Disclaimer: I only own my character, I do not own Tess or any characters from American McGee's Alice or its sequel.

The girls soon saw a steam blast, but Alice soon jumped and began flying upward. Taylor twirled her staff with Tess on her shoulder, to come follow Alice, and soon saw an Liddell Family memory, behind the ruined cable car. Alice picked it up, Alice's Family popped up, while Alice's Mother soon spoke, "Lizzie, remember when a burst of steam blew your dress up to your neck? Just outside Harrods it was. Fortunate your undergarments had just been laundered." Taylor and Tess covered their mouths just to keep them from laughing, though Alice looked at them, and snickered a bit for that memory for what Taylor said to cherish her good memories, and learn from her bad memories.

The girls then continued on outside, Alice soon saw a pressure pod. She soon looked at the valve and turned it, and two steam pods began blasting upwards, the girls made it to a floating platform, but had to make short work of a madcap. They went onto another steam pod, and defeated two more madcaps. The girls entered the building, and soon saw dodo birds hanging, Taylor was disgust, and thought "Man at this rate the dodo will be extinct, again." Alice soon saw teapot lever, and she pulled it and a giant gear that was spinning and blocking their path stopped, and the girls and jumped to continue. Alice soon saw another pressure pod, but two madcaps were there and started to attack. Taylor soon attacked them while Alice turned the valve, and another steam pod appeared. The girls continued jumped to reach a place that had a group of madcaps. They soon fought them, and continued, despite, it almost caused Alice to meet her end.

Alice soon saw an opening in a wall, and then shrunk, and saw there was a snout and a memory there. Alice soon floated while Taylor twirled to follow her. They soon saw a snout, and Alice peppered it, it sneezed, and a basket appeared, and found five gold teeth. The soon saw another memory from Alice's family. Alice picked it up, this time Lizzie spoke, "My heart is open, Alice. Never closed, never locked. It needs no key," Taylor wondered if she would've done that when the doctor fancied her.

The girls continued, but as they entered, Alice shrunk again, while Taylor followed, and Tess after her, and found a Nurse Witless memory. Alice took it and the nurse spoke "I know you hear me, you contrary child. Use the bed pan! And let go of that wretched rabbit!" Taylor was a bit made that the nurse didn't want Alice to keep her stuffed rabbit.

The girls continued, but after a float/twirl, Alice heard an oink, and saw another snout. She peppered it, and it sneezed, and soon a steam pod appeared. The girls went there, and saw another keyhole, Alice and Taylor shrunk, and entered it, and saw another Asylum Doctor memory. Alice collected it, and it spoke, "Alice was often alone; an interior and lonesome child, I suspect. Her sister, though loving and much loved, was too old to be a playmate." Taylor was soon feeling sad for Alice being lonely even before Shadow was around to help her. The girls went back and continued on to a room that at the bottom is full of tea, however, as they went on to a circular platform, they faced a new enemy, a spider legged teapot robot with a big red eye.

The girls son were facing against this "Eyepot," Alice soon learned with the Grinder, the eyepot is stunned, and Taylor soon wacked it with her staff, they repeated the process one more time, and the eyepot was defeated. Then another platformed appeared in the tea below and another eyepot and 2 insidious ruins, the girls soon defeated them, and soon faced more enemies and defeated them soon a door opened that was labeled Lost & Found. As they entered, the Cat appeared, and said, "He's obsessed with time. Find him. Or you and your friends time may be short," and soon he disappeared.

The girls continued on and soon made it to a sliding chute. Sliding down, all the way and soon where what looked like a garbage dump. Alice soon saw a rabbit with its eyes blinking. Alice picked it up and thought of putting on it for good use. The girls continued on and soon saw a barrier, Alice took out the rabbit, and used it, Taylor know it was a bomb, and soon yelled, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" The rabbit blew up, and the girls continued and saw another barrier. Alice soon saw some boxes and broke them and a bouncy mushroom appeared, the continued but soon saw a keyhole.

After Taylor and Alice shrank, the girls entered it and saw another Liddell Family memory. Alice took it, and Alice's Mother spoke, "We'll roast in our beds, Alice, for the sake of your father's unnatural devotion to print paper. The hordes of flammables wants only a malignant spark, and poof . . . Our flesh and blood is smoke ash." Taylor knew that was a warning not to play with fire, and keep flammable objects away. The girls continued on and soon saw a door that has the name Liddel on top, and a blaze is behind it.

Alice soon entered it and disappeared, while Taylor soon saw some butterflies, and they surrounded them and they were in a new area, however, Taylor's goggles were vibrating. She put them on, and saw memory of Alice when she was little. She sees Alice's family together in a portrait, hanging on a mantle in a fireplace. Alice soon spoke, "Our lovely library was a fire trap. A conflagration, waiting to happen." Taylor soon saw alot of stuff that back in the day was flammable. She soon saw a hoop, and soon a key appeared and then everything went black.

Taylor soon took off her goggles and heard a door open and saw Alice came out, and soon insidious ruins came by the hoard, Alice soon then cringed, and screamed and a power was felt by Taylor as if Alice is ready to attack anyone even Taylor and Tess. The ruins soon tried to hurt Alice, but she felt impervious. Soon the Ruins were all destroyed, and Alice was back to normal. Alice soon saw Taylor and Tess, they were scared. Alice soon said, "Not to worry, this ability I did is, despite this I am still me, I won't hurt you two." Taylor agreed, but suddenly she felt a vibration on her goggles.

She put them down, and Bentley appeared on Taylor's left lens, while Taylor appeared her right lens, Taylor soon said, "Those ruins got owned by Alice's devastating ability."

"Alice seems due to the shock she is still struggling with, since the fire, has caused a type of ability called Hysteria," Bentley replied, scaring Taylor.

Taylor soon replied, "I think I might not enjoy this."

"Yes, for you see if you and Tess are her enemy Taylor, forget about coming out of her mind in one piece, you will be coming out of there with yours and Tess's mind in a million pieces," Bentley said in a shouting voice.

"Well then Tess and I must make sure not to be on Alice's bad side," Taylor replied and took off her goggles.

Alice soon looked at Taylor, and she is still confused with her goggles, but shrugged it and pressed on. They soon saw a gap with a platform overhanging. but saw a red clock and Tess said, "Seems you need to use the Pepper Grinder on that clock to lower the platform." Alice soon blasted the clock a few times until the clock went green. The girls pressed on and made it to another room and saw two pieces that Alice recognizes an upper torso and a green head.

The green head was muttering about some stuff with his eyes closed. Alice soon said while picking up the head, "Hatter, I recall me and Shadow leaving you in a decrepit condition, but not in pieces." Taylor now knows this guy is the great Mad Hatter himself.

The Hatter opened it's eyes, and said, "What, what? Oh... It's you, with some new friends."

Alice replied to the head of the Hatter, "Yes the girl is Taylor Fearbrave, and on her shoulder is an ottsel, whose name is Tess." Taylor and Tess waved hi at the head, then Alice continued, "Anyway, what happened to you? You've lost your hat, and some... parts are missing."

The Hatter soon replied as Alice was walking to the torso, "Missing indeed. Though, things being what they are... I barely miss their missing. As to what's happened, you should know better than I. It's your place, after all. I know my place." Alice soon put his head on the torso where the neck goes.

"When did you ever know your place, or how to keep it? Now, what's going on?" Alice asked.

The Hatter replied and soon the place shook with a noise, "Ahhhh. That's going on. And around, and up, and down, in my ears, through my eye, and up my nostrils, down my gullet and winding in my guts..."

Alice replied back, "Papa was exceedingly fond of trains. I don't like them much."

"You won't like this one at all. Nothing like when Mock Turtle was in charge of the Looking Glass Line. This railroad's a cursed shambles. The stink is, ferocious; the light, blinding; the noise, atrocious; the..."

Alice interrupted, "Ah, quite, Hatter. I get the idea; a bad train."

A hand soon appeared and picked up the Hatter, but he soon said while being lifted up, "The world is upside down, Alice. Inmates run the asylum - no offence. And worst of all... I'm left tea-less."

Taylor soon was sad about the Hatter. Alice soon said, "Tragic. If we do help, will you help us in return?"

The Hatter answered, "Cross my heart, if I had one. Find my limbs and toss them into the chute. Machines will do the rest. Be on your way, now. That's some good girls. Best way out is out is through the Clock Face."

Alice soon saw some barriers, and used some Clockwork Bombs to blow them up, and soon stepped on a pressure plate. She stepped on it, and a pillar from the other barrier was lowered, she soon put another Clockwork Bomb, and the girls ran to the pillar, and the pillar went up.

The pillar soon stopped at and the girls were outside again and soon saw three buildings, two shaped like teapots, the last one looked like a Tiki totem head. The first tea had a bit of lava from the handle, with a sign that read, "Smelling & Regurgitating." The second teapot had a clock below a sign which read, "Assemblage (or Destruction) as Required." The tiki head had pipes going up and down ever over a sign that read, "Cramping Up & Pressing Down." The girls soon saw an umbrella floating down, Alice was about to get it when the girls heard a voice, it came from a horn, Taylor soon asked, "Who is that talking."

Alice looked and replied, "Seems to be the Dormy, Shadow and I saw both him and Hare being tortured by Hatter last time I saw them with your brother." Alice soon saw another snout, she peppered it and it sneezed, and a gear platform rose with another Asylum doctor memory.

Alice floated to it with Taylor behind, Alice picked it up, the picture of the Asylum doctor came, and he said, "It's been years now, Alice; time to put away childish things." Taylor was thinking that the doctor was talking about her stuffed rabbit. The girls head back to the platform where the umbrella is. Alice picked up the umbrella, then soon a new ruin rose out from a big pile of tar. It had three baby doll faces, and three arms, two from a baby doll, and the other made of tar. Alice soon used her new umbrella on this new "Menacing Ruin," and deflected its projectile attack, but that made it mad. After a back and forth struggle, the menacing ruin was destroyed, soon two red clocks appeared behind them. Alice soon peppered the one where the memory was, and more gears appeared, and the girls jumped and saw a teacup minecart, they rode it to enter the "Smelling and Regurgitating" building.

Well I merged two walkthrough videos by one and a half, Alice, Taylor and Tess will be soon getting Hatter's missing limbs, this will be very dangerous for Taylor. Anyway thank you for enjoying this chapter if you read it, if you like it please review, add to favorites, and when I get the chance I will continue in the next chapter, SEE YA!