"The Journey Begins"

In the city of New York, the humans are living peaceful, especially for a 9-year-old boy named Alan O'Brien. Alan has an IQ of 150 and won many science awards at his school. Alan does have a good family, a good school. Unfortunately, Alan is an only child and never had any friends and got bullied a lot.

Alan was pushed into a wall into an alleyway by some bullies and had a black eye and his lip was bleeding. Alan begins to wheel but only a little bit. "Aww, is the baby gonna cry?" One of the bullies mocked.

"Just leave me alone ok?" Alan asked whipping the blood from him.

"Fine, but until then," One of the bullies hits him in the stomach and Alan gasped and fell to the ground. "But tomorrow will be worse, loser." The bullies left and laughs at Alan.

Alan watches them leaves and begins to grabs his stuff and returns home to his family. All of his life Alan felt powerless and weak, and never had anyone to stick up for him when he needs it.

Alan returns home and his mom saw his eye and his lip. "Oh, Alan not again, come on let me-" Before she can take him to get it clean he walks away to his room.

"I'm fine." He walks away into his room and shuts it.

Alan throws his backpack onto the floor and lays down on his bed. His mom was at the door, but she decides to give her son some space.

Alan gets up and takes something out from under his bed and it was a box. He opens it and gets out a weird looking necklace that had a red ruby on it and was covered in gold. It was giving to him by his grandfather on his 9th birthday. Alan will be turning 10 tomorrow, and his grandfather told Alan to make a wish on the necklace.

Alan looks at his a begins to get tears. "I-I wish," He sights. "I wish I had friends." He begins to cry now and one of his tears falls onto the necklace.

Just then the red ruby begins to glow for some odd reason. Alan wipes away his tears and saw this for himself. The ruby begins to glow so brightly now. "What's happening?" Alan covered his eyes. And the ruby opens up a portal and Alan gets sucked into it.

Alan was in a mysterious portal and heading somewhere and begins to scream now. The portal opens up to somewhere and Alan falls into the sand. He begins to moans from the falling. "Oh, my head." He rubs it.

Just then 6 colorful biomechanical creatures come up to him. Alan saw them and begins to scream out of fear. Alan gets up runs into the forest. The green biomechanic robot looked at this. "Guess, he never sees a good looking Toa before." He said.

"What in the world was that thing?" The light brown biomechanic robot asked.

"That was a human." The blue one said.

"A 'human'? They don't exist an-" The green looked at the blue robot runs into the forest. "Nokama where are you going?"

"Going after him." She then runs into the forest.

The green sights. "Well, what do we do?"

"Go after him." The red one says and he and the rest run into the forest.

In space, a ship comes out of the portal and see's the planet Earth. A robed figure that looks like a robot with horns and light blue skin. He then looks at three other robots. One was a dark had a samurai armor and demonic face, one looked like a dragon face with a sword and had a human dinosaur body and one was had snake fangs, green lips, and green eyes. "Samuroas, Fury, Vipèrnis we finally arrived in the human and the Talismans of Space and Time will finally be mine." He said.

Fury bows down. "Yes, Lord Gajuro this dimension should be easy to destroyed like all of the rest we conquer."

Samuroas laughs. "Oh, please our Lord needs the talismans to destroy this world and every life form within it!"

Fury takes out his sword. "You don't think I don't KNOW THAT!? I'll show you."

"Boys, no need to fight our Lord has planned as usual," Vipèrnis said.

"Indeed, I just hope the humans don't put up a fight. Especially, in this world, they're not intelligent, unlike the first dimension we destroyed." He sips his drink and puts it down. "After all this will be perfect for the 100th dimension that we're gonna destroy." He looks down on the Earth.

Back on the island where Alan is he hides in a tree log hiding from those weird looking colorful robots. He sees their feet and tries not to make a sound or try to breathe. It did look like the robots did leave so Alan was about to go out, but just the blue robot saw him in the log. Alan begins to scream. "Please, don't hurt me." He shakes out of fear.

She holds out her hand. "It's ok, I'm a friend." She said. "Trust me, let me help you out." Alan did see how nice she was being so he decided to take her hand.

She helped him out of the log and saw her friends. "Wh-what are?" Alan asked.

"We're Toa." The red one said.

"Toa, what are they?"

"Allow us to introduce ourselves, I'm Vakama their leader."

"I'm Nokama."

"My name is Matau." The green one said. "And more handsome."

The light brown rolled his eyes and sights. "I'm Onewa Toa of Stone."

"I'm Nuju." The white one said.

"And I'm Whenua. What's yours?" He asked.

"Alan." He introduced.

"Strange name for a human," Mataua said while the others shook their heads.

"Ok, but what's where am I?"

"Well, it's a long story but we can tell you." Vakama said.

The Toa and Alan were back on the beach sitting down and told him the entire story about what happened to Metru Nui, and their adventures, the Matoran, and finally the Makuta.

"Wow, so those ships contains the Matoran capsules?"Alan asked and looking at the ships and saw how big they were.

"Yes, everything may seem weird but it's all true," Nuju said.

Nokama saw Alan's face and saw his eye and his lip. "Hey, how you get that?" She asked.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it. It's nothing bad really."

"Nothing bad? It looks serious." Matau said. "For humans."

Alan then gets an annoyed face. And just then his necklace begins to glow again. He takes it out of his pocket again and looks at it. "It's… that glow." He sees it.

The rest of the Toa saw this and the necklace begins to glow even brighter now, and even showing them images of evil robots with blades destroying everything around them. "Wha-what are those things?" Whenua looked at this horrifying scene.

They even seen a robot with glowing eyes coming out of some fire flames and destroyed the planet and everything around and escaping through a portal. The necklace then stops glowing.

Alan gasps. "What was that?"

"I don't know, it seemed so real." Vakama said and look at Alan's necklace.

Back in New York Fury jumps from the ship and lands near the train station and came along some other robots with big hand blades, red eyes, and robotic armor. "Cylcodroids, ATTACK!"He orders and they all begin to attack the humans. The humans begin to run for their lives now.

Alan's necklace glows again, and the portal that brought him to the island of Mata Nui opens up again and sucks him into the portal, but the Toa were also sucked in to.

Alan and the Toa land on top of an apartment building in the city of New York and the Toa saw the entire for themselves. "Whoa, now this is weird. Where are we?" Onewa asked while looking at the entire city.

"My home, welcome to New York and my world," Alan said.

"You're world how can this be-" Before Matau Can finish what he was saying he saw some Cylcodroids attacking the city.

"No, time those humans are being attack! Let's go!" Vakama ordered and the Toa jumped down from the apartment and went to fight the robots.

Each of the Toa got their Toa Tools out and they all begin to fight now. Alan did see that the Toa were good fighters. "They're amazing."

Just then Fury was attacking Vakama and made him drop his Disk Launcher. "It seems that Earth has protectors I see."

"We're not from this world, but whoever you are you don't scare." Vakama said.

"You will, ONCE I DO THIS!" Fury uses his sword to blast Vakama and made him go off flying and hits one of the buildings.

The rest of the Toa came up to him. "Vakama, are you alright?" Nokama asked with concerned.

"Not for long." Fury was about to charge into the Toa and was about to strike them, but before he can a disk hits him. He screams out of pain. "Who DARES!?" He saw that Alan had Vakama's Disk Launcher.

Vakama saw Alan. "Alan, RUN!"

"Sorry, no can do. I'm not leaving you guys."

"Then you will die!" Now Fury is chairing into Alan.

Before Fury was about to strike Alan, Matau jumps in Front of Fury and was battling him with his swords and strikes Fury. Now Onewa jumps in front of Fury with his Proto Pitons and knocks him down. Fury slowing got up. "You win this round, but my Lord will soon destroy this world." He then disappears.

Alan comes up to the Toa. "You guys ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Whenua said. "But that was brave of you."

"Yeah, you saved us," Nuju said.

"Thanks." He smiles. "But who was that guy?"

"I know who he was." A voice said and Alan and the Toa saw an old man.

"Grandpa?" Alan saw him standing next to him. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain, but let's discuss this back at your parents' place." Alan's grandfather walking away.

Alan and the Toa looked at each other. "Should we follow him?" Matau asked.

"My grandfather might know that guy was, so we might have to."

Vakama comes up to Alan and puts his hand on Alan's shoulder. "He's right let's go." Vakama ordered.

Now Alan and the Toa followed Alan's grandfather. What does Alan's grandfather know about this, and what can be threatening the Earth?

To Be Continued…

Welcome to my very first Bionicle story, and I all hope you all like it. I don't own Bionicle, Lego owns all the rights to it, I just own my own characters and that's it. Read and review, please.