"You can't leave!' Bucky protested, "we just got our lives back together again and now you go on another mission?"

"I'm sorry, I can't let Nat and Sam handle everything," Steve replied, "I promise I'll call you everyday."

The blonde walked forwards and pulled Bucky into a close embrace. Bucky shuddered as he felt Steve's warmth. The serum had increased Steve's body heat kinda making him like a moving heater, but as for Bucky, the excessive testing made him cold to touch. The drastic body temperature difference made him feel uneasy for a few seconds, but it eventually calmed down.

"Is this what you felt like when I left for England?' the ex-assassin asked.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't," Steve pulled away.

Bucky had these feelings for Steve for a while just eating away at him. He had been trying to build up the courage to tell him. Was now the perfect moment or the wrong time? If Steve returned those feelings it would make it harder on him to leave, but if he didn't, it would give Bucky the right amount of time to move out. He decided to wait until Steve came back.

"Let me drive you to the Avengers HQ," Bucky offered.

"Will it make you feel better?" Steve smiled.

"We'll have to find out."

The next morning Steve sat and watched Bucky lay peacefully, well the most peaceful he'll ever look. Steve had longed to hold him close and call him his again. He didn't want to make it hard on Bucky by reminding him of their past and just leaving. He'd much rather be bestfriends then hurt him, god he loved him so much. After a few minutes Bucky awoke to find Steve gazing lovingly.

"Enjoying the view, Rogers?" Bucky smirked.

"Shut it, I was just decided whether to let you sleep for longer or not"

"Sure you were," he winked.

They ate breakfast, playing their favourite songs off an old record player. One song started playing that triggered memories Bucky had forgotten, well so he thought. Bucky put down his toast and look at Steve.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"This song," he spoke, "I remember."

Steve's whole demeanor changed.

"What do you remember?"

"Only this, I taught you how to dance."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah," Bucky hesitated, " we kissed, how could you keep that from me?"

Steve put down his cup of coffee, he reached his arm out and held his hand. "I didn't want to hurt you, I didn't want you to feel like you had to be with me because of our past."

Bucky thought for a bit. Was now the right time to tell Steve how he felt? No, he'll wait. He was angry at Steve for keeping this from him, but understood the reason why.

"So it wasn't just a one time thing?"

"N-no, after my mother died and we moved in together-"

"We lived together?"

"Yes, anyway, you sat me down one night and told me your feelings for me. We didn't get together straight away, we were scared that someone would find out. We both tried to repress our feelings by going out and finding dates, but it didn't feel the same. You decided to teach me how to dance and then we kind started dating after that."

"I can't believe I forgot all of this Steve, I'm sorry."

"I didn't want to tell you because I won't be back for a while."

"Let me take you to the HQ please, you said I could last night, let me have this."

"Well go get changed then, I'll be in the car," Steve smiled and got up.

"Well we're here," Steve pointed out.

They walked into the HQ together.

"I thought you weren't gonna show," Sam said, "well we're going now."

"Buck, I'll call you I promise."

"Steve you can't bring your phone, it'll make them be able to track us."

"It's ok," Bucky said, "Just be safe."

Sam and Nat walked onto the ship, Steve walking quite a bit behind them

Bucky had no idea what had gotten into him, but he needed to feel Steve's lips against his.

"Steve wait!" he called out running behind the captain.

Steve turned to be greeted with a kiss. It was soft and slow. It felt so familiar, every time they had ever kissed rushed through Bucky's head like a badly edited short film.

When they pulled away they still held eachother close.

"I love you," Bucky spoke under his breath only so Steve could hear.

"I love you too," Steve replied.

Sam made a puking sound and yelled, "hurry up Rogers or this ship is gonna leave without you."

Steve turned to see Nat smiling and Sam looking unimpressed. Bucky watched as Steve walked onto the ship.

He remembered.

Hey guys! Don't forget to check out my instragram account 'lokihiddlestan' for more Stucky content. :)