Author Note: I was hoping to get a second chapter out in February but that didn't work out and then I wanted to get a new chapter out during the first weekend of March again that did not happen as I had a shoulder injury which put me out of writing.

Previously on Matchmaker:

Steve gets an unexpected visitor

Chapter 4

Steve walked over to the door to open and as soon that Marissa sees who it is. She sends her daughter into the playroom that Steve had created for both her daughter and Danny's daughter.

"What are you doing here?" Marissa asked the visitor.

"Because I have the right to see my granddaughter." Her father said to his daughter. He could not believe that she was acting like this.

"No, you don't. You need to leave right now." Marissa responded before leaving the room. She didn't want to deal with her father at all after what happen.

"Maybe it's best that you leave now." Steve chimed into the conversation.

"Who do you think you are telling me that I can't see my daughter or my granddaughter?" her father asked to him. He was getting annoyed with this guy standing here and acting all tough and mighty.

"First of all, this is my house and I don't appreciate your tone of voice with me. Second, Marissa is my girlfriend and I love that little girl." Steve said to him. "Now, I need you to leave."

"What are you going to do?" her father asked him. Before her father knew it, Steve was taking him into the palace for booking. Danny was surprised to see Steve there with an unknown man.

"Steven, what is going on?" Danny asked his friend trying to get answers about what is going on.

"This guy should up at my house and refused to leave. Both Marissa and I asked him to leave and he wouldn't do. Then he challenged me." Steve responded to him before Danny took him. By the time that Danny came up, Steve knew that he would release her father. He just hoped that he would calm down with a little bit of time.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Danny asked his best-friend. He wasn't meaning to question his motives but knew that something was going on with him.

"I don't have a choice when someone that I have asked repeat to leave my home and yet would not leave." Steve responded to him. "Plus, I need to keep Marissa and her daughter safe."

Before Danny had a chance to answer his phone started to ring and it was Marissa. He put it on speaker.

"Hey, what is going on?" Danny asked his friend.

"Do you know where Steve and my dad are?" Marissa asked her friend because he knew that he would tell the truth about what happen.

"They are actually at headquarters right now." Danny said to his friend. He knew that Steve was not happy to make this choice, but he felt that he did not have a choice.

"I will be there in a few minutes." Marissa responded to her friend. She was about to walked into the headquarters when her brother stopped her.

"Where is our father?" her brother asked her.

"He is in there talking to Steve right now." Marissa responded to him.

"You don't understand. Steve is going to find out the truth about your daughter. We need to keep her safe from her biological father and I thought that is what you wanted." Her brother responded to her.

"She is safe from her biological father. In fact, I am talking about my ex-husband about letting Steve adopt her." She asked her brother.

"I don't know if that is a good idea." Her brother responded to her.

"Why not?" She asked his friend.

"Because Steve is close to her biological father and just doesn't know it. Listen to me, I am trying to protect you and her. You need to get away from Steve and Hawaii before her father knows about her." Her brother said to his sister.

"What do you mean?" She asked her brother. "Her father is gone for good and can't hurt her."

"You need to go. Her father's family is still out there and will hurt her to get to you. I don't want to see that happen. Please leave Steve and run away." Her brother revealed to his sister.

"You don't understand, I can't leave him." She responded to him.

"Why not?" Her brother said to her.

"I'm -" She responded before getting interrupted by a shot. Before her brother knew it, Steve was running out to be by her side. "Marissa, stay with me."

Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this new chapter. I hope that you follow me on twitter where I update all the time as Carson34ff where I update all the time. What do you think is going to happen next?