"Welcome Christmas"

The Grinch, Max, and Sid returned home, and the Grinch put his sleigh on top of the mountain. He begins to laugh sinisterly. "We did it, we stole Christmas." He then jumps around with joy. "Once The Whos comes out they cry boho, ho, ho." He continues to laugh.

Sid looks at his father, with a stern look, and decides to head down back to Whoville while his father wasn't looking.

All of the Whos all walked outside and were saddened by the loss of all of their Christmas presents, their decorations, trees, and their food too.

Lou got in his car to rush to the center of town, but what he didn't know that there was a rope tied to the back of his car, and it was attached to the mayor's bed. Lou starts up the car, and it caused the mayor's bed to rush out of his house and it was coming along with Lou's car.

They made it to the center of town, and the mayor got out of his bed. He begins to cry but not too hard. "Christmas… Christmas is ruined. And you all decided to invite the Grinch." He pounds on his bed. "INVITE THE GRINCH, DESTROY… CHRISTMAS." He laughs. "And you all decided to listen to a little," he gives Cindy a stern look. "Girl." Cindy looks sad. "You have done enough Cindy."

"Stop!" All of The Who's saw Sid. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but… I'm the son of the GRINCH!" Everyone gasped. "That's right, we stole the holiday, but I have a change of heart, and I'm sorry."

The mayor laughs again. "Oh, the Grinch has a son, looks like he's following in his footsteps."

"No, no I'm done hating Christmas." He smiles. "And Christmas is about something more."

"Oh, and that is?" The mayor asked with a smirk.

"Mr. Mayor," Lou said and the mayor looks at him. "I'm glad the Grinch and his son took our presents." Everyone gasps. "Because it's not about the gifts, it's about being with the people you love and being there for one another. And I don't need anything else but here… my family." He hugs them.

"Oh, you big lovable Who, COME HERE!" His wife kisses him.

Cindy and Sid look at each other and went to the garbage shoot to tell the Grinch all of this.

But before they can go down, Cindy looks at Sid. "Sid, I found something about you."

"What is it?" He asked.

"I found out your parents named Jack and Penny Who, and they were good Whos. Your parents had you, but your father died of an illness and your mother died of a broken heart. That's how you ended up in the orphanage." She explained.

Sid gets a tear from his eye and hugs her. "Thank you for telling me this."

"You're welcome. Let's go get your dad." She opens the garbage shoot. He nods and they both head down to Mount Crumpet.

The Grinch looks down and he hopes for some crying. "Here, it comes."

But the moment the Grinch heard the noises he didn't hear sadness he heard the noise of glad. He heard The Whos not crying but they were singing. He didn't stop Christmas from it came. Now he had a mean look on him. He begins to think of something.

Sid and Cindy made it to Mount Crumpet and were walking up to the mountain.

The Grinch looks down. "What's going on? It came with tags," He looks down. "It came without packages," He looks down again. "It came without boxes and bags." And so the Grinch thought of something he hasn't thought of before. "Maybe, Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas… means a little bit more." He begins to show a smile.

Jut then his hearts begin to beat faster now. He falls and puts his head on his heart chest. His begins to cry and cry, and this caused Max to get annoyed. He then looks at the sky and it had a beautiful look from in it. Once again he smiles once again.

But suddenly the sleigh begins to flip from off top of the mountain. He runs back on top. "Oh, no toys they fall, and I CARE!" He begins to run up faster now. "I'm must save the toys."

Before the sleigh can fall he grabs the edge and tries to hang onto it. But the sleigh was still flipping, and he tries to hang on to it. Cindy and Sid were on top of the sack. "Hi, Mr. Grinch."

The Grinch gasped and saw them from on top of the sack and they both smiled and he did too. This caused the Grinch to lift up the entire sleigh with his hands.

And now they all headed down to Whoville super fast now. They finally made it back and the Grinch came to the chief. "Yes, it was me I stole Christmas, and I'm sorry." He holds out his hands waiting for the handcuffs.

The mayor comes up to him. "What are you waiting for chief? He said he stole Christmas."

"Yes, I heard and he said he was sorry." The mayor and the Grinch were surprised by this.

Just then they saw Martha from on top of the sack and grabbed the ring that the mayor has given her. She comes down. She gives back his ring. "I'm sorry, but my heart… it belongs to someone else." She looks at the Grinch.

The Grinch was now even more surprised, and Martha loves him and not the mayor. He begins to cheer that she loves him.

The Grinch came to Cindy. "Thank you little one."

She kisses him on the cheek. "Your face it's,"

"What, furry, smelling?"

"No, warm." She smiles and so did the Grinch too. Now she went to Sid and kisses him on the cheek and he blushes.

She begins to sing and takes the Grinch and Sid's hand and soon everyone joined in and gathers around and they all begin to cheer about Christmas has finally come. The Grinch even sing funny.

And so he brought back all of the toys, the food and he even cut the roast beef. All of the Whos were at the Grinch's house and they all joined him for dinner. "Who wants the first bite." He asked while he cut one part of the roast.

"I do," Lou yelled out.

"Too late, that will be mine." The Grinch said.

Now all of Whoville has finally welcome Christmas and the Grinch was finally welcomed, and Sid has finally had a family of his own.

The End.

The Final chapter is nowhere. I wish to thank you all once again for loving and following this story, also thank 5UP3RNOV42015 for giving this idea and request for doing this, he deserves to be thanks too.