OwlLeganday000: Wow. That's... deep... I mean I'm not really into science fiction (but I LOVE Star Wars), but all right. One of my ways to cope is by writing. I do A LOT of it when I'm stressed. Having deep thoughts is also fun. I've been having a lot of them lately. I recently got my mom into Hamilton, so we've been listening to the soundtrack (mostly You'll Be Back, Satisfied, Helpless, and Dear Theodosia) NON STOP. It's amde me notice deep things about it. Thanks for reviewing!

Warning: Drinking and heavy drinking refrenced.

I don't own Hamilton.

Chapter Seventeen

Philip gestured at a waiter to get him another glass. It had been his second shot of whisky. Usually Philip never drank. His mother told him that it was bad for him. But he didn't know what else to do. The drink burned his throat as it went down.

"Well, well, well," came a voice, "I never expected good lil' Philip Hamilton to be here. Is it your first time at the big boy pub?"

He rolled his eyes to face George Eacker with his drinking buddies. Eacker was wearing an evil grin that contrasted with his fake motherly pride. Ever since the duel, the Hamiltons hadn't seen him. They liked it that way.

"It is, in fact," Philip answered the man, "I'm not like you. A drunkie who's gonna get killed because of his addiction."

His comment made Eacker even more angry. But with a sickening grin on his face, Eacker came up with his next insult. The two men beside him looked at their boss for instructions. Eacker only gestured them to wait.

"At least I didn't kill my own daughter by bringing her outside," Eacker shot back, "Oh, it sounds like you've also cursed your wife somehow. Now you've made her think that your daughter's still alive."

This was where he drew the line. Philip threw his glass down on the table. He approached Eacker with his hands clenched. Everyone at the bar was watching him.

"See you on the dueling ground. I'll see you at dawn," Philip sneered, walking out.

On the way home, Philip decided that he couldn't tell anybody this time. Not his father, nor his mother. Definitely not Annie or Theodosia. He stopped and arranged for a doctor to be there. The old man looked ashamed that Philip was dueling again. To the same man. The Hamilton could of died. But Philip looked to determined for him to argue with.

"I'm not scared. Not at all," Philip tried to tell himself. He was going to be okay.

When he arrived home, he found his father-in-law with Theodosia in the parlor. Aaron gave him a weak grin, while Theo got up to talk with her husband. While the couple shared a kiss, Theodosia scrunched up her nose.

"Philip," she whispered, "Have you been drinking? You know Meggie won't like that when you put her to bed tonight."

Because of how Theodosia was handling the grief of losing their daughter, Philip had "agreed" to take care of Meggie. While he wasn't home Aaron came over to watch the baby. Sometimes, Philip caught his wife trying to check on the baby. While he was mellow enough to let it go, his wife, was as stubborn as her mother had been. Theodosia would fight for a chance to see their baby again.

"Sorry, Theo. I can put Meggie to bed now if you'd like. But, remember, Theo, Meggie died," Philip gently reminded her.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Theodosia exclaimed, "Is there some kind of sick joke that I'm not apart of? Your mother says so. Your father lies to me. Just as he's always had. Each and everyone of your younger siblings taunt me with their words. Even my own father does! I feel betrayed by everyone! Why would they say that my baby is dead? My child is very much alive. Not only that, but in perfect health…"

Philip held his sobbing wife. Next morning at dawn, he would be away from her. This wasn't safe. For either of them. He opened his mouth to fed the words to her. But Philip couldn't. Eacker had to be dealt with.

It was hard to steal his father's pistols. Eliza told him that he and his family was invited to come whenever they needed to. So Philip had a reason to be there. The guns were in Alexander's office. His task was simple: Retrieve the weapons before anyone woke up. He was having luck before John came in.

"Philip? What are you doing here?" his younger brother questioned.

"Oh, John!" Philip exclaimed, tucking the pistols into his coat, "I just wanted to look around a bit. You know, relive some old childhood memories. Wh-what are you doing up at this hour?"

"I heard something from downstairs… Did you just take Pops's guns? Mama's gonna be furious!"

Philip put a hand on John's shoulder. When he bent his knees, John was taller than him. It was then he realized how much his younger brother had grown. In his eyes, John was still that screaming newborn that his mother had shown him. Philip didn't like him much at the beginning. But after time, they became good friends.

"John Church, you have to promise me that you won't tell another soul what you saw," said Philip as seriously as he could.

"Only if you tell me what you're gonna do with those."

His older brother rolled his eyes. "I'm going to duel George Eacker."

"Again? Wait-no! Philip! You can't!"

"I have to, John. You'll understand when you're older." Philip rose from his spot.

"That's what everybody says," John mumbled, "All I want is to be treated like an adult."

With one last embrace from John, Philip went on his way to New Jersey.

"I wrote my wife a letter. I could of written it better," Philip told his friend, Richard Price once he arrived, "But, thank you, Rich. I owe you again."

"No problem, brother," Richard replied, punching his friend's shoulder lightly. It was only Richard who make light out of a situation like this. "I'm always there for you when you duel. Just promise me that you won't ever get someone else to do the job."

Philip chuckled. "Fine, if I must."

After their short conversation, Eacker arrived with one of the men from the pub. There was no joking around now. The two men took their places.








Philip tensed up. Eacker wouldn't try to shot him again. Would he? There was no way knowing with that man.


He was safe. For now.


No matter where she looked, Theodosia could not find her husband. He wasn't in any if the closets. Or working in his office. Perhaps he had gone work early. It seemed unreasonable, though. Philip never left for work until her father arrived. Her husband wasn't in Meggie's room. He might've gone to his parent's home for breakfast with Meggie. Theodosia made her way over to the Hamiltons.

John opened the door. Once he saw that it was herself, the boy looked down. Out of shame. Theodosia made a mental note to ask Philip about this later.

"Good morning, John," she greeted, "May I come in?" After a nod from John, she stepped inside. "Have you seen Philip this morning?"

"No!" her brother-in-law answered quickly, "I mean, no. I haven't seen him at all."

Instead of questioning John further, Theodosia skipped into the kitchen. Philip wasn't in there, but the rest of his family was. The younger ones were experimenting with their dishes while Eliza tried to finish getting breakfast ready. Annie was attempting to help her mother out. Alexander was trying to read the paper. Alex and James were getting along for once by talking about their loved ones. The two of them were speaking in whispers.

"Oh, hello, Teddy," Eliza said as soon as she noticed Theodosia, "What brings you here today?"

"Have you seen Philip at all?" Theo repeated.

Eliza shook her head. "But you're welcome to join us for breakfast."

"Meggie's also missing."

Annie took her friend's hands in her own. "Teddy, remember Meggie died. I know it's sad. But that's what happened. I miss her, too."

Before Theodosia could answer, Alexander had rounded everyone up. The two ladies took a seat at the table. Eliza sat by her husband's side, buttering bread for the younger ones. James gave thanks before they started to eat. The family was talkative as they were at mealtimes. James and Alex got into another fight. Ellie told Theodosia all about her new doll. Only John was quiet.

"John," said Alexander. Everyone stopped talking. "Why so silent this morning?"

He only shrugged and started to eat again. Eliza shared a worried glance with her husband. After a quick conversation with their eyes, Eliza asked,

"Is there something bothering you, John? You know you can tell us anything."

The boy looked at the ceiling. From what the rest of his family could tell he was debating weather or not to spill the beans. Finally John drew in a deep breath.

"Mama, Pops, Philip's…" he trailed off.

"Yes, son?"

"Philip's dueling Eacker again."

No one moved. The shock of John's news was too much. Theo was worrying about her husband, as well as Meggie. Where was her daughter? Annie clutched her chest. The pain there was growing stronger. It had been since this morning, but this was making it worse. Even though Annie was sweating, she still felt cold.

"Are you sure?" Eliza wondered.

John only nodded before the family got down to business.

"Alex, you're in charge while I'm gone," ordered Alexander. He could tell that his eldest daughter was in no state to help around the house. "James take care of your sister. Get her upstairs. Theodosia, if you can, will you help the younger ones get ready. They don't have to go to school today. John, thank you so much for telling us. You did the right thing. I'm proud of you for that. You're mother and I are going to try to get to Philip before it begins."

With that everyone got up. Ellie was crying softly to herself. Gilbert was patting John's arm in an attempt to make his brother feel better. Theodosia took over trying to comfort the confused little girl. James brought Annie upstairs. William only sat in his seat, very quietly. Alex was trying to clean up after their short meal.

In each of them was only a spark of hope.

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?

I've never had a panic attack before, so I am sorry if I offended anyone. I tried my best.

So I forgot to add in my fun fact and questions. I recently found a different Hamilton 30 day challenge that I like better, so I'm going by that one now. I'm going to do TWO facts and FOUR questions this chapter.

Fact #1: There are nearly 24,000 words in Hamilton

Fact #2: Lin says, "Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now" to himself everyday. That's become my new goal.

Question #1: Favorite song from Act 1?

I'll have to go with Dear Theodosia. That was the very first song I enjoyed from Hamilton. My very first song I heard was Satisfied. I hated it. But now it's one of my favorites.

Question #2: Favorite song from Act 2?

That's hard. I don't like Act 2 much, so I don't listen to it that often. However, it's a tie between It's Quiet Uptown and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. But Best of Wives and Best of Woman and Hurricane are up there.

Question #3: Favorite song overall?

Dear Theodosia. For sure.

Question #4: Favorite female character?


Thanks for reading! Please review!

Thanks for reading! Please review!