Author Note: I'm not going to sugarcoat anything with you guys. My life has not calm down one bit. I have managed to keep my stress level somewhat down but I need to get back into writing so let's do this.

Character Summary:

Steve is alone after his breakup with Lynn. Danny tries to play matchmaker, but will it work?

Marissa is a single mom of two girls. She has little time for herself expect for when her mom takes the girls for a small gateway. What if her friend sets her up on a blind date?

Chapter 1

Danny was at his friend's house for a playdate with Grace and her daughter. He wanted to talk to her about setting her up with Steve but didn't know how to come about it.

"So how would you feel if I set you up on a blind date?" Danny asked her.

"Do you not remember what happen to you the last time that you did that? The guy was a jerk to me and to my daughter. I will not put her through something like that." Marissa said to him.

"I didn't know that he was going to be turn out like that. I am sorry about that. This one I can promise that he is a good guy." Danny responded to her.

"How do I know that for sure?" She asked him. "It's not like it is the one that you work with. You complain about him all the time." She looked at his face before seeing his face. "Oh, my goodness, he is the one that you complain about. I thought that he had a girlfriend."

"They broke up about five months ago. I want to see both you and him happy and think that you would be prefect together." Danny revealed to her.

"I am will to give it a try. Go ahead and set us up. I just hope for your balls that he is a good guy to me and my daughter." She responded to him.

"I can promise you that he is a good guy. I know what you are going to do to me if I don't keep that good guy promise." Danny responded to her.

Before Danny had a chance to talk to Steve, he ran into Marissa at the shopping center. They went to go talk about Danny's birthday and what they could do. There were sparks flying and Steve decided that it was okay to ask her.

"Hey, I have a question for you. I want to know if you wouldn't mind coming out on a date with me?" Steve asked her.

"Sure." She said to him with a small smile. She started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked her.

"Danny wants to set us up on a date." She said to him.

"Well he does have good intentions about this." Steve responded to her "but I am faster about this."

"That is good." She responded to him. "Just play it like we haven't met so Danny can feel special."

"That sounds good like a good plan." Steve said to her before giving her a smile.

A few days later, Danny decided to bring it up to his friend to see what he had to think about it. He was kind of nervous because maybe Steve wasn't ready to go on a date. He decided to wait until they were on a day off and normally that was hard to come by.

"Hey Steve." Danny said as he knocked on the front door before coming into the room.

"Hey buddy. What is going on with this surprise visit?" Steve asked his friend.

"So, I have a friend that I want to set you up with." Danny said to his friend. "I know that you just broke up with Lynn a few months ago but I think that it's good for you to get back out there. She does have a little girl, but she is such a good girl. I have seen the way you are with your niece and think that you would be wonderful with her daughter." Danny responded to his friend.

"I don't know if it is a good idea." Steve said to his friend. Steve already knew who he wanted to set him up with and he already asked her on a date.

"Steve, just give it a chance. You never know that she might be prefect for you." Danny responded to him. He really wanted to see both of his friends happy before his birthday. "This is my birthday gift from you."

"Alright fine. I will do it for your birthday, but I am telling you that if she is not a good mix for me then I will make sure you can't find your way home." Steve said in a joking tune.

Danny left a while later and could not believe his luck for both his friends threatening him. He knew that they were a good mix between the two of them.

A few days went by before the team had a break in the case that they had gotten. Steve was looking forward to his date with Marissa. Danny had set it up for Friday night which is the same night they had already made. Steve felt that his phone went off and knew that it was Marissa texting him about Danny's birthday.

"Hey, I will be right back." Steve said to his friend before leaving the room. He wanted to hear her voice instead of texting. He walked out of the building and got into his truck and was surprise to see Lynn sitting there.

"Hey, we need to talk." Lynn said to him.

"Talk about what?" Steve asked her.

"Us and our relationship." Lynn responded to him.

"We are no longer together. There is no us. Please get out of my truck." Steve said to his ex-girlfriend. He did not want her to ruin his chances with Marissa. He got his thoughts together before calling her.

Author Note: I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's! I finally got out of my writing block and now it's time to write. I will see you soon for the next chapter. Be sure to check out my twitter as Carson34ff where I update all the time.