Chapter 11 - My Only True Love (Part 2)

In the previous chapter, Shiro had finally awake from exhaustion, asking Kuroh and Gerder of Ayami's whereabouts and the two tell him that he should stayed apart from her for a moment because due to that the Green Clan might threaten their lives. Meanwhile, Sarga was been fired by Nagare, due to disobedience to her duties. Shiro, was feeling sad and lonely, thinking of her safety, the spirit of his close friend, Daikaku Kokouji, the Gold King, appeared before him. But unbeknownst to him, Yata was secretly watch from farther distance, was surprised that Shiro was talking to a spirit. Later at the headquarters of the Blue Clan, Ayami slowly opened her eyes, in a weakened state, uttering the name of Shiro.

Will the ill fated lovers can able to talked again with each other?

Find Out

While Shiro was still in outside of the hotel building, Kuroh was busily preparing the food packs for tomorrow breakfast while Gerder was cleaning up the room.

" I'm almost done cleaning the room, Mr Kuroh. "

" That was very fast, Ger. You should take a rest now. "

" Okay " and he sat on the squared doormat but then he turned his head, looked at the book that it was placed on the table, and it was titled " Secret Hidden Histories of the World "

" a book about secret hidden of histories from across the world, huh? I never seen this kind of book from before. " with an amazement in awe

" Actually, Ger. It was an old book that it was published in 1889 in the country of Germany. "

" I see. But who had wrote this book anyway? "

" It was no other than the creator of the Dresden Stone Slate, Weismann himself. "

" No kidding me! " and he saw the name of Adolf K Weismann in the bottom of the book cover and he said " He was the writer of this book? But how did he learned to write so very long? "

" I think his fiancee and his only true love, Sarina, teached him on how to write and create a book when he was stayed at her home at that time. Although, it didn't mentioned of the real reason why he wrote it. I think he likes ancient histories of every places, tourist sites and well known people in every corners of the world. "

" I see. I never thought an old book was really still existed in the present time, huh. Did Shiro had read this? "

" Yes, it is. When he was busily researching anything, the book was his main clue in searching for informations that he had wrote a long time ago. "

" Amazing... Shiro Isana... I mean... Mr Adolf Weismann was actually a real genius person. But hold on, I think Shiro was still outside of the building. It was almost 9:30 pm. "

" Just let him be. He will be returned back up here soon. "

" Oh, I see. " and he looked back at the book and he started to read one by one

Meanwhile, Neko and Thomson were returned back to the room base in which Ayami was placed in a capsule glass tablet.

" So, do you like the cappuccino shake, Thomson? "

" Of course it is. This is the first time I drink a delicious shake in my whole life. " with amazement on his face

" Well, I guess we are been replenished for the night. But now, we should check if Ayami was st- "

They were surprised when they saw Ayami was slowly regained consciousness.

" No way! She was finally awake?! That was so very fast. " with a surprise expression on her face

" I think I should tell Mr Munakata about this. I'll be heading to his office. "

" Sure thing, Thomson. Go ahead. "

And Thomson went out of the room. Neko, slowly went approached to her, leaning on the glass capsule tablet, asked her " Ayami, can you able to hear me? It was me, Neko. "

Ayami, turned slowly her head, facing her, asked in a low tone voice " Is that really you, Neko? "

" Yes, I am. I'm so relieved that you are finally awake. " with a happy relief expression on her face

" Where's Thomson and Gerder? " still in a low tone voice

" Thomson was went out for a second, to tell to Mr Munakata about the surprising news while Gerder was at the hotel building, along with Kurosuke, guarding Shiro. Me and Thomson will be guarded you here in the headquarters of the Blue Clan, the Scepter 4. "

" I... was... in the headquarters of the Blue Clan?! But how long I was been here in this facility? " with a surprising expression on her face

" Almost one day ahead. You and Shiro were fell terrible exhaustion due to awakened your past love relationship memories. And of that, both of you were transformed into your past selves. "

" I see. So then, I was been placed here for the whole day? "

" Yes, so that both of you will be avoided from the threats of the Green Clan. Mr Munakata told me and Thomson that you shouldn't get out of this facility for the meantime unless if it will be safe to go out and of course, no Green freaks will be there. "

" Oh... but hold on, how was Shiro? Is he was getting okay? "

" I guess he was getting better. Kurosuke had called me back a while ago. "

" What a relief. Should I can able to see him? He was getting so very worried about me. I need to see him. "

" You can't "

" Why not? "

" Is because it was dangerous for both of you to see each other despite the Green Clan might know where you guys are and top of that, that evil Sarga might attacked both of you just like of what happened at the outside of the Ashinaka high school building a day ago. The only option is that to stayed apart for a moment while the other clans were still busy in making a new plan against the Green Clan. "

" So, that means I can't allowed to see him? But he needs me. What if Sarga might caught him again in a secret? I need to get out of this, Neko, please. " with a pitiful expression on her face

" You can't, Ayami. It was too dangerous for you to go out all by yourself. "

" But I need to se- "

The conversation was interrupted when Thomson along with Reisi along with Seri and the two Scepter 4 members, Akiyama and Benzai came in.

" Is she was really awake? " Reisi asked Neko

" Yes, she is. " Neko responded

Reisi, went slowly approached to her, by through looking at the capsule glass tablet.

" Mr Munakata... " she uttered

" How are you, Miss Isumo? " he asked

" Seems fine...really. " Ayami responded

" Well, that was very fast to get recovered yourself from great exhaustion last time. " Reisi said

" Um, Mr Munakata. I need to request to you for something. " Ayami said

" Yes, and what is it? " Reisi asked

" Should I talked to Shiro on the telephone for a moment? I need to speaked with him in a private manner. " Ayami requested

Then, Reisi was startled of what she had said.

Meanwhile at the Homra headquarters, Anna, the Red King, had sensed on her red marble ball, realized that Ayami had finally awake again.

" She was finally awake again... " she uttered, kept holding the red marble ball on her hand

" She is? That was so very fast. " Kusanagi asked, in a surprise manner

" Wait, hold up, where's Yata? He was supposed to go back here after shopping in the grocery store. " Kamamoto asked, with curiosity on his face, looking around

" He will be back soon, don't worry. " Anna told him

" I see " Kamamoto muttered and he sat down on the red sofa

Back when, Shiro was still talking to the spirit of his close best friend, Daikaku Kokouji.

" Why are you so very upset? "

" I'm still thinking about Aya. She was still unconscious until now. " nodded his head, with an upset expression on his face

" You mean the present self persona of Miss Sarina?! But how did she regained her past memories with you? " with a shocking expression on his face

" It was a long explanation. But somehow, I miss her so much. " and he was started to cried in emotional

" I know of what you had truly feel with. You have been longing for her for all those years after the invasion attack. And I know in my mind that she was your only true love of your life. "

" Thanks, my friend. But I need t- "

Their conversation was interrupted when Yata came in, went approached to him, and Daikaku vanished away from his sight.

" Hey there, Silver King. "

He turned his back to him, with a surprise manner, said " Oh, it was you, Mr Misaki Yata. Why are you doing out here for the night? "

" I was been went to the grocery store to buy some foods and other stuffs. By the way, I need to asked you for something. "

" Yes, and what is it? "

" I think I had been heard that you are talking to a ghost spirit. Who was that person anyway? I think he was looks familiar... "

" Well... actually... it was... "

That very moment, Gerder came in, went approached to them, with excitement on his face.

" What was all the excitement, Ger? " he asked

" Good news. Ayami has finally awake! and she wanted to talked with you on the telephone. " Gerder said in response

" No kidding me! She was finally awake?! That's was fast. " Yata asked in a surprise manner

And so, Shiro went hurriedly back upstairs while Gerder and Yata followed him from behind.

As he went back upstairs, he saw Kuroh was still talking on the phone, but in a few seconds, he turned his back, said " Oh, Shiro. You came back. "

" Can you handled the phone to me? I need to talked to her. "

" Oh, okay then... " and he handled the phone to him and he left the room, leaving Shiro behind

Then, he answered the call " Hello, Aya. Is that really you? "

His heart was filled with excitement.

" Yes, Shiro. It was me. " with a happy expression

" Aya! I'm so glad that you are finally awake again. I really miss you a lot. "

" Me too, Shiro. Despite our friends told us to stayed apart for the moment because the Green Clan might targeted us again, due to our awakening of our past memories. "

" I understand that completely. But somehow, I still need you here always, as my protector. "

" I know but it was risky for us to see each other face to face. But don't worry, if there will be no dangerous threats outside, I'll be returned back soon. "

" Oh, okay. I miss you a lot, Aya. "

" You too, Shiro. I miss you too. If there is something bad happens, just called me immediately, okay? "

" I will "

There was a moment of silence between them. He hold his locket necklace, through his hand, placed on his chest, in a tightly manner. That very moment, his tears were fall from his eyes, and he started to cried again in emotional.

Then, Ayami interrupted the silence, asked " Are you okay, Shiro? Why are you crying? "

" Um... Aya, it was actually... " then he paused for a moment and after a few seconds, he went on " it was actually... I'm so very lonely. I couldn't stopped thinking of you at all the times. I cannot to be pretend of what I truly feel with in inside my heart. I need you so much, Aya. Just come back here... I can't return back to my normal cheerful self unless you were here with me. "

" I will try, Shiro. Don't be so lonely. I'll be returned back as soon as possible, I promise. "

" You promise that to me? "

" I will, I love you. "

" I love you too so much, Aya. Be careful. "

" You too. Bye. "

" Bye "

And their call conversation was ended. Kuroh, Gerder and Yata went in again, went approached to him.

" I guess you missed her a lot. " Gerder said

" Yeah... " Shiro uttered, and he looks at the window, watching the night skies with the full moon shining from above

But suddenly, an arrow went in, trying to hit on Shiro.

" Watch out! " Kuroh shouted

And the four dodged down away on the floor. The arrow had hitted on the wall.

" Are you alright, Mr Shiro? " Gerder asked

" Yes, I'm fine. What was in the world was going on? " Shiro wondered

" It couldn't be that... " Kuroh uttered

" I think that evil Jungle creep was here around. " Yata said

" Don't you mean Sarga was here around?! How did you know? " Gerder asked

" I think she had brought a new weapon, in order killed someone and of course, to captured the Silver King as well. She had secretly planned this from the very start when Miss Isumo was not around. And of course, she was no longer a member of the Jungle. That was my personal perspective idea. " Yata stated

" She was no longer a member of the Green Clan? For what reason? " Kuroh asked

This makes Shiro was getting scared with fear, when he heard on his ears of the name of Sarga. He kneeled down, and he said to them, with frightened expression " I think she had returned back to get me again... she really wants me... "

" Don't you need to be worried, Shiro. We will make sure that Sarga will never get near to you. I will be going out along with Yata, to make sure that she was still out there. " Kuroh said and then he told Gerder " Ger, just guard him right away. "

" You got it, Kuroh. " Gerder replied

Then, Kuroh and Yata left the room. Gerder, turned his head, looked at the frightened facial expression of Shiro and he thought on his mind that Sarga was still obsessed to him, although the Jungle didn't know her secret plan, and after that he told him " It was okay, Shiro. That evil woman will never get near to you, I promise even though she has her new weapon. It will never let it that to happened. "

" Gerder... " as he looks at him

On the other hand, Nagare was started to fell weakened, kneeled down on the floor. Mr Iwa went to his aid, asked " Nagare, what was the matter? "

" I'm getting weakened... I need the power of the stone slate from the Silver King... That's the only way to restored back to my normal state. "

" I will, Nagare. "

And he left the room, going after the Silver King's power ability of the stone slate. Back at the outside of the hotel building, Sarga, was sitting in the top of the tree, secretly watching if she saw someone came out. When she saw Yata and Kuroh went out, searching for her, and she laughed evilly, said " I will killed both of you... and the Silver King will be mine forever... "

Ayami and Shiro were finally can able to talked with each other, despite they can't see each other because the Green Clan might targeted them again. But Ayami didn't realized that Sarga was already there, seeking to killed someone and to captured Shiro as well. On the other hand, Nagare was started to getting weakened, ordered Mr Iwa to get the power ability of the stone slate from the Silver King.

Will Ayami and the other clan members can able to sensed the upcoming danger? What will be their next move?

Find Out

In the Next Chapter

Chapter 12 - Sarga's Evil Plan

Don't Miss It!

" No one can change or to be replaced the power of true love, even in a strong love relationship. Just believe in your heart and mind always, and be trusted to one another. "

- Misaki Yata