Warning: Lemon!

Chapter Ten: Playtime with the Flash Goddess

Squad Four; Hanataro's Office

At his desk sat Hanataro, scribbling away the last of the day's paperwork while the moon continued to rise in the sky. Fighting back a yawn, Hanataro's mind drifts off to all the events had changed his life. He still found it hard to believe that he'd have sex with women he thought he never had a chance with. Never did he imagine he'd sleep with Retsu Unohana, Rukia Kuchiki, Momo Hinamori or even Ichigo's friend, Tatsuki. Still, Hanataro had gotten to know his friends better long after Zahna's magic had ended and he felt more confident about himself.

Still, he lamented the fact that when he and Ichigo made the last of their wishes with Zahna and the contract was finished, everything would go back to normal.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he flipped it open. His mood brightened when he saw that he'd received two texts, one from Rukia and one from Momo. Both wished him a good night. Hanataro's cheeks blushed at the thought that Rukia and Momo were both crushing on him.


"Hanataro!" Zahna shrieked as she suddenly burst out of the ring on his finger. "We've got a seriously huge problem! Ichigo fucked up big time!" Zahna was practically screaming from the panic she was feeling. "We need to go! NOW!" The Djinn grabbed Hanataro by the hand and yanked him out of the chair. "You need to get to Squad Nine! On the double!"

Hanataro listened with dread as Zahna explained what'd happened. As soon as the Djinn finished explaining that Ichigo was now tied to a tree in the nude while Mashiro made off with her ring, the medic bolted out the door as fast as he could. It didn't take a genius to figure out the consequences of Ichigo's mistake. 'I've got to get to Squad Nine fast! If Mashiro accidentally summons Zahna…oh dear. OH DEAR!'

Rounding the corner, however, Hanataro almost went head first into Captain Unohana's cleavage. The medic skidded to a halt before such an embarrassing moment could happen, though he did shock the woman with his mad dash. Beside Unohana was Isane, both women wearing bathrobes.

"Well now, it's good to see you so full of energy this time of night," Unohana playfully said.

"Um…Hanataro, where are you going in such a rush?" Isane inquired.

Though he hated lying to his superior, Hanataro thought up a lie on the fly. "I'm going to see Ichigo. Lieutenant Kuna messaged me and asked that I come give Ichigo first aid after his training session with her."

Isane blinked. "She requested a medic this late in the evening? Surely they finished training hours ago."

Hanataro mentally cursed but luck was on his side in the form of Captain Unohana. "Knowing Ichigo, he probably wanted to train longer than usual to get back into fighting form. And considering Lieutenant Kuna's abilities, it's a given that Ichigo would be in rough shape. Go ahead, Hanataro."

The two women let Hanataro run past them. Isane stared at Hanataro as he ran down the hall, a twinge of emotion sparking inside of her as she watched him leave.

"Isane, were you looking at Hanataro's butt?"

Instantly the blood rushed to Isane's face. "C-Captain!" she squealed in embarrassment. "Don't say such things!"

Unohana laughed at her stammering adjutant. "Oh don't be so wound up, Isane. I was only joking. Besides…" Unohana smirked as she walked away. "He does have a nice butt."

Isane's face became redder…

Squad Nine; Forest

Hanataro was out of breath by the time he made it to Squad nine's training grounds. He was thankful he took lessons from Captain Unohana on how to use the Flashstep but he was a novice and was exhausted after so many steps. As soon as he made it into the woods he was surrounded by darkness "Ichigo? Ichigo, where are you?" he called out as he ran through the trees.

"Hanataro?" shouted a voice in the dark. "Hanataro, is that you?"

Following the voice, Hanataro found a very naked, very humiliated Ichigo tied to a tree. "I-Ichigo?" Hanataro stammered. Zahna had told him what happened but the sight was still pretty embarrassing.

"Hanataro! Quick, untie me!" Ichigo yelled, shivering from the cold. "I don't know what these ropes are made of but I can't break free!" Hanataro drew his zanpakuto and ran towards his friend. A quick slash to the ropes and Ichigo was free.

Ichigo rubbed his cold arms and looked around. "Thanks, Hanataro. Wait, where is-"


With another poof of smoke, Zahna appeared right in front of Ichigo and started slapping him across the face. "YOU BIG DUMMY!" she screamed while hitting him. "HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A DUMBASS! FALLING ASLEEP LIKE THAT RIGHT AFTER THE SPELL WORN OFF! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! SHE'S GOT MY RING! MY RING!"

Getting tired of being slapped, Ichigo grabbed her wrist before she could hit him again. "Enough!" he angrily shouted. "Back off! I know I messed up. You don't need to get in my face and add fuel to the fire!"

"Hmph!" Zahna yanked her wrist out of Ichigo's grip. "You have no idea how bad this is, Ichigo! Mashiro might not know about the ring, but if she accidentally summons me like Kon did or if someone else sees the ring then word might start to friend. Or worse, Mashiro might show up to that ladies' club of hers and show off the ring. If Unohana sees it she might recognize it and will inform Yamamoto, who will inform Squad Zero, who will inform Nimaiya! And since Mashiro stole the ring from Ichigo, they'll link it back to you." She pointed at her two masters. "Your wishes can wait! Your number one priority right now is getting back that ring!"

Ichigo sat down on the ground and covered his nudity with his hands. "Zahna, I get how serious this is! Let's go to Squad Nine right now and I'll try to convince Mashiro to give the ring back."

Zahna turned her head and scoffed. "Are you really going to just walk into Squad Nine's barracks in your birthday suit and ask for it back?" The teen blushed, remembering that Mashiro had stolen his clothes. "I guess all that bleach you poured onto your hair to make it orange messed up your brain too."

That last comment enraged Ichigo. If there was one thing he hated, it was people commenting about his hair. "SHUT UP!" he roared, having enough of Zahna's insults. He'd already been humiliated by Mashiro. What more did she want? "It's not like you have any room to talk about a person's image, Ms. Flat Chest!"

"The fuck you just say?!"

The two went back in and forth hurling insults at one another. Hanataro fearfully stayed quiet all the wall, too meek to want to interrupt the quarrel. Then he remembered something when his hand brushed the bag he brought with him. "Oh! That's right!" Ichigo and Zahna stopped arguing long enough to see Hanataro reveal a Shihakusho from his bag. "Squad Eleven tends to have its members routinely end up at our treatment facilities so we bring extra uniforms in case there's gets too bloody or torn."

Ichigo sighed in relief at Hanataro's preparedness. "Thanks," he told his friend as he slipped on the top. "Uh, you got any underwear?"

Hanataro nervously looked around before he blushed madly. "Um…the only spare pair I have are these." From his bag he pulled out a pair of Chappy-themed boxers. "Rukia gave me these as a present a year ago. But I never wore them because they were a little too big for me."

Staring at the silly underwear, Ichigo slumped his head in depression. "Dammit, Rukia…"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Zahna laughed, holding her sides as Ichigo slipped them on. "A camera! Someone get a camera!" Even Hanataro started to chuckle at the sight of Ichigo wearing them. Before long even Ichigo had to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

After the festival of giggles finally subsided, Ichigo put on his pants before turning back to Zahna. "Okay, let's go get your ring back."

"I could try asking her myself," Hanataro suggested. "She might still be mad at you."

"No. I'm the one who lost the ring so it's my responsibility to get it back."

Zahna scratched her head. "It's getting late and Mashiro probably is already in bed. Let's get some sleep then head for Squad Nine as soon as the sun comes up." Nodding, the two boys walked back to Squad Four, Zahna disappearing back into her ring to get some much needed rest.

The Next Morning…
Squad Four: Mess hall

Hanataro quietly ate his breakfast. He sat away from his fellow squad members, too anxious to engage in trivial chitchat. He heard someone sit down next to him and turned to see Ichigo. "Oh, Ichigo! Did you get the ring back?" he asked in a hushed tone. The Medic flinched when Ichigo glared at him. He looked and saw that Ichigo's hands were still ring-less.

Ichigo sighed and tried to keep his cool. It was wrong of him to take his frustration out on Hanataro. "No, I didn't get it back. I decided to try and go to Squad Nine last night to see if Mashiro was still up but I ran into Kensei. He wanted to know why I was doing there so I told him I was looking for Mashiro. He said that his "Pain in the Ass Lieutenant" was already in bed and told me to come back in the morning. I was tempted to try to sneak past him but I didn't really want to cause a scene."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Try to find her alone and hopefully get the ring back."

A hand slapped the back of Ichigo's head. The Substitute yelped and turned to see Zahna sitting next to him in her Soul Reaper disguise. "Idiot! There's a simple solution to this! Just knock her out and take the ring while she's out cold!"

"That is a terrible idea…" Ichigo said. "You clearly don't realize how tough she is."

"I'll come to," Hanataro said. "Just in case things get dicey…"

Squad Nine

Mashiro lay on the rooftop of one of her squad's buildings enjoying her breakfast. She was back in her own uniform with another orange scarf to replace the one she'd torn yesterday.

"Hey, Mashiro!" called out Ichigo from below, Hanataro standing next to him.

Peering over the side, Mashiro smiled when she saw her sparring partner. "Oh! Ichi-Berry!" She jumped down and landed in front of the pair. "Back for another spar?"

Ichigo stared at the greenette for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he said bowing his head. "About last night…"

The lieutenant stared blankly at Ichigo. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember? You tied me up naked and everything?"

A lightbulb went off in Mashiro's head as she remembered what happened. "Oh, that? I totally forgot about that. No hard feelings, Ichi-Berry!" she grinned before wagging a finger. "But you better remember to ask next time before you start having sex with me."

Hanataro merely stared in disbelief, obviously confused by Mashiro's statement. 'Does she even realize what she's saying?!'

Relieved that Mashiro wasn't angry or had told Kensei, Ichigo decided to move on to the reason he was here. "Mashiro, can I have the ring you stole from me back?" When Mashiro blankly looked at him again, he started getting frustrated. "The ring? Remember? You took it with my clothes?"

"Oh!" Once again Mashiro's expression changed as she remembered the amethyst ring. "Oh right! Sorry for taking that. I'd give it back but…nope!" She crossed her hands to make an X. "No can do!"

Ichigo and Hanataro stood there stunned at her refusal. "Why not?" Ichigo demanded.

"Because I gave it to Yoruichi."


The revelation that Zahna's ring was now in the hands of Ichigo's mentor made the boy pale. Hanataro also grew pale, feeling the urge to lose his breakfast. Inside Hanataro's ring, Zahna was just as terrified. To Ichigo, Yoruichi having the ring was even worse than Mashiro getting a hold of it!"

"Anyway, enough with silly jewelry." She took hold of Ichigo's hand. "Back to training, Ichi-Berry!" Before Ichigo could say anything, Mashiro dragged him away to the training grounds and left Hanataro where he stood, Ichigo screaming at her all the while.

Left on his own, Hanataro started to shake in fright. The fear of Yoruichi finding out about the ring weighed heavy on him. Running into a storeroom and locking the door, Hanataro quickly summoned Zahna. "Zahna, Yoruichi has your ring!" he told her. Then a thought hit him. "Wait, how come you didn't know Mashiro gave it away. Aren't you stored inside?"

"Only when you two are wearing it," Zahna said after appearing. "I can't see out of it if my Master isn't wearing it."

Hanataro tried to think of a solution to this problem. The chances of asking the wily woman to give the ring back were slim. Then an idea came to him. "Zahna, I'd like to make another wish. Let me wish for Yoruichi!" he told her. "If I wish for Yoruichi, I can make her give back the ring with no problem."

The Djinn nodded rapidly. "Good idea. I don't like wasting a wish on this but Ichigo's blunder is going to force us to use desperate measures." She summoned her sword. "I'll set the timer for right now so she'll come to you. It might cost you some minutes but…" Her eyes widened in horror when Yoruichi's name refused to appear on the sword. "Dammit!"

"What's wrong?"

"The spell failed! And that only happens when someone is wearing my ring! If a woman is wearing my ring, she's immune to my magic." She banished her sword and pointed at Hanataro. "Okay, new plan! You need to find Yoruichi and come up with a way to get the ring back."

"Do you have any idea where she is?" Hanataro asked. "I know she's in the Soul Society but she could be anywhere."

"I'd try Squad Two. That captain who's got the hots for her probably knows where she is."

Hanataro gulped. The idea of asking Captain Soi-Fon anything was more frightening that asking Yoruichi for the ring back. But with Ichigo indisposed with Mashiro's training, it was up to Hanataro to save them both from this crisis. "Okay…" he said meekly. As soon as Zahna disappeared, he opened the storeroom and quietly headed for Squad Two, trying to think of what to say to Soi-Fon.

An Hour Later…
Squad Two

Hanataro walked through the forest nervously to Squad Two's facilities. A small wisp of smoke filtered into his ear, carrying Zahna's voice. "Don't draw attention to yourself. Don't act so fidgety. Especially when you talk to Soi-Fon."

As he descended the stone steps up to the squad, Hanataro nervously looked around and gathered his courage. "I don't know. Is Yoruichi even here?"

"She sure is!" said Yoruichi as she stood behind him.

Whirling around, Hanataro yelped Yoruichi's name in surprise before he slipped and fell. Before he could fall and hit the stone beneath him, Yoruichi grabbed him by his arm. "T-Thanks." As he steadied himself he saw something glinting on her finger in the morning light: Zahna's ring!

Hanataro felt sweat bead down the side of his head. His nerves got the better of him and he didn't know what to say. Staring at the ring on her finger, Hanataro swallowed the lump in his throat. "Um...that ring looks good on you," he meekly told her.

Yoruichi held her hand up and examined the ring. "Thanks, although truthfully jewelry has never been my thing. I was thinking of just giving it away. Maybe Soi-Fon or Rangiku."

Not wanting Soi-Fon to get her hands on Zahna's ring, Hanataro thought fast. "Um…I could take it off your hands," he offered hopefully.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. The look on Hanataro's face made her wonder about his intent. "Hanataro, did you come all the way out here looking for me because I had this ring?" she asked with a knowing smile.

Inside the ring on Hanataro's hand, Zahna facepalmed. "My Masters are both idiots. We're going to die now. Dead men be we…"

His purpose found out, Hanataro became even more nervous. "I uh…well…"

Yoruichi leaned forward and stared at Hanataro. "So, tell me, Hanataro: how come you're so interested in this ring?"

Hanataro decided to come clean; albeit partially. "The ring belongs to Ichigo. It was a gift that Ichigo planned to give to someone. Mashiro stole it from him and he asked me to get it back. He'd have come himself but Mashiro dragged him back to training."

The werecat crossed her arms and nodded. "Ah, I see." She smiled in amusement. "I'd never guessed Ichigo was the type to give anyone a gift. I wonder…" An image of Ichigo dropping down on one knee and offering the ring to Orihime sprang to mind. Shaking the image from her head, Yoruichi turned her attention back to the waiting medic. "Okay, Hanataro, I'll make you a deal. Come by the Shihoin Mansion tonight and we'll discuss whether or not I'll give you Ichigo's ring."

The truth of the matter was that Yoruichi was highly suspicious of Hanataro. She didn't completely believed the boy's story and wanted to know why Ichigo's ring was so important. Especially since he had an identical ring on his hand. She could have just handed the piece of jewelry over to Hanataro but she wanted to have a bit of fun at his expense.

Yoruichi didn't give Hanataro a chance to respond. "See you tonight!" she grinned, patting his cheek before she took off, vanishing in an instant.

Knowing that he'd failed to get back Ichigo's ring, Hanataro sat down on the steps in despair, not knowing what to do. This crisis kept getting crazier.

Unbeknownst to Hanataro, his conversation with Yoruichi did not go unnoticed. Hiding behind a tree, Soi-Fon watched what'd transpired between him and Yoruichi. The thought of the meek, cowardly Hanataro in the presence of Yoruichi in her own household made her blood boil. Turning away from the depressed medic, Soi-Fon left to make her own plans.

Hours later…
Squad Nine; Training Grounds

"So that's what happened."

Hanataro finished his story while patching up Ichigo's wounds. The Substitute's second round of sparring had been as painful as the first. Mashiro had left for the day, leaving Ichigo and Hanataro alone to discuss

"Dammit!" Ichigo yelled, punched the ground before sighing in defeat. "It's not your fault, Hanataro. At least we know Yoruichi has the ring.

Hanataro pulled out some bento boxes he brought for Ichigo and the two began to eat lunch. "So what do we do now?"

Zahna popped up next to them, taking one of the bento boxes. "This isn't a bad thing. We know Yoruichi has the ring. I think you've got a good chance of getting the ring back from Yoruichi. Certainly more than Mr. Sleepyhead," she said, giving Ichigo a scathing glare.

Ichigo kept silent, knowing he had no right to say anything since he was at fault. "I'll go with you. I'll stay around the mansion so that when you get the ring back, I'll take it and get away."

"But won't Yoruichi sense your presence?" Hanataro pointed out.

"Not to worry," Zahna interjected. She clapped her hands and produced a black cloak. "I had a feeling this might come in handy so I nabbed it from your shopkeeper's place before you went to the Soul Society." She handed the cloak to Ichigo. "It'll keep your presence hidden. So then," she stood up and pointed at the two. "Your mission tonight: get back my ring at all costs!"

Squad Six; Byakuya's Office

The quiet captain was busy doing paperwork when a knock came at his door. "Enter," he commanded without looking up, thinking it was Renji. When the door opened he looked up and was surprised to see Captain Soi-Fon. "What is it, Captain Soi-Fon," he greeted.

"Hello, Captain Kuchiki. I came to ask you for some assistance."

"Is something wrong?"

"I need you to help me find out what Hanataro Yamada is up to."

Byakuya stared at his contemporary with a blank stare for a moment before returning to his paperwork. "If you're concerned for Lady Yoruichi, then go to her by yourself." It didn't take a genius to know why Soi-Fon was so concerned. Why Unohana's Third-Seat concerned her was none of his business.

Sitting down in front of his desk, Soi-Fon sat back and sighed. "I'm worried I'll look foolish in front of Lady Yoruichi if I'm alone or I'm wrong about Hanataro Yamada."

"Wrong about what?"

"He came by my squad looking for her. I saw them talking and he was invited to her family's estate. That weakling clearly has something in mind for her. So I want you to come with me so when I accuse him of harassing her, you'll be there to see what I mean."

Byakuya's eyes narrowed. "You realize Captain Unohana will not accept this type of treatment of her subordinate likely. I am aware of your relationship to her, Captain Soi-Fon but Yoruichi is no longer a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. What business Hanataro Yamada has with her is of no concern to me." He pointed to the door. "If you're done with this foolishness, please leave me."

But Soi-Fon knew Byakuya and she came prepared. "I'll make a deal with you, Byakuya." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small object. Byakuya was shocked when he saw what it was: a green plush doll of the Wakame Ambassador. "I'll give you this as a gift if you accompany me to the Shihoin mansion tonight."

Sitting back in his chair, Byakuya looked at the doll and then back at Soi-Fon before reluctantly sighing.


Later that night…
Shihoin Manor

The sight of the massive doors to the Shihoin home made Hanataro gulp loudly. On his shoulder was a Hell Butterfly that had been sent by Yoruichi, serving as his invitation. Deciding to look more presentable for his meeting, Hanataro had taken off his Soul Reaper uniform and chose to wore a blue yukata with a snowflake design on it. In his hands was a glass of chocolate milk, meant to be a gift for Yoruichi. Both Ichigo and Zahna balked at his choice of gift but he couldn't think of anything else.

Looking back behind him, Hanataro saw Ichigo hiding in a bush. His friend gave him a thumbs up and pulled the hood of the cloak over his head. Zahna appeared briefly behind Ichigo from Hanataro's ring to use her magic to activate the cloak's invisibility, obscuring Ichigo from view.

Sighing at the situation he'd found himself in, Hanataro politely knocked on the door. A servant opened it and quickly saw the Hell Butterfly on the boy's shoulder. "Oh, you must be Hanataro. Come in." Hanataro followed the servant inside while Ichigo slipped through before the door closed.

Hanataro was led into one of the manor's dining rooms. There, sitting at the head of the table was someone who either Hanataro or Ichigo had ever seen before. The figure looked like a young Yoruichi, wearing a grand kimono with the Shihoin seal on it. The young Shihoin saw Hanataro enter and gave him a glare, obviously offended at Yoruichi inviting him into the clan's home.

Nervous from head to toe, Hanataro bowed respectfully, careful not to spill his milk. "Go-Good evening. I'm Hanataro Yamada, the Third-Seat of Squad Four. Um…are you Yoruichi's younger sister?"

The young clan leader's cheeks burned red. "How dare you! I'm a boy!" he shouted into Hanataro's face, making him flinch. "I'm Yushiro Shihoin, the head of the Shihoin Clan!"

"I-I-I'm so sorry," he said, bowing again. Sitting in a corner, Ichigo stared in disbelief at Yoruichi's brother, his jaw hanging low. He had no idea that Yoruichi even had a brother.

Before Yushiro could slug Hanataro, the door opened behind him and Yoruichi walked in. "Hahaha, no need to be shy, Hanataro. Yushiro is often mistaken for a girl." She teased, patting her little brother's head. Dressed in a yellow kimono imprinted with a silver sash around her waist, Yoruichi was quite stunning. Hanataro couldn't stop staring at the beautiful Flash Goddess. Yushiro as well started gushing all over his big sister. Even Ichigo felt his cheeks turn pink.

"Sorry for making you wait, Hanataro." Yoruichi sat down at the table and gestured for him and her brother to join her. "I had two more guests to attend to."

The door opened again. To Ichigo and Hanataro's horror Byakuya and Soi-Fon walked into the room. Byakuya was dressed regally in a white yukata with cherry blossom petals printed on the lower half. Soi-Fon wore a pink kimono with small roses printed on certain areas. Even Hanataro and Ichigo had to admit, she looked good.

"Not bad, Soi-Fon," Yoruichi complemented.

Soi-Fon blushed happily at Yoruichi's praise. She next turned to Yushiro. "Good evening, Lord Yushiro."

"Hello, Soi-Fon!" Yushiro smiled. He always enjoyed talking to her.

Byakuya sat down across from Hanataro. He gave the meek medic a quick glance. "Third-Seat Hanataro."

"C-captain Kuchiki," Hanataro nodded. Being in Byakuya's presence was always scary but with the situation he was in, he was absolutely terrified. He saw Soi-Fon and Yushiro talk to each other and then they both gave Hanataro a glare, the two of them already suspicious of Hanataro's presence and ready to make the medic regret he'd ever stepped foot in the manor. Soi-Fon and Yushiro sat down next to Byakuya while Yoruichi took a seat next to Hanataro.

Quiet as a mouse, Ichigo sat in the corner and realized that their mission became far more difficult with these two captains present. Ichigo silently prayed that Hanataro would come through. 'I wonder what Zahna's thinking about all this?'

Inside Hanataro's Ring

Zahna looked at Byakuya through her ring, her eyes comically turning into hearts at the sight of the handsome captain. "Hubba hubba!"

Back to Hanataro…

Dinner was served to Yoruichi and her guests. Hanataro quietly ate his food while the others talked, trying to figure a way to get Ichigo's ring. "Oh man, I'm already out of Saké!" whined Yoruichi. "Byakuya, give me some of yours."

"No," Byakuya said bluntly. "I've no interest in seeing you become drunk. You've already had to much and the meal just started.

While Yushiro and Soi-Fon jumped in and offered their drinks to Yoruichi, Hanataro saw an opportunity. He gathered his courage and cleared his throat. "Um…Lady Yoruichi," he held out his offering to the werecat. "I brought this chocolate milk for you as a present. You can drink it if you want."

Once again, the mild medic flinched when Yushiro and Soi-Fon turned their heads and glared at him with eyes ablaze with fury. The thought of the Third-Seat offering something as common as chocolate milk was insulting to them. But apparently not for Yoruichi.

"Chocolate milk? My favorite!" Yoruichi squealed in delight. "Thank you very much, Hanataro. You're more thoughtful than people give you credit," she complimented as she took the glass from him. "I absolutely love milk and chocolate milk is just the best!"

Both her student and her brother looked on in shock as Yoruichi continued to eat her meal while drinking the milk, Byakuya raising a curious eyebrow at her. Hanataro sat back and felt relieved that his gift put her in such a good mood.

When she finished her drink, Yoruichi set the glass down and sat back in her chair. "Okay, Hanataro, I believe you're here because of this fancy little ring?" she started, examining the ring on her finger. Ichigo, still in the corner, cursed when he saw the intrigued looks on Byakuya and Soi-Fon's faces.

"I wasn't aware you cared for jewelry," Byakuya questioned.

"Oh, it's not mine. I got this from Mashiro, who apparently took it from Ichigo."

Both Ichigo and Hanataro mentally cursed. That last part definitely caught the captains' attention if their expressions were anything to go by. Yushiro looked at her sister confused, not knowing who Ichigo was.

Deciding to roll the dice and get it over with, Hanataro politely asked, "Um…Lady Yoruichi, can I have the ring back now?"

"How dare you?!" Soi-Fon raged. Beside her, Yushiro also looked at Hanataro angrily. "You come to Lady Yoruichi's home, eat her food and then ask her for something in return? You are shameful!" She would have berated Hanataro further had Yoruichi not held up a hand to silence her.

To Hanataro's surprise, Yoruichi removed the ring from her finger and held it out. For a moment it looked like she was going to hand it over to him…until she smirked and took the ring back. "I'm not sure I should hand over the ring so easily, especially if Ichigo was careless enough to allow Mashiro to take it in the first place.

The conversation was interrupted by Byakuya. "How exactly did Mashiro take that ring from Ichigo?" he asked, eying the purple ring suspiciously.

"Not a clue. Mashiro simply said that it belonged to Ichigo when she gave it to me before leaving." Yoruichi turned the ring slowly around in her hand, making Ichigo and Hanataro's hearts beat faster. If Yoruichi clapped her hands for any reason then she would summon Zahna and then they were up a creek without a paddle. "Well, Hanataro, as the saying goes: you can't get something for nothing. If you want the ring back so badly then you'll have to give me something in return for the ring…or prove to me how badly you want it."

While Hanataro was busy shaking with fear, Ichigo contemplated the situation. He was sorely tempted to make a grab for the ring without Yoruichi noticing but he was in real danger of exposing himself. And he had no way of escaping Yoruichi's mansion if she, Soi-Fon and Byakuya were hot on his trail.

Sweating bullets, Hanataro stared at his feet and contemplated Yoruichi's words. Soi-Fon rolled her eyes and scoffed at him. "Pathetic," she jeered in disgust. "If you can't even muster a good enough reason then let Yoruichi have the ring."

"I agree," said Yushiro.

Byakuya stayed silent. The man was quiet as he sat back in his chair and waited for Hanataro to act, wondering what he would do now.

As Hanataro stayed silent, Yoruichi frowned. "How disappointing," she murmured under her breath and started to put the ring back on her finger.

Before she could finish, Hanataro made up his mind. 'Screw it!' he told himself. 'It's my only choice!'

Leaning forward, Hanataro put a hand on Yoruichi's shoulder…and pulled her into a heated kiss.

A shocked silence filled the dining room. The Flash Goddess's eyes went wild with surprise at Hanataro's boldness. Soi-Fon and Yushiro stared with their jaws agape, mortified at the sight. Byakuya raised an eyebrow, though he was a little impressed by Hanataro's courage. In the corner, Ichigo's face turned red at Hanataro's bold move. Even Zahna was impressed. Pulling away from Yoruichi's lips, Hanataro's face turned blood red as he looked at Yoruichi. "Did…did I prove myself?"

Before Yoruichi could say a word, Hanataro was yanked out of his seat. The hapless medic found himself looking at the pointy end of Soi-Fon's zanpakuto, the tip of her blade dangerously close to his jugular vein. Fire blazed in Soi-Fon's eyes, her brain consumed by primal rage. "Do you have any last words, you maggot?" she coldly asked.

Beside her was an equally irate Yushiro. "How dare you lay your hands on my sister?! You will pay dearly for defiling her!" Hanataro squeezed his eyes shut when Yushiro threw a punch at him. Ichigo was just about to leap to his friend's defense when…



Hanataro hesitantly opened his eyes and was bewildered to see Yushiro and Soi-Fon on the floor, large lumps on the tops of their heads. Standing over them was Yoruichi, grinning at Hanataro with her dark cheeks slightly pink. "Sorry for their behavior. They both tend to be overly protective of me. Here. Your reward." She casually tossed Hanataro the ring. "I can tell you really wanted that ring." She looked at the clock and saw how late it was getting. "Hanataro, why don't you stay the night?" she offered.

The red in Hanataro's cheeks refused to go away as he stared at the beautiful woman smiling at him. "S-stay? But I-"

"It's alright," Yoruichi interrupted. "I'll make sure you'll be on your way back to Squad Four tomorrow. Byakuya, shall I ready a room for you?" she asked the quiet man while Hanataro stared at the ring in his hands while stunned at his success, numbly nodding in agreement.

Byakuya stood up before speaking. "Your offer is kind but I must return to my Squad." He gave a quick glance to the knocked out Soi-Fon. "Thanks to Captain Soi-Fon, I need to finish more paperwork."

"You're such a workaholic," Yoruichi teased. "You know your sister is worried that you're working yourself too hard."

Surprisingly to both Hanataro and Ichigo, Byakuya sighed. "True," he murmured to himself. He looked at the clock and saw how late it was. "Perhaps I will take you up on your offer. The paperwork can wait."

Yoruichi smiled at her success and quickly picked up Soi-Fon and carried her to one of the guest rooms with her Flash Step. After she returned she walked over to her little brother. "Excuse me for one second." The three men watched in disbelief as Yoruichi grabbed Yushiro by the hair and dragged him out of the room to take him to his bed.

Byakuya walked around the room and over to Hanataro. "Third-Seat Yamada, I would advise you to treat more lightly in the future from now on when you're in front of your superiors," he warned. "And be grateful that Unohana did not see you kiss Yoruichi," he added. Hanataro paled and nodded in agreement.

As soon as Byakuya left the room to go to one of the manor's guest rooms, Hanataro looked around. "Ichigo? Are you here? I got the ring!" He felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Ichigo standing behind him.

Ichigo gave his friend a warm grin. "I've faced down Aizen and yet you're walking out of the room with more bravery than me." Hanataro handed him the ring and he slipped it onto his finger. "Thanks for getting this back, Hanataro." He put the hood on and made his way to a window. "Good luck with Yoruichi." After Hanataro nodded Ichigo slipped out the window and rushed away from the manor.

Minutes later…
Squad Thirteen Barracks

Thanks to Ukitake, Ichigo was staying in one of his squads rooms during his trip in the Soul Society. He collapsed onto the bed and buried his face in the pillow. "Man, all I did was watch and even I feel exhausted…" he mumbled. He rolled onto his back, turned the ring on his finger three times and clapped his hands. "Zahna," he called out.

Zahna appeared with a poof of smoke, sitting on the edge of his bed grinning. "I am so proud of Hanataro! He really stepped up to the plate when it mattered. Unlike you!" She stuck out her tongue at Ichigo childishly. "You're going to have to work hard to redeem yourself for losing my ring."

"Shut up…" Ichigo grumbled, scowling at the Djinn. "Wishing for Mashiro was your idea and it was one of the worsts decisions of my life, even if the sex was great."

Sighing, Zahna merely shrugged. "Just be careful next time. Remember, you've got six wishes left. Although…" she traced her lips with a finger seductively. "I think it's about to be five wishes by the end of the night, if you know what I mean…" She disappeared with another poof, leaving Ichigo to rest after his long day.

Although he was pretty sure Hanataro would not be sleeping anytime soon…

Back to Hanataro…

Hanataro had changed out of his clothes and wore a white sleeping yukata provided by Yoruichi's family. He lay on the futon in the guest room Yoruichi had given him. Right now all he could think about was the kiss he gave Yoruichi and how good her lips felt and tasted. Sitting up, Hanataro steeled his nerves and made his decision. "Okay, I'm going to do it…" he told himself. "I just hope Soi-Fon never finds out…"

He clapped his hands and summoned Zahna, who appeared on the futon laying on her side. "Took you long enough," Zahna smirked, already knowing what her master wanted. "So, say the magic words."

"I…" Hanataro balled his hands and squeezed his eyes shut as he let out his desire. "I want to wish for Yoruichi Shihoin and I want her right now!"

Zahna whistled. "So forceful. I can see someone's eager." She summoned her sword and etched the werecat's name into it in Arabic. "There you go. Enjoy yourself, Master." Delighted that there were only five wishes to go, Zahna vanished.

Knock! Knock!

Hanataro almost jumped at the sound of knocking at his door. His heart thumping in anticipation, he leapt up and headed for the door. But when he opened it, he found nobody waiting for him. Only the dark hallway greeted him. "Huh? There's nobody there." Hanataro looked around but saw nobody around. He sighed and closed the door. When he turned around, however, his eyes started to feast upon a very magnificent sight.


Lying on Hanataro's futon was Yoruichi. The Flash Goddess wearing a cute pair of cat ears on her head, a collar with a bell around her neck and a black tail. When Hanataro saw that she was in her birthday suit, he realized that the tail sticking out of her ass was a butt plug. Her dark skin seemed to radiate in the soft lamplight. The woman playfully rolled onto her back, showing the boy her firm, large breasts with a large smile. In her golden eyes was a violet glow. Rolling back over onto her belly, Hanataro could see her round, plump ass, Yoruichi softly sighing from feeling the plug in her ass shift. Looking at the medic with a wide smile, she said merely one word. "Meow."

Already horny, Hanataro stared at the naked Yoruichi with hungry eyes. Massively turned on by the sight, Hanataro striped out of his clothes. Yoruichi licked her lips in delight at seeing his naked body and his impressive cock. The kitty Love Slave squealed happily as the naked Hanataro got on top of her, cupping her face with both hands before kissing her once again, this time with far more passion than when he gave her the last desperate kiss. Yoruichi hugged her master tightly as she and Hanataro had a loving tongue battle with each other, rolling around on the futon while they swapped saliva. Finding himself back on top of Yoruichi, Hanataro pulled away from the kiss and smiled, their lips still connected by a string of saliva.

Deciding to play into Yoruichi's role playing, Hanataro got up and knelt down beside Yoruichi. He smiled at the naked werecat and patted her belly. "Good kitty."

The Flash Goddess purred happily and sat up. "Mrrrow…" She leaned forward and nuzzled Hanataro's waist and stomach. Hanataro patted her head before rubbing her back. When Yoruichi arched her back and stuck her ass up into the air like an actual cat, Hanataro wanted her even more. He couldn't believe that he alone was seeing this side of Yoruichi. Nobody would have been able to tell that this was a former captain and former head of one of the four great clans. Being one of the most describable women in the Soul Society, Hanataro felt a swell of pride at seeing this kinky side of Yoruichi nobody else would.

Patting her and scratching behind her cat ears, Hanataro leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Kitty, get on your hands and knees." Once the Love Slave was on all fours, Hanataro stood in front of her with his cock pointing at her face. "You thirsty, Kitty?" he teased, rubbing the tip against her lips. Yoruichi eagerly nodded and fondling his balls. Hanataro's breath hitched from the soft hand touching his swelling sac. "You can have plenty of milk…if you suck me off."

Without a purr, Yoruichi immediately took Hanataro's manhood into her mouth, hungrily sucking and licking his cock, egged on by her desire to taste his milky white cum in her mouth. Hanataro's legs wobbled from Yoruichi's heavenly blowjob. He held her head and began to thrust in and out of her mouth. "So good…" he moaned, his head rolling back. "Your mouth is so good!" He thrust into Yoruichi's mouth faster, the tip of his cock going down her throat. "I'm…I'm cumming!" he shouted, throwing his head back before he came right into Yoruichi's mouth. The chocolate-skinned Love Slave swallowed every last drop of cum that poured into her mouth, the taste of his cum making her so excited that her pussy started to drip onto the futon.

Hanataro pulled his cock out of Yoruichi's mouth, his manhood going limp for the moment after cumming so hard. He patted her head softly. "Good kitty." Hanataro's praise earned another seductive purr from the Flash Goddess, the woman staring up at him with eyes full of love and desire. "Lie down on your back for me," he requested. As Yoruichi lay before him, Hanataro got back down on top of her and decided to take his time to enjoy his Love Slave's luscious body. Kissing her some more, Hanataro moved his hands to her large breasts, fondling them softly. Yoruichi purred as Hanataro slid down her smooth body, taking his time to nip and suck on both of her tits and earning more heated moans from the woman.

Lifting her arms, Hanataro eagerly licked her armpits. He simply could not get enough of Yoruichi's body. The taste of her sweaty pits urged him to taste her hole body. Soon he started to lick his way down her stomach, leaving a trail of saliva down her body and settled between her legs. He lifted her left leg up and licked his way down her slender, smooth leg until he reached her foot. Despite being the fastest Soul Reaper alive, Hanataro was surprised by how soft and smooth Yoruichi's foot was. Yourichi giggled when her master started to kiss and lick her foot. Hanataro discovered how ticklish Yoruichi was and enjoying her giggles, switching over to her right foot. Spying her pussy started to moisten, Hanataro decided to lick something other than her feet. He let go of Yoruichi's legs and put his hands on her hips, spreading her legs wide before going down on his Love Slave's lovely pussy.

"Mrrrrrow!" Yoruichi howled like a cat when a hot, wet tongue started to eagerly lick her tender folds, occasionally flicking across her clit. She put her hands on Hanataro's head and held him in place. "Don't stop!" she shouted, finally speaking. "Keep going!"

Hanataro certainly had no intention of stopping. He was eager to keep enjoying the taste of her sweet pussy and wanted to see the woman in the throes of climax. The urge to see Yoruichi cum spurred Hanataro to spread her lips and start to eat out her pussy faster.

"Ahhhh…" Yoruichi's toes curled as the pleasure inside her reached its boiling point. Her back arched while she dug her fingers into Hanataro's hair. "Mrrrrrooooooowwwwww!" she howled joyfully before she hit her orgams. Hanataro moaned as she gushed all over his face. He took the opportunity to lick up her juices and licked her pussy clean, Yoruichi writhing in ecstasy from having her sensitive cooch licked already.

Cleaning off his face, Hanataro laid back on top of Yoruichi and shivered as his Love Slave ran a hand down his back. Looking at the panting Yoruichi, Hanataro cupped her face again and kissed her deeply. Yoruichi eagerly returned the kiss with glee. The taste of her juices on Hanataro's lips was like ambrosia. His cock hard again, Hanataro rubbed the tip agasint her wet entrance and slowly pushed in. The lovers both moaned as Hanataro entered Yoruichi's womanhood inch by inch, Hanataro closing eyes and enjoying the heat and tightness of her pussy. Yoruichi wrapped her arms around Hanataro's shoulders as she felt every inch of his massive shaft enter her, stretching her walls wide and reshaping her insides with his girth.

Taking his time to enjoy his Love Slave, Hanataro moved in and out of Yoruichi slowly, each thrust into her earning a soft moan. Hanataro dragged out the pleasure for as long as possible. Her breasts pushing into his small chest, Yoruichi wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him tightly.

The heat and the tightness started to get to Hanataro and he began to pick up speed. "Ah! Yoruichi!" he moaned while his Love Slave nuzzled his neck. Minutes rolled by as the medic and Flash Goddess did the body shuffle. The incredible pleasure soon started to build up inside him. He wanted to last longer and tried to pace himself to not cum right away. But finally he couldn't contain himself and he pushed as deep as he could go inside her. "C-Cumming!" he grunted, burying his face in Yorucihi's shoulder and groaning loudly while his cock shot rope after rope of hot white cum into Yoruichi's room.

Yoruichi threw her head back and cried out as she was filled, her womb being pumped with cum. The sensation of getting a hot creampie was enough to send Yoruichi over the edge. "Ohhhh!" she moaned lewdly, her face twisting as she entered another orgasm.

His cock still sheathed in her creampied pussy, Hanataro caressed Yoruichi's cheek sweetly. Recovering from her mind-melting orgasm, Yoruichi smiled tenderly at the boy and they kissed passionately again. They rolled around on the futon again while they made out. Yoruichi playfully took control and pushed Hanataro onto his back, rolling her hips and enticing Hanataro back to hardness. While his tongue was busy being friends with Yoruichi's, Hanataro's hand traveled down to the woman's dark-skinned ass and felt the black tail she still had inside her. When his hand brushed it, Yoruichi moaned louder into his mouth, giving the boy an idea.

Pulling away from her sweet lips, Hanataro ordered his Love Slave to get on her hands and knees. Yoruichi crawled off of him and turned around on all fours, her ass pointing at Hanataro. Smirking, Hanataro grabbed the cat tail butt plug and swiftly pulled it out of her asshole. "Mrrrrrow!" the hypnotized Yoruichi whined. But she got over it quickly when the emptiness in her asshole when Hanataro pushed two fingers into her. "Oooooooh!" She smiled lewdly as Hanataro fingered her. Hanataro felt a thrill when he realized that Yoruichi was just as much into anal sex as Rukia and Captain Unohana. "Do you like my fingers in your butt, Lady Yoruichi?" he teased.

"Nghhhhh!" was all Yoruichi groaned, her body shaking when Hanataro added a third finger. "I dooooo…" she whined. She turned her head and showed her master her big smile that barely concealed her excitement. Hanataro pulled his fingers out in response and pulled off her cat ears and the collar. "Please…" she whispered softly wantonly. "Getting fucked in my ass…is what I need. Please put it in…" she begged.

Luckily for Yoruichi, Hanataro intended to do just that. His small hands palmed her dark booty, squeezing and spreading her soft cheeks. Mounting the werecat, the small medic pressed the tip of his cock against her tight ring of muscles and pushed into her. "Ahhhh…" sighed Hanataro as he inched his way into her plump ass. Yoruichi squealed in delight as she took Hanataro all the way into her ass, bucking into him as he started to pump his cock into her very tight asshole. She easily relaxed and let Hanataro slide in and out of her with no resistance, a true anal lover to the core. "It's so tight!"

"Oh yes!" Yoruichi howled once Hanataro started to pick up speed, the sound of his hips clapping her ass ringing in her ears. "Fuck my ass! It feels so good!" As Hanataro found his stride, he leaned down and pressed himself into Yoruichi's sweaty back, cupping her large breasts. Yoruichi felt like she was never going to walk without a limp again but didn't care. Her only two desires were to feel good and pleasing Hanataro. And she was feeling very good right now. "Fuuuuuck!" she slurred.

Yoruichi tightened around Hanataro's shaft, enticing him to blow his load. Grunting Yoruichi's name, Hanataro began to fuck her as fast as he could. Yoruichi's pussy squirted as she was brought to a quick climax, a lewd smile all over her face. "Can't…hold it in…" he grunted as he felt his balls start to swell.

"Inside! Cum inside my ass!" the Love Slave begged. "I want you to paint my insides with your hot cum!"

Squeezing Yoruichi's swaying breasts, Hanataro pressed his cheek into her shoulder and gave the werecat what she wanted. "Cumming! I'm cumming!" he grunted into her ear. "Ohhhhh…" He slammed into her one more time before unloading inside of her. Yoruichi stuck out her tongue and let out the lewdest moan as Hanataro filled her guts with cum, climaxing instantly from the pleasure."

Pulling out of his Love Slave, Hanataro sat back on his haunches and took deep breaths, his chest covered in sweat. Yoruichi recovered quickly from getting her ass destroyed and sat up. Caressing his cheek, Yoruichi licked Hanataro's lips and pressed her tits into his chest.


Sometime later…

The pair were lying on their sides making out. Yoruichi kissed Hanataro passionately while Hanataro fingered her ass again, stirring up the cum inside her while she sucked on his tongue.

Hanataro glanced at the clock and saw he still had an hour left. He was puzzled about what to do next. He and Yoruichi had gone through every sexual position he could think of as well as some that Yoruichi had educated him on and had explored each other's bodies to the fullest in the past two hours. He pondered on what to do next before the spell ended.

A wisp of purple smoke filtered into his ear to solve his dilemma. "Hey, Hanataro. I poked around in Yoruichi's memories. Want to see something cool?"

When Hanataro heard her suggestion, he felt both curious and excited. He pulled his fingers out of Yoruichi's abused asshole and sat up. "Um…Yoruichi? Could you please show me your Shunko?" he asked.

Despite her obedience, Yoruichi was still confused. "Why do you wish to see it, Master?"

"I…always thought you looked really hot when you used it."

That made Yoruichi grin. "Of course, Master." Standing up on shaky legs and cum dripping down her legs, Yoruichi put up a large Kidō barrier around the room to keep anyone from sensing the sudden release of spiritual pressure. Turning to face her master, Yoruichi grinned from ear to ear as lightning crackled around her body. "Shunkō."

Hanataro couldn't help but be amazed by how powerful and sexy Yoruichi looked as she activated her full power, especially as she stood in all her glory. Not content with just showing Hanataro her base power, Yoruichi released a torrent of energy and activated her second state "Shunko: Raijin Senkei." A ring of lightning orbs appeared behind her while her hair arced up to look like devil horns.

The whole room started to shake from her powerful pressure. Even Hanataro found it hard to be near the woman, falling back on the floor as her pressure almost blew him away. His Love Slave was so powerful that he almost passed out. Upon seeing Hanataro about to foam at the mouth from the struggle, Yoruichi's eyes grew in alarm. "Master!" She ran to his side and knelt down to see if he was alright. "I should cancel my Shunko to help him-"

Before Yoruichi could cancel it, however, behind her appeared Zahna with a grin on her face. Holding up her right index and middle finger, Zahna aimed them right at Yoruichi's exposed behind. "Shunryo Kokubyo Senki!" she shouted before she shoved both fingers right up Yoruichi's ass!

Yoruichi's eyes widened, before she screamed in ecstasy and released a huge wave of lightning. The shockwave almost broke her barrier but Zahna used her own magic to reinforce it and calmly held it until the burst of energy faded away, leaving Yoruichi in her new form.

Zahna shook Hanataro gently. "Hanataro, wake up. Don't fall asleep on me like Ichigo did."

Groaning, the naked medic sat up and nursed his aching head. When he looked at Yoruichi he gasped at what he saw. "Y-Yoruichi?!"

Crouching on all fours, Yoruichi had taken on a form that was a hybrid of her Shunko and her feline form. Her feet had become clawed cat paws. Her new form had clad her arms and legs in electricity that covered her forearms past her elbows and legs all the up to her thighs. The energy in her hair took the form of cat ears and a real cat tail swished behind her.

Hanataro had seen many things but this took the cake. He'd no idea Yoruichi was even capable of such a form. "Y-Y-Yoruichi?" he whispered, a little scared of what had just happened.

Upon hearing her name, Yoruichi purred and pounced on her master, pinning him to the futon beneath him and licking his face, nuzzling his chin. This was so very different from how Yoruichi acted before that Hanataro realized that Yoruichi wasn't pretending. She literally had the mentality of a cat now!

And she was still a sexy kitty…not to mention adorable.

As Zahna returned to her ring once more, Hanataro caressed Yoruichi's cheek and kissed her again. The werecat kissed him back, her eyes full of animalistic love and affection. Wrapping his arms around her, Hanataro pressed his face into Yoruichi's boobs and started to suck on them. "Mrrrrow!" went the lewd Yoruichi while her master suckled her. Surprisingly the electricity that covered her body didn't harm Hanataro.

Suddenly, Yoruichi slid off of him and laid on her side. Stroking Hanataro's slickened shaft with her clawed hand, the lightning werecat began to suck him off. Hanataro watched as the hungry kitty gave him an electric blowjob, reaching down to slide two fingers into her creampied pussy. Yoruichi moaned into the cock in her mouth, her head bobbing up and down faster when Hanataro pushed his thumb into her ass.

Just as Hanataro was about to blow, Yoruichi took her mouth away from him to howl in pleasure, squirting all over Hanataro's hand before the medic exploded all over her face. "Mmmmrooowww…" the kitty Yoruichi purred before licking her face clean.

Soon the werecat was in Hanataro's lap again. Yoruichi held the electric Flash Goddess while scratching her behind her cat ears, Yoruichi laying her head on his shoulder and purring softly while soaking in Hanataro's warmth.

Meanwhile in her ring, Zahna noticed a presence nearing the room and decided to investigate…


Wearing a white yukata with cat paws imprinted on it, Soi-Fon headed for Hanataro's room filled with seething rage and her zanpakuto in her hand. After waking in a guest room and finding herself garbed in her new outfit, Soi-Fon nearly fainted upon realizing that Yoruichi must have dressed her and saw her naked while Soi-Fon was unconscious.

Soi-Fon headed straight for Hanataro to deliver a dire warning: stay away from Yoruichi or suffer the consequences. She figured that threatening to castrate Hanataro and parade him around Squad Eleven while telling everyone that he was a eunuch would be enough to a message. She thought about injuring him but feared that Yoruichi would find out and would displeased that she'd attacked a guest in her own house. And losing favor with Yoruichi was unbearable

What she was unaware of was that at this instant her idol was with Hanataro, having hardcore sex.

Behind Soi-Fon floated Zahna, who'd appeared behind the captain as soon as she recognized her spirit energy. Zahna mentally scoffed at the captain. 'So much for the high and mighty captains. You might be an ace assassin but sneaking up from behind on you is child's play for a Djinn.' She silently summoned her sword.

Soi-Fon, so intent on punishing Hanataro for kissing Yoruichi, was caught completely by surprise when Zahna plunged her sword into her heart…


Yoruichi was howling with glee as she rode Hanataro cowgirl-style. His cock buried deep in her pussy, Yoruichi meowed loudly while she rode her master. Gripping her smooth thighs, Hanataro moaned while he milked every bit of pleasure from this that he could possibly get. "Yoruichi!" he shouted as he came hard, lightning sparking off of Yoruichi as she went into climax too. Falling on top of Hanataro, Yoruichi happily nuzzled his neck and licked chin. Looking at the clock and seeing he still had some time left, Hanataro whispered into her ear "You want me to put it in your ass one more time?"

Despite having the mentality of a cat, Yoruichi understood Hanataro perfectly. Purring with her cheeks blushing, Yoruichi slid off of him and rolled onto her side, her tail swishing happily as she presented her rump to her master. Hanataro grabbed hold of Yoruichi's buns and spooned the woman, wedging his cock between her plump cheeks. The young man sighed as he rubbed his manhood against s her ass, working himself back to hardness once again. Spreading her cheeks, Hanataro thrust into Yoruichi's amazing ass while the werecat gapsed in pleasure. As his cock stretched Yoruichi's anal walls again, he turned the woman's face towards him and kissed her. The two shared blissful kisses while the master pounded the Love Slave's ass.

So tired after almost three hours straight of lovemaking, Hanataro reached the end of his rope sooner than he thought. The feeling of Yoruichi's electric body while being balls deep in her ass was too much for the meek medic. "Yoruichi!" he grunted as he reached around to grab a handful of boob. "I'm gonna blow!" Even as he said it, his balls tightened up to release their load one last time. Just like his previous times, Hanataro shot his cum into her hot chocolate ass, Yoruichi howling in sheer ecastsy all the while even as her pussy gushed all over him.

After pulling out of Yoruichi, Hanataro wrapped his arms around the werecat and hugged her. While she savored the heat of Hanataro's cum in her sore holes, Yourichi's form dissipates and she reverted back to her usual self.

Seeing Yoruichi turn back to normal, Hanataro turned her head to see if she was alright. "Yoruichi, you okay?"

Turning around, Yoruichi wrapped her arms around Hanataro's thin shoulders. Yoruichi smiled lovingly at Hanataro and gave him the sweetest kiss she could give. "I feel amazing, master. The past few hours we've shared…have been the best in my life." She smirked as she reached down to grab Hanataro's cock. "You are certainly a man among men."

"Thank you, Yoruichi," Hanataro said. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Yoruichi hugged him tighter as they shared one more kiss full of love and affection…

And then it was over.

Yoruichi abruptly sat up, breaking away from Hanataro's embrace. Lying on his back, Hanataro wasn't surprised by now to see her blank expression. Gathering up the cat ears, butt plug tail and collar, Yoruichi silently left the room.

Hanataro wiped his sweaty forehead and laid still for a few minutes to let his body relax. After recovering enough strength to sit up, he turned his ring around and clapped his hands to summon Zahna. "Hey, Zahna," Hanataro greeted as the Djinn appeared, floating on a cloud.

"Meow! Guess this makes you a thundercat, eh, Master?" Zahna teased. "Good luck explaining how the futon got messed up though…"

Looking down at the dirtied futon, Hanataro knew he was going to have some explaining to do in the morning. "So how many wishes do we have left."

Zahna held up five fingers. "You've got five left. So choose your next lady wisely. I'd get some rest. You've earned it after today." With that, Zahna disappeared back into her ring.

Seeing how sweaty he was and how badly he smelled, Hanataro got up and decided to take a quick shower before bed…

Shihoin Manor; Guest Room

While everyone else in the manor had gone to bed slept, Byakuya had chosen to communicate with his zanpakuto, performing Jinzen while wearing his more regal clothes. In his lap was his zanpakuto. He remained at peace, with nobody to bother him.

Then the door open quietly…

Roused from meditation, Byakuya opened an eye and saw Soi-Fon. "Captain Soi-Fon. What is the meaning of this?" he asked. "Why are you here so late at…night…"

The words died in Byakuya's throat when Soi-Fon, smiling uncharacteristically sweetly at Byakuya, pulled at the knot to her yukata…and let it fall from her body to reveal herself in all her splendor. The man's eyes widened in shock as he was left speechless.

Walking over to the man, Soi-Fon knelt down and touched his face. "I'm here because I want you…Byakuya…" she softly purred, her eyes violet…

To be continued

Ikumi's Side Business Pt.4

Lying on the middle of Ikumi's bed, Mizuho Asano grinned as she lay there while completely naked. She couldn't wait to have sex with Ikumi again.

The door opened and Ikumi walked in. Like Mizuho, she was completely naked. Around her crotch was a large strap-on dildo. She was also wearing…a bald cap. She looked at Mizuho very annoyed while Mizuho squealed in delight with hearts in her eyes.

'This better be worth the damn paycheck…' Ikumi mentally growled. At Mizuho's request, Ikumi covered her hair completely so she would look bald. To Ikumi's bewilderment, Mizuho had the hots for bad men. But ever since Ikkaku left, the woman had been searching for another attractive bald person. But with no success so far, she decided that Ikumi was the next best thing.

"I'd pay you even more if you shaved your head," Mizuho offered.

"Absolutely not," Ikumi grumbled as she got on the bed. She had to draw the line with this woman's weirdness.

Mizuho got on her hands and knees, shoving her butt in the air to tempt the woman. "Come on and fuck me with your beautiful bald head."

Ikumi rolled her eyes and mounted Mizuho and got to work pounded her pussy. Mizuho cried out in pleasure in pleasure as the rubber cock stretched her pussy before wailing when a finger pushed into her ass.

Finally, Mizuho came hard and slumped onto the bed, her face that of a pure slut. Sitting back on her knees, Ikumi ripped the bald cap off and sighed. 'Please don't let my next job be this ridiculous…'