"Megazord VS Megazord"

The Rangers were in their Megazord and were down from the Undead Megazord. Skealtress was really beating them.

Skealtress' Megazord raises up its sword. "Say, goodbye RANGERS!" She raises up her voice and was about to destroy the Rangers for good.

The Rangers were still down and didn't know what to do. Skealtress uses her sword, but the Megazord suddenly disappeared. "WHAT?! Where they GO?" Skealtress saw that the Ranger's Megazord was gone. She uses her Megazord to destroy some warehouse buildings and was furious.

The Ani Fusion Force Megazord appears at Amy's house and the Rangers comes out and were very weakened. Amy, Eddie, and Grey ran up to them, and the Rangers demorph. "Guys, you ok?" Grey asked with concern in his eyes.

"We're fine, but the Zords aren't," Po said as he saw the Megazord comes apart and the Zords were down and also weakened too.

Back at the base, Amy was helping out the Ranger's wounds from their battle, and they weren't good. The Zords were also resting outside too but still weakened. "What do we do now?" Tai Lung asked.

"I don't know?" Po said and then looks at Grey. "Grey, can you use more Ani Energy to create something new?"

"That's the thing, I just ran out of Ani Energy."

"No more?" Tigress asked.

"Yes, there's nothing I can do." He looks down.

"Actually, there is." A voice said. The Rangers saw the astral forms of the original Ani Rangers and Master Shifu too.

"Master Shifu, and the original Ani Rangers," Po said and bow down and so did the other Rangers too.

"There is a way, but the power if strong and powerful too." Master Dragon said.

"We're taking our chances, we're do anything to protect the Earth and Life Force. Even it takes another year or two to stay in this world." Tigress said as she got up and covered up her bruise.

Master Shifu sights. "Very well." He then looks at Master Wolf holding a jar. "Master Wolf, give it to them."

He nods and walks over to Grey with the jar and hands it over to him. "What is it?"

"It's called Ani Super Energy." Master Shifu said.

"Ani Super Energy, what's that?" Viper asked.

"The power is powerful, you create new powerful weapons along the way, the new Megazord powers and many will be revealed in time for you." Master Dragon said. "And now we must go, good luck our friends." He and the rest of the masters then disappears.

Now everyone looks at the jar. Grey then opens it and takes it to the table and begins to work on some new powers. "Ok, now let's get started," Grey said. "And I think I got a perfect idea." He then grabs two pearls.

"Ok, now we have to-" Just then the computer beeps and Eddie looked at it and saw Razor and Mistress Interijento at the plaza.

"No time, you guys better get going," Eddie said.

"Right, let's go," Po said and the rest of the Rangers nod and ran out of the base, and Grey got back to work with the new power source.

At the plaza, the Rangers ran and saw Razor and Interijento scaring the humans as they ran. "Rangers, good still alive," Interijento said.

"Yes, but we're to full strength and you freaks are going down." Monkey said.

Now Razor and Interijento got out their weapons and ran to the Rangers and the Rangers ran to them too and begin to fight now.

Tigress was fighting with Interijento and she had a sword. "You know I don't think I ever saw you on the battlefield before," Tigress said as she fought with hand to a sword.

"I don't much Pink Ranger, but now I feel strong doing this now." She said as she swung her sword.

Before she can swing her sword again Po strikes her with his fire powers. She screamed and Razor fell next to her. "Not, bad Rangers but wait until later. Skeatress will destroy you once and for all." Razor said and he and Interijento disappeared.

"Ah, man those are crazy," Crane said.

"I know, but let's get back Grey must be finished by now," Po said.

"Right!" The rest of the Rangers said and they ran back now.

The Rangers got back to the base and saw that the Ani Zords were still weakened, but the Ani Dragon and Serpent Zord were feeling better now.

The Rangers got back into the base and saw Grey just finishing up the two new Ani Pearls. "Grey, how's it going now?" Tigress asked.

Grey swiped his head. "Just finished now." He picks up the two new pearls. "But the Ani Dragon and Serpent Zord are feeling better now. And if Dad and Uncle Tai Lung uses both the Ani Dragon Warrior Megazord and King Serpent Megazord they can combine it to form the Ani Dragon King Ultrazord."

"Whoa, now Ani Super Energy it's gonna be a big help for us now." Tai Lung said.

"And it will big AWESOMENESS to help us," Po said.

On the Skeleton Fortress, Skealtress got inside her Megazord. She begins to laugh evily now. "Now, it's time."

She now activates her Megazord and it heads now to the Earth now and lands in the city now. She now attacks the city and the humans begin to run now.

The computer beeps and Grey looked at it and saw that Skealtress was attacking the city now. "She's back, you guys gonna stop her now," Grey said as he threw the two new pearls at Po and Tai Lung.

"Good luck guys."

"Thanks, Grey. Let's go!" Po said and they ran out of the base again.

Back in the city, Skealtress was destroying the city and her Megazord meant some serious business now. The Rangers came to the city and saw the Undead Megazord attacking. "Alright, let's do this." Po gets out his Dragon Warrior Mode Pearl and gets into his armor. "Now, Tai time to summon the Zords."

Both Po and Tai Lung raised up their gauntlets. "Ani Zords arise!" Now the Ani Dragon and Serpent Zord arrived now and formed their Megazord modes. Po and the Five hoped into the Dragon Warrior Megazord and Tai Lung hopped into his Megazord.

Now all three Megazords were now ready to fight now. "So, you want some more do you?" Skealtress asked as she was about to fight.

"Yes, but with something new," Po said as he got out his new Ani Pearl and so did Tai Lung too.

"Ani Dragon King Ultrazord ACTIVATE!" Both the Dragon Warrior Megazord and Serpent King Megazord glowed and Skealtress saw this with her two eyes and was shocked by this.

The two Megazord came together. The Ani Serpent King Megazord came apart and the Dragon Warrior Megazord came to it and the Serpent King Megazord body came into an armor formed and came into the Dragon Warrior Megazord and got out new sword too. "Ani Knight Mode active." The Five and Tai Lung got into their Ani Knight Mode. "Ani Dragon King Ultrazord READY!"

Skeatress saw this now. "HOW?! How did you get a new Megazord?"

"That's for us to know, and for you to find out," Po said.

Skealtress now growls and charges into the new Megazord. The new Megazord begins to fight with Skealtress now and we're going on with their swords. The Ultrazord looked like it was fighting pretty good now and was the Undead Megazord was getting weakened now.

The Ultrazord knocks down Skealtress' Megazord down. "What? I should be beating you easily." She slowing got up.

"Well, he's something your not gonna love," Po said and got his sword and so did the rest of the Rangers too.

"Ani Dragon King Ultra SWORD, FINAL ATTACK!" The swung their swords.

"I don't think so. Dark UNDEAD STRIKE!" She also swung her sword.

The two Megazords swords make a light blast and they were trying to hold on. Now the Ultrazord sword was more powerful and hit Skeatress' Megazord and explodes.

On the ground, Skealtress falls to the ground but was still alive. Both Interijento and Razor comes up to her and picks her up. "Our queen are you alright?" Razor asked.

She grunts and pants. "I'm fine!" She looks up. "How did they get new POWER!?"

"I don't know, but you need some rest."They now dessipaear now.

Back in the Ultrazord, the Ranger cheered now. "Alright, evil Megazord Poached," Po said and the Ultrazord did a pose.

Back in the base the Rangers, Grey, Amy, and Eddie were celebrating their first year in the Human World now. "A toast to our friends who spend a whole year now," Amy said as she held up a drink.

Po now holds up his drink too. "And here's to our new Ani Super Energy, and if we have to stay here longer to stop Skealtress then we must save the world some more."

The Rangers cheered now, and everyone cheers their drinks now.

On the Skeatress Fortress, Skeatress was on her throne and trying to get back her strength. "Rangers," She whispered. "You're all paying for this."

Razor and Interijento come up to her. "My, queen we got two new generals here," Razor said.

"Hmm?" Skealtress asked as she saw two shadowy figures standing in the dark now.

A brand new story is nowhere, sorry for a delay. I was hoping this will come out early but here you all go. For Super Ani Force, there will be new villains, new weapons and also there will be legendary team-ups with Legendary Rangers with facing Legendary Villains along the way too. I all hope you all like this. Read and review, please.