Empire at war.

Disclaimer :I don't own gate and thus the jsdf fought there.

Chapter 3.

The ICV launched forward toward the dragon " Alice! Preper the panzerphaust and shoot the thing into oblivion!" the young lord called as he himself readied his own weapon.

One eye closed they launched both rockets a second after each other, he toward the stomach while Alice toward the head.

But before the weaponry had a chance to impact, the blonde man reeled and striked the monster, which howled in pain and instinctively reeled back, which made the weapons to impact the creature in one of the wings and the side of its body.

The wing was ripped off, and a huge gush was opened on the monsters side, the creature howld in pain.

Roland cursed as he fished out his sniper rifle, his eye automatically pressing to the scope, his eyes locked on the creature's eyes as he smiled wickedly, and released a shot.

The bullet flew forward, and impacted the monster right in his eye, piercing it through and moving towards the brain, killing the creature instantly.

" Another impossible shot from Major Roland" Richard said jokingly.

Roland breathed deeply " This was one of the most difficult shots I've ever had" he breathed heavily.

The blonde man approached them slowly, his huge blade in hand, golden armor was clattering as he walked.

" Greetings mighty warriors.. I am Augustus the apostole of the god of light Lux, it is a pleasure to meet you, warriors who have the power to not only kill a dragon but to maul its body in the matter of seconds" the man spoke in pathos.

Roland turned to the others " Change to tranquilizers... If he is hostile... We can take him down" he spoke, and the others nodded.

He moved toward the man, his hand resting on his rifle " Well met, I am lord Roland von Heidelberg, the second born of the now deceased lord of Heidelberg" he said with a small bow.

The man looked at him for a moment, his eyes scanning for something when he suddenly smiled broadly, his eyes shining with excitement " How intriguing!" he exclaimed " Your aura is so different

.. It has no sign which I recognize.. As if none of the dietis has any power over you!" he exclaimed " Not even Emroy has any power on you... It's as if you are from another dimension!" he suddenly paused" Oh.. Could it be you are the people from beyond the Gate? " he asked with growing excitement.

" Positiv " the young lord answered in German.

The man looked like a child who got a new toy" Amazing... It's just amazing.. " he coughed lightly as he caught himself" I am sorry.. But I am more a person of science than violence as such I am very much excited in meeting you.. So now may I ask you what brings you here? " he asked with a smile.

Roland narrowed his eyes" You are acting rather strangely apostle.. Shouldn't you be more hostile toward us? After all my country is in war with your empire " he asked, his finger on his trigger.

The man laughed heartily" I really hold no loyalty toward the empire... I am old.. More than eight hundred years old... The empire wronged your country I see no reason to be upset " he answered.

Roland nodded but didn't relax" Very well then... There is this nomad tribe who we met and are here to meet you.. As such I would suggest we should all head there " he said.

" Very well.. We should get going then " the man said as he walked after the major, his eyes scanning the ICV curiously.

" Roderick! Full speed ahead " Roland commanded and the vehicle lurched forward, back toward the tribe.


Sitting on the carpet was a very particular group consisting of an elder nomad, an armored apostle, and a modern German lord of a British empire.

" Your greatness "Torlaf said addressing the apostle" Its an honor to be in your presence " his voice was full of reverence.

The blonde man shook his head" No it is me who is thankful, thanks to you I was able to meet those extraordinary people " he replied.

Alice entered the tent, and saluted to her officer" Sir, we've got a radio transmission.. From HQ " she finished.

The young lord nodded and turning to the other occupants he bowed his head" I am sorry " he apologized" I have to get some information from our HQ " he explained.

The other looked intrigued as they nodded.

Roland hated the antique radio communicator but unfortunately they did not yet established a different means, it will take some more time, he moved it to the correct frequency and finialy a voice came from the communicator "Lord Roland do you hear me?" the voice asked in German.

" Her General, this is major Whitestrake reporting" the boy answered.

The other occupants looked shocked, and Augustus's eyes were full of intrigue as he saw the communicator.

"My lord.. His imperial majesty and Your lord brother contacted us just now... They ask to bring some of the natives to the base as a show of good will" the high general explained.

" I understand her general... Anything else?" he asked.

" No sir.. That's all General Karl out" the transmission was cut.

The young lord turned around only to be met with the bewildered eyes of the old man and the exited look of the other one.

" What was that? How does it work?" the blonde assulted him with questions, to the great annoyance of the noble.

" This is a radio apostle Augustus, it's a device for long ranger communication" he explained briefly, not going into all the details.

" Now to the other topic, Elder Torlaf.. I just got a command from head quarters to invite you and your people to our base, where you will be able to live and under the protection of the German forces of the British empire" he said , extending his hand forward.

The man looked thoughtful for a moment, his eyes closed as he was thinking. Finally after several moments the man opened his eyes " What will it entail to us?" he asked seriously.

" Hmm... Nothing much I believe... Just to abide by our law.. We won't try to charge your way of life" he answered.

The man smiled broadly " Then on behalf of my people I gladly except" the elder answered.

Augustus looked at the young lord expectenl his mouth set in a pout , which prompted the young lord to smile amusedly at the childish expression on the very old person's face - I wander if their brain is in static as well - he thought amusedly.

" Of course apostole Augustus you are welcome to our base too" he answered.

The man jumped up with a scream of excitement " Yay!" he called.

Alice couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing, to the confusion of the two natives.

"Very well" the lord said " Than we will start moving the people toward the mountain".

" I hope it's won't spell any trouble for the empire" Roland thought as he walked slowly out of the tent.

1951 The German forces are stopped near Hiroshima, a year long struggle begun, known as the siege of Hiroshima.

1952: The USA with the help of France forces finally rebuked the Soveit forces, and started to move into Russian territory.

1952 : Italian forces moved into the German lands, but were stopped near Zaltsburg by lord general Richard Whitestrake, and by the end of the year were defeated, losing the capital of Rome in the process, which resulted in the capitulation of Italy to Germany.

1953 : Protests in Germany resulting in the current kanzler to revoke his position, Lord General Richard Whitestrake is elected as the new kanzler, bringing the end to the Japanese - German War and declaring the Neutrality of Germany once again.

1954: Irland asked to return into the British empire for protection, the act of the commonwealth is revoked . Same year Emperor George VI extended the exhausted militarily and resourcefully Germany to join into the empire as a vassalic state, Germany become the first province of the New British empire.

1955 : death of Lev Trotsky, brought the end of the Russian American War, The newly elected president in fear of American retribution requested the acceptance into the Empire the only stable neutral nation on earth.

1955 : Japan is assulted by the Spanish republic, and requested the aid of Emperor George, which was granted under the condition of assimilation into the empire, as a result Japan and Spain added to the empire.

1956 : A delegation of European jews besieged the emperor to grant them a land under the empire, the creation of Israel.

1957 : the United States declaring a war against the imperial crown, France entering an alliance with the states.

The beginning of the Anglo-American war

End of chapter 3.

Sorry for the short chapter.. This should have been part of the previous one.