Dangerous yet stupid predators

Hearing the voice that was hovered over my sitting figure, I immediately scrambled away from my position and took a good look at the person who is with me right now.

The light coming from the dawning sun has provided me some from seeing him. He has a very weird but wild brown hair, a naturally near-tanned skin and a piercing gaze. But what really stick most was the katana he was carrying on his back. It has a weird hilt, resembling a sai. Seeing that he's carrying a sword, made me gulped in fear. It was a bad decision to run in here. If I am not going to be captured by those bastard yakuzas, I'm going to be hacked-and-slashed by some random stranger in an cramped alley way.

He squinted his eyes, as if he's studying me. It made my toes retract inside of my shoes in fear. I didn't break any eye contact with him, he's only dead silent. My mind tells me to run away from this possible crazed slasher but my body refused to cooperate. I can't move my feet as if it was permanently glued on the ground. I don't know why.

"What's a pipsqueak and unattractive high school girl doin' at this part of the district looking like a disaster?"

"E-excuse me?"

My body relaxed a bit from his question. To be honest, I was rather thrown off because of murderous he looked in my eyes.

That's right. I could see darkness and murder in his eyes. Also, he smelled of blood. It was all over his body. The scent that was like of a rusted iron, it was so strong. In fact, I could smell the scent of blood from his katana. It was like he bathed in blood in his whole entire life. Smelling it made my stomach did a 360 degrees twist and made me gulped the saliva that was building inside my mouth.

"You're not goin' to answer me, eh?"

I don't know what happened next. All I could see is that the tip of his katana were directly pointing on my throat. My eyes widened, not because of fear, it was because of how fast he took his katana from its scabbard and point it at me. I didn't even hear it whiz in front of my face. Not a single noise.

"I'll ask again. What's an ugly high school girl who is flat as a board doing at this part of the district?"

Did he just straight up insult me while threatening my life?!

"F-flat? You seriously added that to your question?!"

When I hissed at him, he just raised an eyebrow and did not move his sword away from my throat. He might be wondering why I reacted that way instead of answering his question in order for my life to be spared. To be honest, I don't know either. I did say that he have the eyes of a murderer. However, he does not look like he's vicious and has the desire to put a period in my life story. He's rather laid back and aloof.

"What? It's true, ain't it?"

"That's not the point! You holding up a sword on my throat and you go saying something so descriptive, and it was about my chest nonetheless! Where were your eyes wandering?!"

My face must be red right now, it's either because I got flustered or maybe because I was angry at him. What a nerve!

Moments later, he sheathed his katana and started laughing. In between his mocking laughs, he told me that I was about to meet my end yet I still went on scolding him about him pointing out my chest size. Now, I'm even flustered than before.

I let him have his own fun since I have nowhere to go for now. I'll hide here until before noon. Those bastards might be taking a break from their manhunt and filling their stomach by that time. I mean, they got to rest or they won't be able to catch up to me. But, I am the same too. I won't be able to outrun them if my stomach is damn empty. I need to find some food.

"Why're you silent there, hussy? You hungry or somethin'?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly. I sank to ground again like a wet vegetable. How embarrassing, growling so loud like that in front of a stranger who threw an insult about my chest not a moment ago. Can this get worse?

"Hey, you haven't answered my first question girly. What'chu doin' at a shady place like here?"

I looked at him with a frown on my face. "What's it to you? You're not the kind of person that go worry about some stranger, especially unattractive ones."

"You have a very sharp tongue."

As much as I want to say something insulting back to him, I can't. I'm too tired and hungry. With those two deadly elements combined in my body, it has great impact in my well-being such as blurred eyesight, headache, stomach pain and noodle limbs.

"Besides... It's not like you can buy me some food."

"What made you say that girly?"

"Because you're a hooligan. I can't trust you."

The smirk that he had before disappeared and is now replaced with his lips pursed into a thin line. I know he's some kind of brigand because of the aura he's giving off. Didn't he think that I know what he was doing. He's talking to me casually so I would lower my guard. Fat chance bastard.

"You ain't so dumb afterall."

"Please do not compare me to the women you've slept with." I said to him, like a snake spitting its venom. "What do you want from me? Surely you are not after my money and definitely not after my body."

He non chalantly scratched his belly. "Well... Muggin' people for their money tends to be borin' sometimes and I don't get that much money, 'nuff for both booze and some hooters."

I glared at him. "What's your point?"

He unsheathed his blade and pointed it again through my throat. "You got some hell'uva moolah on your head, girly. Can you imagine? A girl like you is worth ten billion yen. That's a lot of dumplings."

They've set a bounty on my head? Heck, I didn't expect them to pull that kind of move from their assess. The big man must have been pissed that that they can't catch me by normal means so he placed that big amount on my head. Anyone would bust their asses looking for me. Who doesn't want to have ten billion yen on the palm of their hands? But, why would they pull that kind of move? I am of no importance for them. Well, that is what I think. Just thinking about the price they've laid down, it was easy to identify that the people want to catch are no ordinary yakuza. Bastard must be handling lots of shady deals and businesses around this district.

"What? You are just going spend all of that money to whores and booze? That's some life." I said sarcastically.

He grinned like a dog in heat. "Of course! That's how real men live life!"

Knowing how you spend your money, I'm itching to ask you a question if you even have a life.

"That was a rhetorical question. No need to answer it so proudly. Besides, you can't just hand over me to them as easy as 123."

I felt the tip of his katana on my throat, ready to poke a hole. "Are you underestimating me bitch?"

I swatted the katana away from me. "I'm pretty sure they needed me alive."

If the one who wants to capture me wants me dead, his men could have done something to me like shoot me as I run away from them.

"Then I'm just going to hack them to death if they didn't accept your dead body!" He declared

"Are you insane?!" I exclaimed.

I wasn't expecting an answer like that from. Sure he looked like a murderous moron with a brain comparable to a worm but, he's not that stupid to do something like killing a whole bunch of yakuzas! I don't think 'a whole bunch' is not the right word to describe their number. How could he possibly? I'm not even worried that he might kill me.

"I'm quite sane girly. I'll hack and slash anyone that comes in my way." He further pressed the tip of his sharp katana, to the point I can feel it cutting my skin already. "And that includes you."

I don't know why. I wasn't afraid of him, I feel like he won't kill, that he can't kill me. He's just toying with me. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. He drew back and raised his katana over his, ready to cleanly chop my head off.

I can't move, I can't speak, and can't blink. I kept my eye on the ruffian's katana, unresponsive to my 'inevitable' death. Truth to be told. I'm not even scared of him, just infuriated.

I was waiting for his blade to touch my skin when I heard a loud metal clang above my head.

Behind me was another man who has a skin white as a china vase that were made during the Ming dynasty, has a hair black as the dark abyss that I saw one time I looked into a well, and has a stern look similar at the lunch lady who's working been working for 25 years at our school cafeteria.

Anyway, he managed to parry the ruffian's katana and stopped him from severing my pretty little head from body, or if that was his intention at all. The ruffian jumped away from us but his sword still unsheathed, the same goes for the new guy at the scene. I'm guessing that they are not finished with their confrontation.

They glared at each other so much that I can see sparks fly and can feel the weighing atmosphere around me. I think it's getting hot in here.

None of them moved a muscle for a long period of time. They only stood at their own respective spot. Watching them bored the shit out of me at this point.

What the hell was this serious man doing here, parrying a sword out of nowhere, saving my life. He's no 'Knight in Shining Armor'. That kind of person will never exist in this district. It's all for themselves. The phrase 'No man is an island' holds no water. In any case, he didn't just happen to pass by and saved me with a pure intention.

"Thank you for saving my life and all but, what brings you here mister? Brandishing your katana?" I asked the black-haired guy as I regained my composure that disappeared from the dangerous predicament earlier.

He just glanced my way and didn't say a word. A silent type. How typical.

"What? Just because he saved you, your panties dropped? C'mon. Ain't that obvious? He's after your head too." the ruffian said, with a cynical smirk on his face.

I glanced at the ruffian. "Uh, how vulgar. Please, I'm not like the other girls you've met."

It figures that the new guy has the same goal as the other guy. They were both after the bounty.

"Like I said, handing me over them is not simple as counting number or reciting the alphabet! So, going after me is not the ideal way to earn easy money! Capisce?!"

The ruffian clicked his tongue. "And like I said before, I'll kill everyone that will hinder me from getting that money! I need that money!"

"What a moron." The black haired man complained as he returned his blade to its scabbard.

I agree. It would seem like the moment he'd heard me, what I said immediately came out to his other ear. I don't know how much of a bad ass he thinks he is but he can't always resolve conflict by using his sword.

"What did you say?" The ruffian hissed.

Moments later, I heard a whiz and soon after came the sound of two blades clashing together. I immediately distanced myself from the two angry men. I think this is an opportunity to bail from these two before one of the became the victor and hand me over to those nasty yakuzas.

I slowly took a step back, making sure they don't hear me. However, not even the loud sound of two swords colliding can cover my sneaky and silent escape away from them.

Not only a bunch of yakuzas are the ones who're after my hind, now there's addition to the list of people I'm running away from.

Please... I wish that this is only a nightmare.

Thank you for Slytherin Studios for following this story uwu