Ever Us—A-Un, part 2

Primary Cast: Ryuu, A-Un

Ryuu meandered into the courtyard and waved at the castle gate guards. They nodded and returned to their duties. As he walked by the fountain he admired the jets of water spraying into the large fountain base. This was such a nice place. He sat by the fountain and allowed his fingers to play in the water. It was cool and refreshing.

'I bet A-Un would like a drink, 'Ryuu thought. He arose; walking with a purpose to the great horse barn that the two-headed dragon shared was Jinenji and A-Un.

The barn was two stories. The horses, Jinenji and A-Un lived on the first floor. The second floor was hay storage, a great place to hide from their parents and Jaken's favorite napping site. Ryuu smiled as he recalled several pranks they had played on their uncle, his favorite—how many straws can you put in the imp's nose or mouth and not wake him—So far he lead the gang with eleven. Honestly he wasn't sure how many more he could get in the imp's mouth and nose. He pondered.

The castle horses whined a greeting to the young Takahashi. Ryuu had taken to horse riding almost as easily as to swimming. It was though he could feel their intentions; when to hold on tight, when to brace for a jump, whether to lean forward, or to lean back. He really never thought about it but he supposed he was communicating with them. The last horse in the stall stomped his foot, gaining Ryuu's attention.

"What can I do for you, Charger?" Ryuu turned to look at the great warrior horse.

The stable guard noticed the interaction and came to the Prince's side.

"Charger seems to be limping but none of us can see anything. My Prince, do you know what's ails him?"

Ryuu eyed the great stallion. The stallion dropped his head once.

'I believe he asked me to help him,' Ryuu puzzled. 'Did Charger just talk to my mind?' Curious Ryuu formulated a thought and broadcasted it directly at the stallion.

'You don't have to yell. I just need you to get the rock or whatever out of my hoof.'

Ryuu jumped back in shock. The stable guard took a defensive position in front of the young Prince. "What is it Prince Ryuu? I can whistle for Captain Kenichi immediately." The guard raised his two fingers to his lips and inhaled deeply to whistle.

Ryuu raised a hand and stopped him. "It's ok. I just tripped. That's all. I think Charger wants the rock out of his hoof."

Now the guard jumped. "Charger wants what?"

"There is a rock or something lodged in Charger's hoof."

The stable guard looked from the prince to the horse and back several time. The horse nodded. The stable guard opened the stall and looked at the stallion's hoof.

'The right front,' Charger said.

"The right front," Ryuu repeated, although it was the first time the guard heard it.

Switching to the right front hoof, the guard lifted the hoof and examined the surface. There in the sole was an abscess that was fluctuant to touch.

"You are right! Prince Ryuu, would you get the hoof knife for me? It's over on the shelf. It seems Charger has a something imbedded in his sole and we need to incise it here and let it drain. Would you like to help?"

'Please my Prince,' bowed the stallion.

'As you wish,' Ryuu replied, still very amazed he could understand the horse. He nodded to the guard as he walked to the shelf. Ryuu grabbed the knife and after sterilizing it with a hot flame brought it to the stable guard.

"I'll hold the hoof. Just make a small cut over that bump, do you understand?"

"Won't it hurt?" Ryuu was worried.

'I'll hold still,' Charger replied.

"I've got his hoof," the stable guard replied. "He'll be glad to get rid of the pain. It'll be okay."

Reassured by both the stable guard and the horse Ryuu dropped the point of the knife into the bump. Purulent material poured from the wound.

'Aaaaaah—what a relief,' Charger sighed.

"Good job, My Prince. Charger seems very content. Now you need to push on the abscess to make sure it's all clear. This part may hurt but it's necessary."

'Charger, you are doing well. Hold still a little bit longer. I need to clear the abscess.' Ryuu told the stallion.

The horse snorted.

Ryuu pushed on the abscess and a thorn and more pus made their way to the surface. After assuring the abscess was clear Ryuu flushed the wound with water.

"Well done Prince Ryuu. Charger and I thank you." The stable guard lowered the hoof gently to the floor of the stable and patted the stallion's flank. "And you, Charger, deserve a juicy apple for holding so still. Can't get over how well you held still," the guard continued to talk to himself as he walked to the apple bucket to get the horse his treat.

Charger nosed Ryuu. Ryuu hugged the horse's neck.

The stable hand returned with an apple for Charger and one for Ryuu.

The horse took the apple with his lips and backed into his stall to savor his treat.

Ryuu handled his apple and pocketed it as he walked further into the barn. In the last portion of the barn Jinenji's belongings; his tea set and checkered table cloth, a large ceramic washing basin and a bed of hay, occupied the left side and A-Un occupied the right. Today the two headed dragon was curled like a feline, napping.

Ryuu wondered how long Ryuu had been sleeping and if it was okay to wake him when he noticed A-Un's feet moving as though he was chasing after something. The right dragon's head snorted and the left moaned as though they had just missed catching the elusive prey.

'A, you missed it,' came a voice.

'I missed it? You missed it too,' came the annoyed reply.

"Missed what?" Ryuu responded.

The dragon awoke and stared.

"Hi A-Un," Ryuu waved. "Want to go for a walk with me? The water in the fountain is nice and cold."

The dragon nodded eagerly and rose, stretching luxuriously.

"Come. Follow me," Ryuu waved.

The dragon lumbered after the young prince.

As they left the barn the horses whined and bid the two a good day.

In the sunlight of the castle grounds A-Un stretched their necks and looked about. Content that all was in its place and its Masters were safe, they followed Ryuu to the courtyard fountain.

"Have a drink, A-Un," Ryuu offered.

The right dragon head bent to have a sip. Content that it was indeed as good as Ryuu had suggested the right head drank. In time it removed its muzzle, water dripping and allowed the left dragon head a chance to drink.

'So good!' A spoke to Un.

"I knew you would like it," Ryuu nodded.

'Can you understand us, little one?' The dragon stared and blinked in amazement.

'Guess so,' Ryuu thought. 'Just happened today with the horses. I think I might be able to understand animals.'

A-Un stared.

Ryuu stared back. 'Why? Is that bad?'

The dragon blinked again and then roared in delight.

Castle guards came running from all over the castle grounds, weapons ready.

"Stop everyone!" Ryuu called out. "I'm okay. A-Un is just excited. We're going for a flight. Tell Father and Dad we'll be right back."

The prince mounted the dragon and took off.

The royal couple rolled over in bed to see Ryuu and A-Un fly by. They rolled back over, Inuyasha on top.

"Don't you dare stop now!" The inuhanyou commanded.

His nose reassured him all was well so Sesshomaru grabbed his mate's hips tightly and replied, "As you wish, my mate."

Moans, groans, and other sensational sounds continued.

Ryuu and A-Un flew out of Castletown toward the remote forest of Japan. Within ten minutes they had found a lovely meadow with flowers.

Ryuu slid off A-Un and stood in front of them.

'You didn't answer. Is it bad that I can understand you?'

'No, it is wonderful!' A cried out.

'No, it is marvelous!' Un spoke at the same time.

Then the two started speaking over each other as their excitement exploded.

Within minutes of listening to the cacophony of sound Ryuu started laughing. He bent over his knees and braced his belly. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Soon the dragon stopped speaking and stared at the prince.

As Ryuu calmed down he stared back.

The meadow was quiet except for a cricket and a lone bird.

'Don't suppose you could talk one at a time please,' Ryuu pondered. 'Now I think I understand why Dad can't understand us kids when we all talk at the same time.' Ryuu cleared his airways and looked pointedly at A-Un's right head. 'You start.'

A, the right head, bowed slightly and introduced itself. 'I am "A". Mistress Rin named us. She explained that in her native tongue "A" represents the beginning and "Un" the end of all things. I am the first.'

The other head nodded. 'And I am "Un". It has been eons since anyone could understand or speak to us. Forgive us Master Ryuu for talking over each other. We are just excited!'

'I just learned that I could speak to animals today,' Ryuu volunteered. 'Tell me more.'

So A-Un spoke to Ryuu nearly all afternoon; about their home in the barn and the wonderful being that shared it with them, about Mistress Rin and how much they missed her, about their favorite foods and how much they loved to fly. They mentioned how glad they were that their Father and Dad had become friends because they thought it was silly to not love your brother. After all they loved each other and they didn't have a choice in the mater. Several times they talked over each other and Ryuu just smiled. Eventually they exhausted of topics and Ryuu got a chance to ask questions.

'Dad tells us bedtime stories. Last night he made up a story about you.'

'Really? Was it exciting?' A asked.

'Very. You saved Father's life.' Ryuu nodded.

'If we could only return the favor,' Un sighed.

'What do you mean?' Ryuu queried.

'What my brother means, Dear Prince, is that we owe a life debt to your father. If it weren't for him we would be dead.'

'I still don't understand.' Ryuu contemplated the statement.

'Years ago, when we were young our mother hatched us in the wilds of the dragon country. We looked as we look today, a two-headed creature. Our mother cared for us until we were teens but as with all dragons she kicked us out of the nest so she could hatch her next child. We wandered the wilds, fending as we could; a rabbit here, a cabbage or melon there. Mostly we found that we like grasses. As a youngling we were very awkward. A would want to go to the right. I would want to go to the left. We weren't very good at flying either. I guess you could call us dorks.' Un laughed nervously as he reflected on their young life.

A picked up the narrative. 'We wandered into the inhabited area of dragon country. At first we were excited to see others of our kind. But then we noticed they were yelling and growling at us. We bowed and kneeled and offered our best submissive poses but that made them even madder. Suddenly they all turned as someone of significance walked into their midst. Next thing I remember they were running at us with pitch forks and maces!'

'It was scary!' Un added.

'We ran away as fast as we could but they caught up and started beating on us. Our skin is tough. It eventually was damaged and our organs inside as well. It really hurt. Eventually they tired of beating us but by then we were defeated, crying, and ready to die.' A ruminated.

Un cuddled against his brother's cheek. 'We were lying there in a pool of our blood, heaving to breathe, our ribs broken and lungs collapsed when along came Lord Sesshomaru.'

A's face lightened up. 'He started to pass us by when Un whimpered. I guess the sound intrigued our Lord and he turned. I don't know. My face was beaten so badly my eyes were swollen shut. But Un could see him.'

'I did see him, brother. He was the most beautiful being I had ever seen. He was wearing white and had a sword at his hip. You look like him, Ryuu. Such an exquisite creature.' Silence followed as Un appeared lost in thought.

'Dummy, wake up. Finish the story,' A knocked his brother in the head.

'Well, you think he's good-looking too,' Un pouted then looking at Ryuu he added. 'Your father said, "If you live, you may have the privilege of being my companion."

'We felt hope for the first time since we had been kicked out of our mother's nest. We both decided we wanted to live. But we were afraid he would leave us. So Un whimpered again.' A looked gratefully to his brother.

'When Lord Sesshomaru heard my second whimper he sat down on a rock and watched over us. I know his presence scared away the buzzards and other scavenger animals. He appeared to be in deep thought as he sat there watching us. I wanted to get better so we could follow him. A did too. We focused our power on healing and in two days we attempted to stand. We wobbled a bit but soon enough we followed our noses to some grass and water. Our lord followed us. After we had our fill we started following him and we have ever since.'

"Wow!" Ryuu verbalized out loud.

The dragon heads chuckled.

'I knew Father was cool but he really did save your life. I can't wait to tell everyone.'

'Maybe you could keep it a secret just a little longer…' Un asked. 'There's a practical joke we'd still like to pull on Jaken before he finds out we aren't just a "dumb pack animal."

A snorted.

'Oh, let me in on it…' Ryuu begged.

That evening at bedtime Sesshomaru offered Ryuu an opportunity to tell them a bedtime story about A-Un.

Knowing he couldn't lie to his father, Ryuu decided the truth would work for now. "Father, I suspect A-Un has many great stories, but he hasn't told all of them to me yet. But I'm sure it thinks you are the best!"

Kenichi automatically agreed with that and soon the room was full of young Takahashis praising their sire.

Inuyasha shook his head and laughed.

"Yeh, Yeh, Yeh. And they have a crush on you too!"

Ryuu just shrugged his shoulders. "I think you wonderful too Daddy." And he hugged Inuyasha's waist.

The room of young Takahashis joined the huggers in a dog pile while also praising their puppy-eared parent.

In time Inuyasha threw off the dog pile, "Alright you guys! Enough delaying. Time for bed." Sesshomaru grabbed his hand and pulled him to his side.

"Good night children. Sleep well." Sesshomaru lead Inuyasha to their bedroom.

Ryuu whispered to the others. "Tomorrow, we are going to pull the best ever prank on Uncle Jaken. Are you with me?"

Keiko, Kenichi, Steven, Kyo, and Yuki nodded. It was going to be legendary!

Hugs and Kisses.
