I watched the pair as Jenna held her head in her hands. I remembered that pain, but I had known what my choice was going to be even before I'd taken Klaus's blood into my system.

"Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna groaned.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asked her.

"You called me. You were so scared." Jenna winced in pain. "Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire."

"Klaus. It was Klaus," Elena told her.

"He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that." Jenna looked around anxiously. "Where are we? What happened?" Elena took her aunt's hands into her own to comfort her.

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here," Elena explained.

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked her confused.

"Jenna, do you remember...When I told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asked her. I see Jenna got the full talking to.

"Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." Jenna paused and a look of realization passed over her face. "Oh, god. He killed me."

"Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here," Elena promised and I smirked.

"I'm a vampire?" Jenna asked.

"Not quite yet," I told her moving closer to the pair. "There's just one more step to complete before you complete the transition. Greta."

"I bet you're hungry." Greta passed me to approach them as they stared at the two of us. Elena saw something and rushed towards it. With a wave of her hand, Greta sent Elena flying backwards and she landed painfully in the dirt. Greta waved her hand again, creating a circle of fire around Elena . Elena rushed towards the flames, but they grew once she go closer to the circle. "Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do." Greta told her while grabbing a sharp rock and cutting her wrist.

"Greta...Please, just- just let her go," Elena begged. Blood dripped from Greta's wrist and Jenna looked at it, hungrily.

"Klaus chose her."

"No." Greta lowered her wrist towards Jenna's face.

"When you drink it, you'll feel better," I told Jenna

"Jenna, don't!" Elena called out.

"I can't," Jenna tried fight, but I could see the hunger fighting back.

"Let her go. Hey!"

"How horrible you must be," I commented. "To want to watch her die a slow death." Jenna finally gave in to her desire for the blood and sank her teeth into Greta's flesh.

"No! No." Elena watched with tears in her eyes as Jenna held Greta's wrist tightly and closed her eyes as the warm blood entered her mouth. After a few moments, Greta tried pulling her wrist out of Jenna's mouth but couldn't. I made my way to them and pulled Jenna off Greta.

"No need to be greedy," I told her. "Klaus still needs the witch."

"Jenna. It's going to be okay," Elena told her as Greta and I walked away from the baby vampire. Greta flicked her wrist behind us and another circle of fire surrounded Jenna. Jenna retreated from the flames terrified. "Look at me. Hey, look at me." I turned to look at them as Jenna turned her head towards Elena, blood dripping down her chin. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." I smirked as the dark veins appeared creeping towards her eyes.

"You really shouldn't make promises you can't keep," I told Elena.

I watched over the pair as Greta had gone to gather the last ingredient she needed to break Klaus' curse.

"How are you feeling?" Elena asked her aunt.

"I feel like myself...Only not. Everything is brighter. The fire's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything," Jenna told her.

"Vampires can turn off the part that's human. That's the part that hurts," Elena told her.

"The strongest of us never have to use that switch," I told her.

"I'm gonna die, aren't I?" Jenna asked, her voice filled with tears.


"No!" Elena glared at me before looking back at her aunt. "Jenna, I'm not going to let that happen. I don't care what I have to do."

"I've already told you, don't make promises you can't keep." Twigs snapping and the wolf groaning pulled both women's attention off me and towards Greta pulling the wolf our way.

"Who's that?" Jenna asked.

"That must be the werewolf." Greta pushed the wolf to the ground and the wolf clutched her stomach, groaning in pain.

"What's happening to me?" She asked.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation," Greta told her kneeling down next to the wolf. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free," Greta moved to join me as she flicked her wrist and a third ring of fire encircled the wolf.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed," Elena tried convincing the girl.

"My duty is to Klaus! The new order," Greta told her.

"Besides, following the rules is such a bore," I sighed.

"Glad to know I still have two dance partners." I turned to see Klaus behind me and he looked from me to the three rings of fire. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" Klaus pulled the moonstone as Greta made her way over to us. "I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." He handed the moonstone to Greta who took it and looked up at the moon.

"The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" Greta asked him.

"I remember." Greta dropped the moonstone into the stone bowl before us and it filled with flames. Sparks flew as the moonstone was destroyed and Greta began her chants. Klaus approached the rings of fire as the wolf looked to Elena.

"Everything I did...I was just trying to help Tyler," the wolf told her.

"Are you Jules?" Elena asked her.

"I didn't want him to be alone!" Klaus looked down at the wolf who looked up at him terrified.

"Shall we?" The ring of fire around her dispersed. I watched her eyes turn yellow and she used to wolf speed to rush at Klaus. Klaus quickly got the upper hand and pinned her to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart. She took her final breath as tears streamed down her face. Klaus breathed heavily as he held the blood heart in his hands before he joined me and Greta once more. Klaus held the heart over the bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames.

"Does that mean it's working?" Klaus asked Greta.

"It's working," Greta told him smiling.

I handed Klaus a stake and he approached the rings of fire once more.

"Hello, Jenna." Both women looked up at him.

"Let her go," Elena ordered. "I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena moved closer to the flames causing the to flare up making her retreat.

"Careful," Klaus told her.

"Elena, don't," Jenna told her.

"No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family," Elena told her before looking back at Klaus. "I followed your rules; I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please." Klaus seemed to look between the pair as if he was considering what she was saying.

"Well, well." Klaus looked up at the top of the quarry and we all followed his gaze. "I don't recall you being on the guest list."

"I'm here to talk," Stefan told him loud enough to hear with vampire hearing.

"Very well, then." Klaus looked at Jenna, briefly, before turning to me. He then ran up to the top of the cliff and walked calmly towards Stefan. "What can I do for you, Mr. Salvatore?"

"You don't need to kill Jenna. I'll take her place," Stefan told Klaus and I inhaled slightly.

"Oh, I don't know. I rather appreciate the symmetry of three women," Klaus told him starting to walk around him. "Three goddesses- Sacrificed at nature's altar."

"Don't play games with me. You'll get what you want either way," Stefan pointed out.

"You're quite the hero, aren't you? I've heard that about you."

"Just make the trade. Me for Jenna," Stefan ordered.

"Quite the predicament," Klaus said looking at Elena when he and Stefan joined us. "You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish."

"Stefan..." Elena started saying sadly.

"It's okay," Stefan told her.

"Well. Who's it going to be, Elena?" Klaus asked pointing between the two with the stake.

"No," Elena told him angrily.

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice." Klaus ran behind Stefan and staked him in the back causing him to scream in pain and crumble to the ground

"No! Stefan! No!" Klaus ripped the stake out of Stefan's back, leaving a sizable chunk of wood in his back.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus snapped Stefan's neck causing Stefan to flip several times before falling to the ground. Elena gasped in shock at what he'd done. "Whenever you're ready, Greta." Greta began her chanting again which dispelled the ring of fire surrounding Jenna who looked towards Klaus frightened.

"No," Elena begged once more.

"Your turn."

"No, Jenna, no!" Elena attempted to get to Jenna, but the fire flared up to stop her causing everyone to look at her again.

"It's alright, Elena. I know what I have to do," Jenna told her. I rolled my eyes thinking she was going to attack Klaus as the wolf had. Instead, Jenna ran to Greta and ferociously bit her neck. I quickly wrapped my arms around hers and pulled her off the witch holding her back flush with my chest.

"Smart, but that won't be enough," I whispered to her as Klaus walked up to us.

"Jenna, no!" Jenna turned to look at Elena. "Just turn it off. Jenna. Turn it off. You won't be scared anymore." Klaus looked Jenna in the eyes and staked her. I released her body as if began to grey and desiccate and it fell to the ground. "No! Jenna! No! Jenna!" Greta began chanting the next part of the spell as I noticed Stefan waking up. I watched him try to reach the piece of wood in his back, but he wasn't that flexible. I turned back to the bowl as Greta poured Jenna's blood into it. Klaus soon left and approached Elena.

"It's time." The circle of fire disappeared from around her and she looked up at him. He extended his hand towards her and she rises from the ground and walked past him. Elena made her way to the alter looking down at her aunt's body as she did so. Klaus followed her up to the alter and grabbed her face in his hand. Below us, Stefan struggled to get up from the ground as Klaus turned her face to him. "Thank you, Elena."

"Go to hell." Stefan continued to struggle up, but fell back to the ground, too weak to move as Klaus sank his fangs into her neck and started to drain Elena of her blood. Once she was dead, Klaus released her and Elena fell to the ground. The flames in the bowl were extinguished as Klaus breathed heavily to walk down the stone steps. "I can feel it. It's happening." Klaus looked up at the full moon before, suddenly, his bones began to crack and he started to transform. "Yes, yes!" Suddenly, Klaus was thrown through the air. The flames in the bowl ignited once more startling both me and Greta. I turned as I stared confused at Bonnie was walking down the hillside, chanting a spell. Before we could react, Damon snuck up behind Greta and snapped her neck. I quickly moved away from him towards Klaus as Damon knelt next to Elena's body.

"Phasmatos Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Victamas Veras. Phasmatos Tribum, Niha Sue Exilum, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Levam, Mina Sue Te, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Phasmatos Veras. Fes Matos Tribum, Mas Pro Tes Unum. Victas Ex Melam, Phasmatos Vanem. Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te."

"No! You were dead!" Klaus yelled at her as she continued to chant her spell Klaus' body contorted into painful shapes as he screamed. I knelt down next to Klaus and prepared to leave when Elijah approached us and Bonnie stopped her chanting.


"Hello, brother." Elijah punched his arm into Klaus' chest and wrapped his hand around my neck, stopping me from trying to help him. "In the name of our family, Niklaus..." Elijah twisted Klaus' heart.

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus told him.

"What?" Elijah asked him.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them," Klaus warned. Elijah looked at me and I nodded. Klaus wasn't lying.

"Elijah! Don't listen to them," Stefan called out.

"Elijah. I can take you to them. I give you my word...brother."

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie warned.

"You'll die," Elijah reminded her.

"I don't care." Elijah looked between me and Klaus and back to Bonnie and Stefan.

"I'm sorry." The pair ran towards us trying to stop us from leaving, but Elijah had already fled with us.