Author Note: I decided to rewrite this story for you all to enjoy. I am going to be merging some of the chapters together and getting the word count up higher than what it should be.

Chapter one

Steve was sitting behind his desk looking at the pictures of the Heese brothers. He knew that there was something more and he could not put his finger on it. He felt that the boys were getting away way to easy and wasn't sure how they were able to get away with. He did not know that Marissa was the answer to all the problems that he was having. He also did not know that she had walked into the room.

"Hey, I thought that you went to bed." She said to him as she walked by his desk.

"Yeah, I did but I could not sleep at all and did not want to wake you up." He responded back with a small smile. He was happy that she was in his life.

"I know that's why I came down here to find you since I woke up without you being in bed." Marissa said to him with a smile.

"I figure since I could not fall asleep that I would come down here and worked on one of the missions that I am assigned to solve is under my skin right now. I want to make sure that I get it done." Steve responded to her.

"Steve, I know that it is getting to you because your sleeping patterns are a lot different. I know that you will be able to catch them since I have faith in you. Whoever you are tracking, we need to get them off the streets so everyone can be safe instead of being in danger." Marissa said to her boyfriend. She knew that Steve did not know about her secret yet but hoped that he would not be so mad about it.

"Thank you in your faith in me. I know that I will find them and then I am going to get whoever is helping them." Steve said as he started to get up. He knew that he was not able to tell her that it was the boys that killed his father. "I think that I am heading up to bed."

Marissa watched as he got up and headed for the stairs. She saw that Steve had stopped and turned to her.

"Are you coming to bed?" He asked her.

"Yes, I am coming." She said as she followed him upstairs. She was hoping that he would fall asleep quickly. He was out cold within minutes before Marissa. She woke up the next morning to find that he was not in bed again and figured that he had went to work. She had scheduled a meeting with her brother, so she needed to get ready for that. She knew that Steve was going to be mad when he figured out the truth. By the time that she got to the meeting place, her brother was already there and waiting for her.

"Where is he going?" Victor asked his sister before she sat down.

"I can't keep doing this to him. This is not right." Marissa responded to him.

"You are doing the right thing by making sure that your brothers stay safe. Now tell me where he is going?" Victor asked his sister again.

"I don't know where he is going. I was trying to find out last night, but he wanted me to go to bed. He took the information with him this morning. Victor, this is wrong to do to him?" Marissa responded to him.

"So now you want to grow some balls sort to speak. You are our sister and it's your job to keep us safe. You need to figure a way to find out since we need to know what he has planned." Victor said to his sister.

"You don't understand it or get it. Steve is going to be pissed when he finds out that I have been helping you." She responded to him. Steve was supposed to be a mark for her to help her brothers, but she ended up falling in love with him.

"Let me guess, you fell for him which was not part of your job. Marissa, I thought that you could handle this job." Victor said to his sister.

"My job is not to protect you two. You need to pay for what you have done and I hope that Steve can forgive me for what I have done." She said as she got out of the chair.

"So, are you going to turn us in for this?" Victor asked his sister before pausing he added "Because if you do then you are betraying your family and that is wrong for you to do to us. We are supposed to be family."

"We are family, and don't you ever play the sister card on me again." She responded to him. "I will hate you for this."

"You need to remember that you were a willing player in this." He said before leaving the room. Marissa could not believe that her brother was acting like this. She headed into work where she got a surprise.

"Steve, what are you doing here?" She asked him. She gave him a small kiss since she was surprised that he was there.

"I needed to talk to you about something that is very important." Steve said to her as he was trying to figure out how to tell her.

"Babe, can't we talk about this tonight? I really need to get to work." She responded to him.

"This really can't wait. I need to tell you that I am planning to leave tonight." Steve responded to her.

"Are you going on another mission trip?" She asked him. She knew that he could not tell her where he was going but this also means that Steve has a chance to catch her brothers without her leaking information about her boyfriend to them.

"As much as I don't want to go, I have to go." He said before giving her a small hug. "I will see you soon."

Later that night, Steve had left for his mission by the time that she got from work. She walked into the apartment to find that she had a note from her brother saying that he was going to be in Hawaii for the next few days.

Marissa managed to book a quick trip to Hawaii and made sure that her boyfriend's father was not able to see her since she knew that he would tell Steve about this trip. Marissa was able to find her brother.

"What are you doing here?" She asked her brother.

"I am here because I need to do something to stop your boyfriend from getting our brother and since you won't help me stop him." Victor said to her.

"You are going after Steve's father. You need to leave him alone." She said to him.

"No, I need to protect our brother from him since he is about to find his location. I need to make sure to stop him." Victor responded to his sister.

"By going after his father? This is not right. There must be another way to keep our brother safe." Marissa said to her brother. She hoped that it would change his mind.

"It sounds to me that you really care about Steve over your own brothers." Victor responded to her.

"I care about Steve and his family because I have gotten to know them. I am telling you this is the worse way to get him to stop." Marissa said to her brother hoping that he would listen to her.

"You fell for him, didn't you?" he asked her.

"That is besides the point. You are talking about taking an innocent man's life and that is just wrong to do." She said to him.

"I disagree on that. I feel that it's wrong that your boyfriend is taking a shot at our brother and instead of protecting him like we are supposed to, you are trying to save Steve's father." Victor responded to her. He was trying to justify his actions even through she was sure that it was wrong.

"I need to go." She said before leaving the room. She could not believe that her brother would go after Steve's father. She knew that she needed to warn John about what was about to happen, but she needed to be careful. She knew that she needs to make it right for both Steve and John. She heads to the house only to find that he is not there, so she decided to call him.

"Hey John, It's me, Marissa. I need you to call me as soon as you get this. If you can please meet me at my hotel room. It's very important." She said before hanging up. It took about two hours before John called her back and managed to get her to come his house. She arrived to find that she was too late to stop what her brother did. John had been shot and before she had a chance to react Danny arrived.

"Let me see your hands." Danny order her.

"Please if I do that, he will die. This is my boyfriend's father and I can't let him die." Marissa said as Danny went to go check on his heartbeat.

"I am sorry. I need to call his children and let them know about their father's death." Danny said as he walked away from the talking. Danny came back into the room. "Okay, Steve is on the way tomorrow. If you want, we will book you a hotel room for the night"

"Okay thanks but I already have a hotel room." Marissa responded to him.

"Okay, I will have an officer take you to your hotel room. Please do not leave the state. I might need to ask you more questions." Danny responded to her before the officer took her to the hotel room. Marissa got scared when she saw her brother there in the bathroom.

"Please tell me that you did not kill Steve's father?" Marissa asked her brother, but she already knew the answer to it.

"I did not have a choice." Victor said to her. He was hoping that he was not going to have tell his sister about her brother's death.

"Steve's dad did not do anything. You did something bad and you need to come clean. Steve is going to not stop until he finds you." Marissa responded to him.

"He killed our brother." Victor responded to his sister.

"What? Anton is dead. How do you know?" She asked her brother.

"I was on the phone with them when it happen. This is not the way that I wanted to tell you. Steve killed him." He responded to him.

"Oh my God. You need to leave." She said to him as she broke down in tears. Marissa watched her brother leave the room. She needed time to think about what happen. Her cell phone started to ring and she noticed that it was Steve. She knew that she was going to have to act like nothing was wrong. She took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"Hey, babe." She said to her boyfriend.

"Hey, I am on the way to Hawaii. My father was killed, and I really need you to be there with me." Steve responded to her. She knew that she needed to come clean because he was going to find out that she was there.

"I actually came out yesterday to Hawaii." She responded to him.

"Okay, I will see you when I land." Steve responded before hanging up the phone. He was slightly confused on why she was on the island but was happy that she was safe. He just hoped that Victor would leave her alone.

The next morning could not come faster for Steve. All he wanted to do is make sure that Marissa was okay however the Governor called a meeting at Pearl Harbor. Steve was still playing the events in his head and could not believe they didn't find out about Marissa or Mary. It took him about twenty minutes to finish his meeting with the Governor and headed to the funeral site. He figured that Marissa would be there.

Marissa was in her mind remembering about Steve's father. He had always been super nice to her. She had wanted to warn him about the attack by her brother, but it was too late.

Before the funeral, Danny arrived to the hotel room where she was staying at. He was hoping to get some answers so he could find the killer. He was slightly confused about why she had called him.

"So will you please explain why you called John earlier in the day? What was it about?" Danny asked her.

"I was hoping to tell him that I was in town." She lied to him. She knew that she needed to tell the truth but didn't know how.

"Okay. Why did you want him to meet you?" He asked her.

"I wanted to talk about his son. Steve doesn't come back that often and I wanted to update what was going on." She responded to him.

She was hoping that was enough to convince him of what happen but she knew that she was aiding and betting her brother but he was still family. She made it to the funeral right before it started. Steve took her hand in his right before it happen.

"Steve, it's going to be okay." She said in a whisper.

"I know, I just need to find Victor and make him pay for this." Steve told to her.

"I know babe, just promise me that you will be careful." She responded to him.

"You have my word about being careful." Steve revealed to her. Just two days later, Steve was looking for clues about what was going on when he ran into Danny. He managed to start a new task force. Over dinner, Steve announced that he was moving to Hawaii and wanted her to move in with him. She agrees to it. She knew that her brother was still on the island and she wanted to make sure that her brother was caught. She walked into the bedroom to find that Steve was getting ready for bed.

"Steve, I need to tell you something." She said to him. She knew that he was not going to like it.

"What is it?" He asked her before stopping. He hoped that everything is okay.

"You might want to sit down." She said to him before she watched him sit down. She took a deep breath. She was hoping that he would be able trust her after this since it was not her fault of what her brother had done.

Author Note: We will be working with the next chapter very soon and hope that you enjoy it. I hope that you follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time. I will see you soon.