"Hey Buck," Steve slurred as he stumbled into the broken down apartment.

"You're only small, you need to learn how to control your alcohol." Bucky claimed and he helped Steve over to the small bedroom. He laid Steve down onto the bed. Just as he was about to leave, the blonde called for him.



"Come 'ere."

Bucky walked back over to the bed.

"I need to tell you something," Steve slurred.


"I'm inlove with youuu," he spoke and he pointed a bony finger at Bucky.

"You're drunk," Bucky ached hoping it could be true, "go to sleep Stevie."


The blonde smiled as he passed out from the alcohol.

The next morning Bucky awoke to Steve moving around the kitchen.

"You were very drunk last night," Bucky laughed as he walked out of his bedroom. Steve was in the kitchen chugging water like there was no tomorrow.

"I wasn't that drunk."

"You wanna bet?"

"Oh no, what did I say."

Bucky remembered what he had slurred before he had passed out, "Do you really want to know?"

"Was it really that bad?"

"I don't think it was bad, you might though."

"Just tell me goddamit."

Bucky hesitated, "you said you were inlove with me."

Steve's eyes widened. Bucky heart him mutter something under his breath.

"You ok Stevie?"

"I knew this would happen, I shouldn't of gotten drunk around you."

"So it's true," Bucky smiled as he spoke in an unreadable tone.

Steve looked at the ground, "I guess, but it's not normal. I shouldn't feel this way about you."

"Hey hey hey, it's ok," he reassured him as he grabbed Steve's small hands.

"What do you mean, you probably hate me."

Bucky smiled at him.

"Did I gue-"

Before Steve could finish his sentence, Bucky leant down and kissed him. Steve froze for a second, but reciprocated. He didn't have much practice and it was obvious, but that didn't matter to Bucky.

Suddenly Steve pulled away and faced his back to the taller man.

"I'm sorry Steve I-"

"Are you taking the piss?"


"There's no way you could love me back. Just look at me. I'm not a dame. First of all I'm a guy, second I'm not even that good looking I'm so small and-"

"Oh my god Steve shut up! I don't care about that stuff. Look at me."

The blonde reluctantly turned.

"You're beautiful and I- I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now come here."

Bucky spread his arms. Steve ran forwards and wrapped his arms around Bucky. He hoped this moment would never end.

Bucky stood facing the now tall blonde. Behind him were four people he didn't know.

"We don't want to hurt you," Steve spoke, his eyes tearing up, "just please, please remember."

"I do remember Steve."

"What do you..." he trailed off

"That you're beautiful and I love you."

"I love you too."

Bucky let a shit-eating grin spread across his face as he spread his arms, "now come here."

"Oh my god Buck," Steve whispered as he stepped forwards and pulled the smaller man in close.

The people that stood behind him smiled as they gave Bucky a thumbs up. I'm that moment, he prepared himself for his new life. Without Hydra, but with Steve.