Ever Us—The Blessing, Keiko

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha.

Title: Ever Us—Mpreg

Author: Gayle Nightingale

Prompt: AU. Specifically 1769, in Japan at the castle in the Western Lands. In my "Ever Us" universe Keiko's conception was a surprise to both brothers but considered a blessing and aptly named. This story reveals more details, (sex in in version on AFF), and some pregnancy woes. Yaoi. Mpreg.

Word Count: -

Rated: M

Genre: Romance/Smut

Pairing: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru.

It is 1769. The Takahashis are living at the Western castle in Japan. They have been mates for almost 200 years. They are two alpha males, powerful, proud, and oozing sexuality. They love to rut, to hunt, to play. They are learning about sharing and love. Both still have tempers. Both have suffered losses but are stronger for it. Sesshomaru continues to be inflexible, and very rigid in his thinking. Inuyasha's attempting to change this, but is not doing it well. At some point he realizes arguing doesn't help and tries a sweeter approach.

Here is a reminder of our timeline to the current date with matching stories.

Timeline for "Ever Us"

1500 - Kagome returns to the Feudal era and she and Inuyasha marry

1503 - Sesshomaru marries Rin

1560s – Both women die. Sesshomaru goes to Inuyasha and comforts him.

1570 – Sesshomaru and Inuyasha mate

1769 – "Ever Us—How Sesshomaru became a physician"

1770 – Keiko is born "Ever Us—Mpreg"

1792 – The marital fight of the century "Ever Us—A Historical perspective of the 1792 Tsunami"

1793 – Kenichi is born

1808 - Ryuu is born

1822 – Steven\Suteiibun is born

1850- Kyo and Yuki are born

1868- "Ever Us-Robin Hood, An Inuyasha yaoi story"

1870- Sesshomaru takes his pack to Canada

1906- Bobbie and Barbie are born

1990- Suzy is born

2018- Rin is born "Ever Us"

Chapter one: Bug infestation

'Kami! This is SO Boring. And I'm SO horny. I want sex!' Inuyasha rubbed his mating mark to get his mates attention.

Sesshomaru continued to look forward and listen to their advisors. They co-ruled their lands, but Inuyasha's short attention span made long meetings like this one increasingly hard. Inuyasha had been sending sexual imagines through their mating link from shortly after the meeting started. By this time in the meeting Sesshomaru was definitely hard-rock hard and uncomfortable. He sent back through the mating link, 'Little brother, your distractions will be your undoing. You may regret your actions when I'm finished with you.'

'I can hardly wait,' Inuyasha grinned. An advisor thought it odd that his lord grinned while they were talking about the treasury report but he had come to accept his lords' eccentricities.

The Inu brothers had been meeting with their advisors and the captain of the guards discussing the state of the kingdom. The two leaders were in the main throne room sitting in seiza on the elevated tatami floor. The sliding doors on one side of the room were painted with a mural of their father flying in his Inu form and some humans at the bottom of the mural staring in awe at his beauty. The shoji doors on the opposite side were translucent and gave images of movement outside the room. The semi-transparent paper doors were Sesshomaru's choice because he didn't like to be closed in completely but still liked his privacy. Opposite the elevated tatami the wall held the swords of the great dog demon when they were not being worn. In front of the dog demons in the place of honor sat their advisers and Master Jaken. The captain of the guard stood to the side watching the proceedings ever alert, protecting his lords. The meeting was winding down when the shoji slid open unexpectedly and the messenger ran in to the room.

"My Lords! Bugs have infested the Western Lands!"

The herald paused to catch his breath. Leaning forward with his hands on his knees and his whole body moving as he tried to inhale air, the gasping herald had the entire court's attention.

One of Lord Sesshomaru's advisors in front of him and to his left made a move to hush the boy but Lord Sesshomaru stayed him with a sharp glance of the eye. He motioned to his captain of the guard. "Go. See to him."

Turning to his right where Inuyasha sat he was about to give his brother some advice on how to handle these situations when they arose in the court when Sesshomaru noticed his brother was missing. Sesshomaru's eyes roved the room. He was not surprised to see Inuyasha at the knave's side assisting him and encouraging him to catch his breath. A small sigh passed his lips followed by a smile that only lasted milliseconds. The two brothers certainly handled things differently but it usually got the same results. 'Let's see how little brother handles it,' he thought.

"What is it?! Spill it man!" Inuyasha barked to the young herald.

Nodding but still panting the messenger looked to his Lords. Fear shone in his brown eyes. He spoke in short bursts with great gasps of air sucked in periodically. Noticing all the eyes staring at him he panicked even more and forced out his message as quick as possible.

"My Lords! It's horrible! The Bugs! They are eating - (breath) - everything in sight! (pant) They are huge – (breath) - and there are millions of them! (Gulp) I ran as fast as I could! –(wheeze)- The bugs were destroying the village—(puff and wheeze)- and eating anyone that couldn't move fast enough! (He gasped for air and raced through the next thought.) I couldn't fight them by myself. Nothing can cut through their harden shells."

And with the last word he collapsed.

Lord Sesshomaru and the court got a better look. He was a young gangly rabbit demon barely in his teens. They stood around the messenger's crumpled body staring. None of them knew what to do.

An older advisor with a warbling old crackled voice spoke, "I believe a castle healer would be a good thing, my Lords. At least for times like these…" He pointed to the young rabbit.

The captain of the guard nodded to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru then picked up the young hare and took him the guard quarters where one of the off duty soldiers would look after him.

Jaken stuttered, "We didn't even find out what location he ran from."

Inuyasha looked at the toad and then pointed to his nose. "I got a good scent of him. My mate and I can back track this scent. Ready, Big Brother?!" The Inuhanyou cocked an ear and smiled as he cracked his knuckles. "I'm ready for a good hunt and I really enjoy exterminating bugs, especially spiders." Sesshomaru smiled at the wink from his baby brother.

'This could be an interesting day,' he thought as he rose and walked across the room to grab their swords. Tossing Inuyasha his weapon, Sesshomaru tucked his swords in his obi and walked to the shoji doors.

The servants had many of the sliding doors open to air out the villa. The breeze blew gently through the home. The scent was strong and easy to follow. Once they cleared the front door Inuyasha turned to Sesshomaru and whispered, "First one there gets to choose…" A suggestive look and quick release of pheromones and Inuyasha ran. "I love a good chase and I don't lose," Sesshomaru whispered in return and he ran. Several of the guards followed but quickly fell behind when they smelled the pheromones. They were accustom to their lords' frolics and would keep well away, but knew they needed to be near enough to protect them.

One half day's run through forests, hills and plains, the brothers tied as they stopped on top of a crest and looked down in the natural basin. Initially it looked as though the basin was boiling with brown liquid. Further examination revealed the bottom of the basin was alive, crawling with all kinds of pests; ants, spiders, scorpion, centipedes, beetles and other insects with barbed claws and stingers. The sexual tension between them dropped away immediately. Upon seeing the dog demons the bugs started up the crater wall toward them.

"What the hell!" Inuyasha vocalized as he gapped at the seething ground. "Where did they all come from!"

"WIND SCAR!" he yelled as he sent a strike into the teeming masses. One hundred bugs dissolved but the ground was quickly covered again with more insects. The bugs continued to crawl up the wall toward Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

"BAKUSAIGA !" An explosive corrosive wave traveled through the insect army killing one thousand enemies in seconds. This time the ground did not recover as quickly. Seeing the success of that attack Sesshomaru fired off several more swings from his sword and Inuyasha covered him to prevent any bugs from a personal confrontation. The battle rhythm established between the two of them thrummed. The captain and his guards joined in the fray. Within fifteen minutes the basin was down to less than a dozen of the largest bugs.

Inuyasha was itching to battle the larger bugs but Sesshomaru had ordered him to remain at this side as long as he was using the corrosive wave for fear of injuring his mate. Now that the numbers were lower and spread further apart Sesshomaru switched attacks and released his mate to fight the insects in one on one battles. The guards spread out, fighting bugs and covering their lords.

Inuyasha flew into a battle with a nearby centipede. Claws extended Inuyasha split the centipede down the center killing it instantly and splashing bug guts all over him. He didn't turn around to see his success but ran to the next slaying it with a swing of Tessaiga. He repeated this pattern over and over again on the battlefield. So confident he was of his battle successes he failed to notice one insect was only injured and it came up behind him and pinched him on his buttocks. The pinchers pierced the fire rat material and punctured his buttocks and locked in place. Inuyasha's surprised cry of pain frightened Sesshomaru and he was instantly at Inuyasha's side. Sesshomaru sliced off the head and body of the insect leaving only the pincher.

"Captain! Eradicate this field of vermin! I will care for my mate! We shall discuss your finding at the castle." And with that he grabbed Inuyasha to his chest and bolted to a safe area far from the battle.

-FF version- (See also AFF for sex scenes.)

The two had gone to a small isolated field surrounded by trees and rocks. No predators lived in the area. The small field was home to wild flowers, butterflies and small birds. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful as though nature had prepared a private romantic location for the lords.

"Kami! That hurts!"

When Sesshomaru started to pull on the pincher, Inuyasha yelled. "Don't yank it out. Feels like that pincher is buried deep in me."

"Hush now, Big brother can take care of it." Sesshomaru crooned attempting to calm himself and Inuyasha. Let's get you out of those clothes and see what we are dealing with. This is an example of why we need a castle healer."

"Screw that! This was a fluke accident. I was careless. Also NO ONE but you will see my body! Do you hear me!"

"Inu! Be reasonable. We could have also used a healer today for that rabbit teen," Sesshomaru looked him in the eye as he removed the fire rat piece by piece. Inuyasha stood defensively, hands on hips bare-chested with his hakamas unfastened. The fierceness of the stance was nulled though by the bug guts dripping out of his hair. Sesshomaru prowled around the inuhanyou assessing the situation. The V-shaped barb had multiple smaller thorns on both sides made to rip flesh. Once attached it would not be removed without ripping the victim's tissues.

"Guess it could be worse. It could have poison on it. Just do it," Inuyasha sighed. I'll bite that stick so I don't yell. I can tell that sucker is in me. Hurts like hell."

After manipulating the clothing and barb for what seemed like an eternity, Sesshomaru removed the barb. Sesshomaru pulled out his finger with the barb on it and sat back on his heels. The barb was in one piece. He had done it. He had removed the barb. A feeling of deep satisfaction passed over Sesshomaru. He had healed his mate. Little did he realize that the barb had forced open the stenotic entrance to Inuyasha's womb. Later Sesshomaru would realize that demons and hanyous develop in utero with both sexes but when born the outward sexual characteristic dominated and the other narrow and scar shut. But at that time his mind was not on medical knowledge, only carnal. The barb removed and the crisis over the two mates followed up on their earlier bet and horny thoughts.

The Princess's conception occurred in early am while the brothers slept in each other's arms. But they knew nothing of the miracle occurring.

-end chap 1.