Chapter 41: The Secret of the Pendant

Inuyasha has no idea on how to tell bad news to a child. "What was it like when you found out that your mother passed away?" Kagome asks sadly in murmur as she stays in her seated position. Inuyasha didn't see this coming. He only told her that she died a long time ago, in a sour tone. He wasn't one who would tell anyone about his past. "I was devastated." He admits to her with his bangs over his eyes.

Thinking she either has to drop the topic or proceed a bit further. "I was aware she was sick. I was just a kid when she died." He speaks out before Kagome could make her choice. "I'm sorry to bring it up." Kagome said in regret about the topic. All Inuyasha could do is turn his head to her, with the bangs still covering his eyes. All Kagome could do is sympathize with her. "I lost my father when I was kid. It was right Sota was born." She copies Inuyasha's covered eyes.

Never in her life has Kagome ever once mentioned about her father to anyone outside of her family. "How?" Inuyasha managed to asked her softly, hearing how hurt Kagome is. "He was killed in a car accident." Kagome sniffled a little, trying her best to hold her tears. However, they slide down her cheeks. Not just that, Kagome buried her head into her arms.

At this point, Inuyasha has never expect Kagome to be this hurt when her father was killed. Judging by the time she came over her, it was like she has gotten over it ever since. But if it were to be brought up, she'd be depressed. Hoping it doesn't bother her whenever she was home. "It's never easy to give a child bad news that is about their parent's death." She murmurs. Inuyasha can feel the pressure. "We might as well head back." Kagome recommends as she is about to stand back up. But her arm is being pulled back down to the ground, into his arms. "Not yet." Inuyasha whispers to her into her ear.

Doing all she could to get out of his grasp, Inuyasha wouldn't let her go. "Stop it, Inuyasha. We have to tell Kimi about her mother. Stop messing around." Kagome continues to struggle, but as always, Inuyasha wouldn't let her go. Despite the position she found herself in, she knows it's too early in the morning, so she decides to go back to sleep. Inuyasha looks down to the girl in his arms with a fond smile. 'Later. We're not ready yet.' He declaims as he decides to go to sleep.

Back at the hut, Kimi is sitting on the wooden floor. Kaede woke up a few minutes ago to start making breakfast for the group. "Ye have nothing to worry, child." Kaede speaks up. Kimi turns to her. "But I am worry. I really thought that Kagome would be back by now." She responds honestly. Kaede knows better. Kagome isn't one to give bad news. She knows that. 'I guess she must've gone to Inuyasha to find support.' She thought to herself.

A few hours later, Kimi has had enough of waiting for Kagome to return. She stands up and heads out the door. But before she steps outside, the flap of the doorway is pushed away to let the person, or in this case, people to enter. "Where on earth were you two?" She yells as she crosses her arms. Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other, hoping for which one to get her the bad news. "Well, Kimiā€¦" Kagome starts off. But then the pendant pulses as it goes into the center of the hut. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede and Kirara stare at the item. "You have nothing to worry about." Wakana's voice speaks out of nowhere. Soon enough the pendant's power glows and then Wakana's body appears. "Mommy." Kimi runs to her. "Kimi, I'm sorry I couldn't came be home." Wakana knees down to her level. Kimi is confused. "What are you talking about? You're here aren't you?" Kimi asks her mother. Wakana shakes her head. "I was never here in the first place." She replies back sadly, "But as you can see, I trapped most of my soul into this pendant so that the girl with the mirror wouldn't get it. I made her believe she did in the first place." She explains to her daughter.

All of a sudden, the pendant opens up to reveal a sacred jewel shard inside. Kagome gasps at the sight. "I never sensed it. I'm usually able to sense one nearby. How is it that I wasn't able to sense its presence?" Kagome asks, feeling down. Sango comes to her side and comforts her. "I had to do something to make sure no one who had that ability to know its whereabouts." Wakana replies softly as she comes to Kagome. "I'm sorry about all this, Kagome. You see this shard was keeping me alive when I stumbled upon it when the girl with the mirror came. I had to do whatever it took to protect Kimi." She explains to her. "But now, since I'm free from the clutches of the girl and her master, I'm finally ready to go rest in peace. But I cannot do that without my little girl." She smiles in the end as she picks up Kimi into her arms.

Kagome nods. "I see now." She spoke, "You were aware about what I was going to tell your daughter about the aftermath when we came back." She's relieved. She doesn't have to give the bad news she was going to tell Kimi. "Now Kimi, is there something you would like to say to Kagome?" Wakana asks her daughter nicely. Kimi nods, "I actually have two." She replies as she points to the jewel shard. "Ah that's right. We have to give Kagome this so she can protect it. Kimi digs into the pendant to carefully pull out the shard and hand it over to Kagome. "Kagome, thank you for saving my mommy." She smiles as she gives the shard. Kagome closes her palm to purify the jewel for if there any traces of taint in it. Luckily, not a single spot was tainted. "You're welcome, Kimi."

As such, the mother and daughter gently fade away until they completely vanished. "I never saw that coming." Miroku spoke after a few seconds. "What?" Sango asks him curiously. "I should've been able to send them to the afterlife when I had the chance." Miroku replies back to her. "I guess then some spirits need to find their problems, solve it and be on their way." Kagome comments as she places the new jewel shard in her little bottle where a few other pieces that have been collected inside.

Later that night, Kagome decides to head back home. But as always, Inuyasha would just tag along. "How long will you be gone?" Kagome hears him asking as they get to the clearing of the forest where the well resides. "You know, you're more than welcome to come." She offers to him instead of answering the question. "Just answer me." Inuyasha gets in front of her. "No way." Kagome grabs the rim of the well, that is until Inuyasha grabs her wrist. "I'm not letting you until you answer my question." He speaks to her softly. Kagome takes a few deep breathes to calm down. "Three days, Inuyasha." She answers as she tries to get her captured wrist free.

"Wrong answer." Inuyasha disagrees with her. Kagome turns to him. "What? I gave you my right answer." She stares back at him. "That's what you think. But not me." She is confused. "Whenever you leave, I'm just lonely." Inuyasha admits to her. "Then come with me to the other side." She assures him as she leans onto his stretched arm. "That's the right answer." Inuyasha huskily whispers as they jump in. 'Never in my life would I have the love of my life right here with me." Inuyasha smiles as he embraces her, and gives her a passionate kiss as the light engulf them into the future.