Disclaimer: I only own my OC, I do not own any characters from different franchises especially from American McGee's Alice.

Taylor's Narration in her POV

Bentley was preparing something, when Taylor went to him to and ask for help.

Bentley was getting the Dark Diamond to be connected to the first map, as he said he made it so that the map will be a portal, but before I can let him continue, I needed some info about the enemies I am facing, he agrees, and went to his computer, and looked up my main target, who I think is the first member of the Nightmare Eight.

Bentley looked up the man on his computer, Doctor Bumby, and shows his picture.

The man's name is Doctor Angus Bumby. According to his profile, he was an undergraduate during his younger years at Oxford University, and was tutored by Dean Arthur Liddell in the Liddell residence, but during that, he had feelings to the Dean's eldest daughter, Elizabeth. However, she did not show interest, though he believed she was teasing.

Bumby is shown being tutored by a man, showing feelings to a girl, but the girl ignored him, while Bumby didn't feel rejected.

After an incident in a restroom at the London Waterloo station, in which he stalked Elizabeth, but she threatened her, he had enough, and assaulted her, killed her, and set her family's home on fire, clearing the evidence, but not all of it, the only thing he didn't count on was Elizabeth's younger sister, Alice surviving the fire, but due to the fire, she had gone insane, and was sent to a place called, Rutledge Asylum.

Bumby stalking the girl, but then being angry, attacked, and setting the place on fire, but didn't know a girl survived, but scenes rolled until she was in an insane asylum.

Which she stayed for ten years, but we do not know why he wants Ms. Decibel, or her abilities, but Bentley then show me her background.

Bentley then made the computer stop showing Bumby, and then showed Ms. Decibel.

This elephant was born into a wealthy British family. As a child, she loved playing classical music.

The scene shows an elephant girl playing a trumpet at a recital, but was playing badly, and everyone was not happy, but someone threw at the girl a tomato, and everyone was booing at her.

However, her flaw was lack of musical talent, and a short temper, and those make her, during a particular recital, throw not only another temper tantrum, but her trumpet, which fell down, and got lodged in her trunk.

The girl was getting angry, and exploded, throwing the trumpet in the, and when it fell down it landed in her trunk, she then blew her trunk, and strange waves came out, and everyone's face went from angry, to happy, and applauding her, and she then got an idea.

Due that incident, she couldn't play music normal, as the combination of the trumpet and her trunk blasted hypnotic notes, and with them showing she can use this power to control people's minds, a new criminal was born, she then made innocent people to commit crimes for her by hypnotizing them.

Ms. Decibel was soon shown using her powers making three people rob a bank, making her happy. Bentley soon took Ms. Decibel's profile off, and showed some pics.

Bentley soon showed me that Ms. Decibel was used for the time changing scandal that was a plot by that Le Paradox guy he told me about, placing her in Ancient Arabia, to use her hypnotic powers to forge documents of royalty with the help of three members of a gang by Sly's ancestor, Salim al-Kupar, but also wanted a relationship with him, but he used that relationship to motivate her with the forgeries, which he already got, and Salim's cane, in the end she was defeated and arrested.

The pics show Ms. Decibel hypnotizing thieves, her with Le Paradox, but soon her behind bars.

According to Bentley, in prison, she decided to turn her life around, having the trumpet removed, and enrolling in anger management class, she began teaching music to inmates, despite still not having any talent, due to her good behavior, she was eligible for an early parole in a few weeks, when she vanished in prison.

A pic showed up of her teaching music lessons to inmates, much to their dismay. Another pic showed her prison cell empty.

Judging by what I saw and heard in that vision from that shadow, she was being forced to use her hypnotizing powers against her will. So I must stop Bumby, and save Ms. Decibel, for with now the portal finally ready, Tess and I were too, as I ran to the portal, and began my adventure in the first world, 1875, London, England, during the Victorian Era.

Taylor saw Bentley finishing the portal, and the first map disappeared, replaced by a big hole. Taylor soon grabbed her staff, Tess jumped on her shoulder, Taylor soon ran, and jumped straight into the first portal.

Taylor Fearbrave
