor, the two quickly following suit.

From there it didn't took long for the three kids to open up to each other like any kid would.

"So Lady Yoruichi told me to walk into the room and when I did I was caught by surprise by a a water cup falling on the top of my head..." Byakuya said with a small smile while the other two laughed openly.

Ryu waswas about to say something when the door opened, revealing the above-mentioned woman who looked with interest at the three kids.

" I am glad to see the three of you getting along so well" she said with a honest smile.

The three nodded eagerly in at once which prompted the woman to laugh "However.. As much as I hate to disturb you.. I need now to train Byakuya.. I hope you don't mind" she said her eyes locking on the said boy.

She couldn't help but marvel at how the relaxed the boy was unlike how he always was at home.

To her surprise the boy who usually compiled without any complaints now looked hesitant and cast quick glances at his newly acquired friends.

Understanding his hesitation she decided to ease his worries "Don't worry kido" she said "You'll get more chances to meet them.. OK" she asked him.

The boy smiled brightly before getting up and walking toward her, then he turned around and bowed to his two new friends who waved him.

"See you around Byakuya!" the other male called after him.

Feng just silently nodded, reserved as she was.

The noble boy nodded before hurrying after the Shihoin who was now already nearly outside.

End of chapter 3.

Short and mundane chapter.. But important nonetheless. Enjoy!