Author Note: It's time for the third chapter of this rewrite. I haven't decided how many chapters will be on this rewrite storyline but soon you will see fresh new chapters.

Chapter 3

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I will be home in about twenty minutes." Steve texted her.

"Okay, please be safe." She responded to him in a text message.

Steve finally arrived home and they just spent the rest of the day together before heading for the game. Marissa sat on the sides while the rest of the team were playing. They chose to wait to find out the gender of the baby until they got halfway into the pregnancy.

"I know that daddy is excited for you to be here next year." She told the baby that was growing inside of her. She could not believe that she was expecting her first child. Unknowingly to her that Steve was watching her. He had a surprise coming and knew that she was going to love it.

"Steve, you need to focus on the game. We are kind of losing here and the last thing that we need is Danny throwing it in our faces that we have lost the game." Chin revealed to his friend.

"Sorry, I just can't help it." Steve said to his friend. He was hoping that none of the team knew about the baby. The team went back to playing the game expect for Danny.

"Hey, I know that look that you were giving to Marissa. She's pregnant, isn't she? It's okay, I had that look when Rachel was pregnant with Grace." Danny responded to his friend.

"Let's go back to our game." Steve said without confirming the pregnancy to Danny. "Plus, this way, I can make you lose."

"What are you talking about? You are the one that is losing right now." Danny responded to his friend.

Marissa could not believe how her life has changed in the past couple of months. She was happy that she did not have to worry about her brother or anymore secrets that could destroy her relationship. At the current time, she was 19 weeks pregnant with their child and didn't know what the baby was yet. They would find out later this week.

At the end of game, Steve and Chin won the game with their team. They headed to the house to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Danny had brought Grace for dinner. Grace was happy that her uncle was back together with Marissa.

"When are you and uncle Steve going to get married?" Grace asked her while they were sitting on the deck with Malia and Kono.

"I do not know. I think that is something that you need to ask uncle Steve about." Marissa said to her.

"What happens when you guys have a baby?" Grace asked her. "I think you guys need to get married so I can have a cousin."

Right before Marissa got a chance to answer the boys came out. Marissa took a deep breath since she hoped that this line of questioning was over.

"Should we reveal the big news to them?" Steve asked her as he went to go sit by her.

"I think that we should announce it." Marissa responded to her boyfriend. Marissa was super happy that they were going to announce it.

"So, we have some very exciting news to share with you all. We are expecting a baby." Steve said to the group.

"Now you and Steve can get married!" Grace yelled with a smile. She was so happy that they were expecting a baby.

Steve hoped that Grace wasn't putting too many ideas in Marissa's head. He was planning to ask her to married him within the next few weeks however he wanted to be a surprise. He was talking to Danny about some ideas to help with the surprise. The team managed to spend more hours before heading home. Steve walked into the kitchen and gave her a small kiss.

"Hey did everyone leave?" She asked Steve.

"Yes, they just left. So when are you going to tell me about the conversations between you and Grace?" Steve asked her with a smile.

"Babe, are you worried that she is going to reveal your secret engagement plans that you have been making?" She asked him.

"What are you talking about? I don't have any secret engagement plans." Steve responded to her.

"Steve, I know you. I know that you have something planned. But you know something, I am just going to wait until you are ready to show it." She said as she gave him a kiss before finishing up what she was doing before.

"Thank you. Do you want any help with cleaning up?" Steve asked her with a smile. He was hoping

"Oh please, I know you. You have something planned." She responded to him as she turned around to give him a small kiss. "But you know something, I will trust that you have something good planned."

"Thank you. Do you want some help cleaning up?" Steve asked her while changing the topic.

"Yes, babe." She responded as they got everything clean up.

They finally got the kitchen all clean up and headed to bed. They were planning to go black Friday shopping for the baby since they figured that the prices were down. They wanted to make sure that they have gender natural since they weren't planning to announce it for a while.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked his girlfriend while picking out the bedding for the crib.

"Yes, I think that it will work for the baby. Can you just trust me on this?" She responded to him.

"Okay." He said before his phone started to ring. He figured that it was a case since he had told the team that he was going to spend time with Marissa while shopping for the baby. "I'm sorry but I need to take this."

"Okay." She said before heading up to check out since she knew that he needed to go. He finally came up after a few minutes and could tell that she was upset with it.

"Hey, I am sorry, but I need to take you home. They can't do this case without me." Steve responded to her before giving her a small kiss.

"It's okay." She said as they checked out and headed to load up the car to go home. Steve had her go into the house while he unloaded the truck before leaving for the crime scene where he was supposed to meet the team.

"Hey, is everything okay? How was shopping?" Danny asked his friend.

"It was fine. I just didn't like leaving Marissa right now." Steve said as they started to work on the case.

"Did you get all the Christmas gifts?" Danny asked his friend.

"We did a few gifts, but we were getting stuff for the baby." Steve responded to his friend with a smile.

"So, when are you going to reveal the gender of the baby? I really hoped that it's a baby girl. I think she will wrap you around her finger just like her mother." Danny responded to his friend.

"We will have to wait and see if it's a baby girl. I hope that it's a baby girl, but I also want a little boy." Steve said to his friend. The case finally over around midnight so he made it home to find her still awake.

"babe, what are you doing up there? Why are you not in bed?" He asked his girlfriend. He was slightly confused on why she was standing on the chair.

"I am trying to get this up there, but I can't reach it." She responded to him. She felt him wrapped his arms around her. "What are you doing? I am fine."

"I don't want you to fall and get hurt. Just let me help you down and I will do it." Steve said to her with a smile. He watched as she got down and he managed to put it up there. He did notice that she was checking him out. "Babe, what are you doing? Are you seriously checking me out?"

"So, what if I was. You enjoy it when I do plus you do it to me all the time." Marissa said to her boyfriend with a smile.

The couple were excited to share the gender of their child to their family and friends however they had to wait for a few more days for the party. They still could not believe that they were having a baby.

"Are you nervous about having a baby?" She asked him.

"No, I am not worried about it. The only thing that I am worried about is Danny's influence on the baby." Steve responded to his girlfriend.

"Why are you nervous about it? He is great with kids. Look at Grace." She responded to him

"However, he thinks that I am danger to him and his kids some days." Steve responded to her. He knew that Danny was teasing about it.

"Steve, just talk to him about it. I am sure that it will be fine." She said to him with a smile on her face.

The next morning, Steve was getting ready for work. It was almost time for the gender reveal and Steve could not wait to find out if he was having a boy or a girl. He was not paying attention to the fact that Marissa was coming down the stairs since it was early in the morning.

"Hey, I thought that you were sleeping." He said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I was but I felt you getting out of bed." She responded to him.

"I know, I wish that I didn't have to go but there is a new case." Steve said to her before giving her a small kiss.

"Just promise me that you will be safe on the case today." Marissa responded to him.

"I will, I promise." Steve said to her as he gave her a small kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." She responded to him as she watched him walk out the door. She could not wait for the party that was happening tonight. She just hoped that the case was done before that. She heard her cell go off and wonder who it was. She smiled when she saw it was Steve.

"Hey, just want to let you know that if the case is not done by the time the party starts. Please come to headquarters and we will reveal the big news there." Steve texted her.

"You bet, super seal. I love you." She texted back to him.

"Love, you are only allowed to call me that in bed and not anywhere else. I love you too." Steve texted her back. She knew that he was kidding.

She closed her phone and started to work on the house. They had managed to get the paint finished in the baby's room. They were starting to set up the baby's item. She ended up spending a few hours before heading downstairs to work on projects.

Back at headquarters, Steve was working in his office after texting Marissa about tonight. He was smiling that she was coming in if the case was not finished yet.

"Hey, what's up?" Danny asked his friend.

"Marissa might be coming in if the case is not finished so we can reveal if the baby is a boy or a girl." Steve responded to his friend.

"I am pretty much hoping for a little girl in hopes that it will calm you down." Danny revealed to his friend.

You know that sometimes you can be so dramatic. What happens if it's a boy? What are you going to do then?" Steve responded to his friend.

"I think that I might move back to the main land if it's a boy." Danny responded to his friend in a joking manor.

"Man, we can only hope that you move to the mainland." Steve responded to him. Steve was also joking when he said that.

"Steve, I am joking. Plus, we all know that you would miss me not to mention that I have Grace here and I won't leave her." Danny responded to him.

"I know." Steve said to him.

Throughout the day, Steve was texting Marissa updates just in case it was not done yet by the time the party was supposed to start. The sad thing it was not done and that means that she was on the way there. She got there by the time that Steve got back from getting the suspect. Danny took the suspect to book him

"I am beyond ready to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Danny so badly wants a little girl. He thinks that she will calm me down." Steve revealed to her as they headed upstairs to the headquarters.

"So let me guess, Danny is driving you nuts?" She asked him.

"Just a little bit. He just wants to know if it is a boy or girl." Steve responded to her. He had been planning to take her on a special trip for the two of them for the next two weeks. He had to finish planning it when he got home but right now, they needed to find out the gender of the baby.

"Okay, Let's reveal if it's a boy or girl." She said as Danny and Malia walked into the room. The couple walked out of Steve's office and got ready to find out the gender of the baby.

"This is so exciting." Kono revealed to them.

"I really hope that the baby is healthy. Malia and I just can't wait to meet this new little one." Chin revealed to his friends.

"Alright let's find out if the baby is a boy or girl." Danny said to his friend as he watched Steve put the bag on the table.

"Alright everyone, it's time for the big moment and we are going to let Danny reveal if it's a girl or boy." Steve revealed as he gave his friend the bag with the balloons.

"Alright, let's find out what the gender is." She revealed to him right as the shooting started to happen. Steve grabbed Marissa to make sure that she was safe from the shooter as Chin and Danny start to return fire.

When they finally gotten the shooters taken care, Steve helped her off the floor. He made sure that she was okay.

"Are you guys okay?" Steve asked her as he check her over.

"We are okay. Thank you for protecting us." She responded to him

"Are you guys okay?" Danny asked as he saw Steve wrapped his arms around her as he walked over to make sure that they are okay.

"We are okay. I am going to take her home so we will have to wait to find out the gender another day." Steve responded to her as he made sure that she was okay.

"That's fine." Danny responded to him. The main concern was to make sure that everyone was okay. They walked out of the headquarters and Marissa tried to head to her car.

"Babe, we are leaving your car here for the night." Steve said to her as he took her hand. They walked over to the truck.

"Okay, are you sure about that being a good idea?" Marissa responded to him.

"I am not leaving you to drive home by yourself." Steve responded to her.

"Okay." She said to him as they got into the truck and headed home. He figured that when he got to work the next morning, Danny could follow him taking her car home.

Steve brought the car home the next morning with Danny's help. They were planning to have the team over to reveal the baby's gender.

"I was really surprised that Danny has not been asking about revealing if the baby is a girl or boy." She said to him that night when he got home.

"He has been asking but knows that we are going to do it this weekend, so he is fine." Steve said to his girlfriend.

"I bet he is ready to learn about the gender." She responded to him. A few days have gone by before they had a chance to reveal the gender of the baby. Family and friends arrived for the party.

"Well last time we tried it a different way and it did not work since we got interrupted." Steve said to the group. He was hoping that this time would not get interrupted, but he was not sure.

"I know right." Danny teased his friend. He wanted to find out if they were going to have a boy or girl. "Can we get this show on the road and finally find out what you are having?"

It was two days later when Steve finally returned to work. He had managed to get there first and was followed by Danny a few minutes later.

"How is everything going with the pregnancy?" Danny asked his friend with a smile. He knew that pregnancy and the birth would take an effect on Steve soon.

"Pretty good. She and the baby are doing really good." Steve responded to his friend with a smile.

"How is she doing after the shooting?" Danny asked his friend. "Any nightmares?"

"She is doing pretty good. She has not had nightmares." Steve responded to him. "I know that you guys are wanting to find out the gender of the baby and we are going to have everyone over soon once we have the baby's room ready." Steve responded to his friend with a smile.

Author Note: Alright this is the end of this chapter and I hope that you enjoy it. I am trying to get back into writing right now. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.